Dabpress Rosin Plates


Well-Known Member
I do not agree with that.

First of, every cultivar is different

Secondly, starting at 200f, for me personaly, a flavor chaser, just is way to high. Try lower and be amazed. Thank me later?

Every time I press a different cultivar I feel like I am in 'high' school again...

And to close of, I also do not think return will always be higher with higher temps.

It has been my favorit game to play for a long time now.

Edit: by the way, terps are present in rosin at about 1 to 1,5% at most. (we had the tests done by canna during the masters of rosin cup in Barcelona). This means there is more going on here then just 'a loss of terps' and we have no idea for now what the surplus is made up of that we pull out at higher temps (and higher pressure). I myself prefer my rosin to smell like my flowers, gassy gas al day everyday. I really dislike 'hot' rosin, smells burned to me. :2c:
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Well-Known Member
Please enlighten us with your technique @tepictoton I'm all ears man :). Like you've stated every cultivar is unique so temps, pressure and time are all dependent on that but a ball park technique would be useful :tup:.

I suppose that's way pressing rosin is considered a art form.


I actually find lower temp presses tend to run less down the parchment paper and can continue to sit on the plates and cook during the duration of the squish.

As a test try pressing some at 180. Then repress the puck at 250. You will most likely get very little rosin from the repress. Draw your own conclusion from this. :)

I'll definitely have to do some more tests, but I've gotten 50% more rosin doing that with some cultivars like the fluffy sativas. 180F initial press and a 220F repress. It's largely what's caused me to hover around 220. I think Elysian Research noted similar results in their old videos regarding yield vs temperature.

Edit: by the way, terps are present in rosin at about 1 to 1,5% at most. (we had the tests done by canna during the masters of rosin cup in Barcelona).

Is that a typo? That sounds more like the terpene percentages for flower - Rosin can have over 10% terpenes.

Maybe this chart could be interesting for boiling points of different terps.

Does the rosin or flower load ever actually get as hot as the PID temperature?


Well-Known Member
Big difference... I myself feel 7,5% seems very very high.

Could you maybe find those results you mentioned again and the source? I feel there is probably an explanation for this huge difference ...


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, quite a lot of stuff honestly - I find most Kush strains to be pretty harsh when fresh like that. All those gas terps can really leave ya choked up. I do think rosin from fresh flower tends to vape smoother than fresh flower itself though. I've had a lot of stuff which had too much flavor, IMO too much terps leaves a combustion style throat burn which I'm not a fan of.

FWIW quite a few people seem especially sensitive to Pinene.
Thanks man my trusty CA sounding board.:tup: Yes I am dead clear on it now- enough field data collected and analyzed.

It just needs a lttle longer than normal to cure a bit smoother. It will be a combo of the specific strains maybe and their terp profile, the early harvest too, choped up so as not to be curong right anyway, and due to the strain and high concentrations it needs a longer cure time.

That said, it does seem to be calming down a bit already, my mind is at rest on it anyway. Not so much on this cold rainy spell when we just need a little more time to be home and dry and golden.

It seems I overdried the Durban. The buds are well formed but fully open unlike the rest. So they dried out fast in the heatwave.

I filled 2 1 L mason jars with 31 and 33 grams. So pretty dense deslite the visible airiness. And a 0.5 L jar less tha n half full. This morning I checked the smaller jar with a hygrometer which went in at 62% as I was testing it with a Boveda in another jar overnight.

It went quickly down to 42%. Maybe the full jars would be higher, but I put 2 Bovedas in each jar and will leave for a while to see if I can get it back up.

Funny thing is how amazing and strong the smell is already when you consider it is also overdried.
I vaped a bit in Elev8r last night and wow guys- OFFICIALLY the best tasting vapor I ever had. It was like eating Turkish Delight.

Not like smoke or vapor at all, more like breathing in essential oils, but purer, just essence. Strong shit too.

I also have beem presented with the task of testing the very first DigiTi ahead of release. With the new glass concentrate bowl too. This is a duty I cannot shirk off, I have an obligation to fulfill.
I wont be able to serve my master Sebastien without rosin, which means only one thing!!:nod:

Building will now. Just want all chips cached now asap then rest and look forward.
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That just happened...
I'll definitely have to do some more tests, but I've gotten 50% more rosin doing that with some cultivars like the fluffy sativas. 180F initial press and a 220F repress. It's largely what's caused me to hover around 220. I think Elysian Research noted similar results in their old videos regarding yield vs temperature.

