Ryan did a stream tonight & discussed the new warranty going forward.
Warranties & repairs (as I understand it, something like detached glass bowls) will be handled by the 3 regional authorized retailer in the US (VGoodiez) Canada (PV) & EU (VF). (I will interject here that, indeed, as I previously said, Ryan's working on securing an AU distributor.) However, the repairs for the US-based VG will be forwarded over to Ryan. This way, Canadian & EU customers won't have to deal with the hassle of customs (expense & long delivery times).
Now, if it is a verifiable warranty issue, the unit will be replaced with a new one. Don't know, though, if US warranty repairs will also go back to Ryan for verification before unit replacement.
He mentioned something about Sneaky Pete, Herb Cafe(?) & To The Cloud (well, Cloud-something) also getting or possibly getting some inventory,
but only the 3 aforementioned stores will he handling warranties.
Stephanie now has the title of US Sale Mgr & she is going to try to drum up wholesale orders at stores. Ryan says he's gonna contact small shops & see if he can drum up some grassroots business. And he is gonna do what he himself said he does best tonight -- create.
He said that VG will be getting the V-2, stems, 19/19mm wpa, 6 Zs (2 units of 3 colors) & the new Drydrotube(?) stem. Don't know how soon the others will get a shipment. Got the idea that there won't be anymore V-1s, just V-2.
If I'm right, don't know if this is because the only wood that will be offered will be blackwood OR maybe the V-2 (regardless of woods offered) has some enhancement that the V-1 did not.

I get the feeling, & it's just a feeling, that with the V-2 design, Ryan has taken the Splinter as far as it needs to go.
Mi2 will start to be ready in about 3 - 4 or 5 weeks.
The Drydrotube is an ultra-long cooling stem, which
is really cool.

I'm not sure, so don't quote me, but I think the dimples in the stem may be figured different than the cooling stem.
OK, I'm pretty sure I covered everything. I tried to be as accurate as possible, but it's a little like telephone -- filled in the gaps of
what I didn't clearly catch in the stream (poetic license

) & the specifics as best as I can remember.
Net result, since it's all finally taking shape at the retail level, now it's all about inventory availability ... so we can buy, buy buy!