220 is where I usually press. I don't get anything additional worth mentioning if I press hotter. One thought I've had is the rosin gets off the plates faster when they are hotter. Maybe the dwell time on the plates is at least as important as the temperature when it comes to preserving terpenes and other compounds.


Well-Known Member
The Practice of Knowing and Knowing in Practices:D
Hey thanks for answering all my questions about DIY plate kits vs the all in one packs.

I am thinking of going for the 3x3 plates with a 10 ton shop press to do 7g at a time. Any thoughts? Your site is out of stock of the 3x3 plates, any chance of restocking or putting up a pack that includes the pre-press and bags? why can't i use the pre-press with the hydraulic press, why only hand pressure? most i have seen pre-press with their shop press to maximize yield

also, for your stainless steel press, is it possible to add an aftermarket pressure gauge? that's the only thing keeping me from choosing this option, i want to be able to measure the pressure... thanks...

edit: Can any customers comment on the stainless steel model hr10t35? It looks great but without any videos of it in use or comments its tough to make the purchase
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Well-Known Member
one more thing this is a great forum and i wanted to thank everyone for their thorough replies to all my questions and the many suggestions, its just very difficult to decide what to get given all the options and conflicting advice.

everything i read on other sites says that anything less than a 10 ton h frame press is a waste of time but then the all in one kits here looks so great so i don't know what to do. I live in a small condo though so the form factor is great and i don't need to press that much at once...

yield isn't that big of a concern id be fine with 15% but i want flavor and low temp presses


Company Rep
Company Rep
everything i read on other sites says that anything less than a 10 ton h frame press is a waste of time but then the all in one kits here looks so great so i don't know what to do. I live in a small condo though so the form factor is great and i don't need to press that much at once...

yield isn't that big of a concern id be fine with 15% but i want flavor and low temp presses

You just want to make sure you are applying enough PSI onto your material. 10 tons is a lot of pressure to have on tap for personal pressings, but it's great if you wanna squish 21g at a shot.

The cylinder pre-press mold, when paired with the rosin filter, will flatten out to a pretty small footprint so you can use a lower tonnage press and still have plenty of PSI on tap to squish it thoroughly. I'm filling those filters with 7g consistantly.

Hash and sift won't need much pressure, so there is always that step if you end up having so much to press and need to get through it.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for answering all my questions about DIY plate kits vs the all in one packs.

I am thinking of going for the 3x3 plates with a 10 ton shop press to do 7g at a time. Any thoughts? Your site is out of stock of the 3x3 plates, any chance of restocking or putting up a pack that includes the pre-press and bags? why can't i use the pre-press with the hydraulic press, why only hand pressure? most i have seen pre-press with their shop press to maximize yield

also, for your stainless steel press, is it possible to add an aftermarket pressure gauge? that's the only thing keeping me from choosing this option, i want to be able to measure the pressure... thanks...

edit: Can any customers comment on the stainless steel model hr10t35? It looks great but without any videos of it in use or comments its tough to make the purchase

1, 3x3" sized plates works great to squish 3.5-7g, paired with 4-10 ton hydraulic press.
2, a batch of dp-rp33 is on the way to Amercia Warehouse, it will be available after 15 days.
3, It is easy to make great puck by hands, it will scratch the surface of heated plates if making puck with hydraulic press.
4, it is easy to over press to your pucks by hydraulic press. We recommend to use " bar clamp" paired with pre press mold
5, Yes! You can intergrate gauge on the hand pump, Be careful, it is easy to leak in process.
6, Video of this SS rosin press is in plan, I hope it will be finished soon.

Many thanks for your quesition!
You just want to make sure you are applying enough PSI onto your material. 10 tons is a lot of pressure to have on tap for personal pressings, but it's great if you wanna squish 21g at a shot.

The cylinder pre-press mold, when paired with the rosin filter, will flatten out to a pretty small footprint so you can use a lower tonnage press and still have plenty of PSI on tap to squish it thoroughly. I'm filling those filters with 7g consistantly.

Hash and sift won't need much pressure, so there is always that step if you end up having so much to press and need to get through it.

Thanks for your answers.
All of new models are in process. I am trying to finish them soon.
Have a great weekend.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I appreciate the quick and thorough responses! You've sold me. Once back in stock I think I will purchase the stainless steel model with the round pre press and give it a shot!

Anything in particular I should look out for when buying a gauge?


Well-Known Member
Wow, I appreciate the quick and thorough responses! You've sold me. Once back in stock I think I will purchase the stainless steel model with the round pre press and give it a shot!

Anything in particular I should look out for when buying a gauge?

Stainless steel Rosin Press is available on our webstore from now on. We will list on ebay or amazon after 1-2 month later.

Screw threading is key point, i will tell you ours tomorrow. Thank you!


NTP 3/8" Threading on the hydraulic ram of this stainless steel rosin press. It is Amercia Stardard.
But i will offer ZG 1/4" threading for future products.
It is more easy to find hydraulic pump in the market.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. Just 2 things: first I left a super glowing review I think it was for google, on my shopping experience with Dabpress.

I just told the absolute truth, which means I gave you guys the best most positive review possible. I expressly stated how there truly wasn't a single aspect of the entire process not to be happy about. (Well okay just one small downside- it wasn't completely free lol, but I was very happy to hand over my money!)

Separately, the Vapecritic demoed an interesting press on his live stream yesterday. A very affordable looking one at $650 for 10 ton hydraulic.
If I had not discovered the wonderful work of Dabpress, this is probably what would get my interest. Would be a lot more than the bottoejack with shipping and extras, but still cheaper than the Nugsmasger OG.

I think Bud is going to also review the Nugsmasher. He didnt seem to be very aware of Dabpress, I tried to raise his attention towards it and others even pointing out that free shipping is possible After People commented on the expensive shipping to order the New York rosin press to the UK.

Anyway the vape critic is on a mission to review the best affordable rosin presses for under $1,000, so I will make certain that he is at least aware of your work Roger @dabpress.com and @psychonaut keep it up guys.


Any thoughts? Do we have some competition? If so just let me loose and send me in!:goon:
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Just so Dab HAppy!
Hey everybody. Just 2 things: first I left a suoer glowing review I think it was for google, on my shopping expwrience with Dabpress.

I just told the absolute truth, which means I gave you guys the best most positive review possible. I expressly stated how there truly wasn't a single aspect of the entire process not to be happy about. (Well okay just one small downside- it wasn't completely free lol, but I was very happy to hand over my money!)

Separately, the Vapecritic demoed an interesting press on his live stream yesterday. A very affordable looking one at $650 for 10 ton hydraulic.
If I had not discovered the wonderful work of Dabpress, this is probably what would get my interest. Would be a lot more than the bottoejack with shipping and extras, but still cheaper than the Nugsmasger OG.

I think Bud is going to also review the Nugsmasher. He didnt seem to be very aware of Dabpress, I tried to raise his attention towards it and others even pointing out that free shipping is possible After People commented on the expensive shipping to order the New York rosin press to the UK.

Anyway the vape critic is on a mission to review the best affordable rosin presses for under $1,000, so I will make certain that he is at least aware of your work Roger @dabpress.com and @psychonaut keep it up guys.


Any thoughts? Do we have some competition? If so just let me loose and send me in!:goon:
No offense to you or Bud, however I don't think he reviews things unless he gets some sort of cut on sales directed from his site. I mean its not like he has reviewed many W9 products or Dnail products however he has reviewed plenty of other concentrate related devices. If he wanted to review the best he would have reviews on them by now.

I also don't consider him someone I would care to hear a review from on presses. Lets get real here. Pressing techniques and knowledge comes more from experience then anything else. This is the first time I have heard of Bud pressing rosin so I can't expect he would havr nearly as much experience as even the newer FC rosineers. He does have an incredible fan base though and it would only be a good thing for dabpress if he reviewed them. Perhaps you can get them talking so they can make a deal.

Lastly, why mention other presses in this thread? I know the title does not reflect it well but I thought this was a dedicated dabpress thread. Maybe I am wrong and either way its not a big deal but from an experienced rosin pressers point of view, I just don't see the reason to mention or even consider there is competition or other suppliers when dabpress has really put themselves at the top of the list with a trail of dust behind them before anyone else can catch up. Their prices are the lowest but their quality is the highest and their R&D is unmatchable.


Honi soit qui mal y pense
I mean to remember Bud made a review on a Rosin Press by NewVape (a year ago?). And in one of his last live seshs Bud just mentioned a local produced/distributed press for around $650.


Well-Known Member
No offense to you or Bud, however I don't think he reviews things unless he gets some sort of cut on sales directed from his site. I mean its not like he has reviewed many W9 products or Dnail products however he has reviewed plenty of other concentrate related devices. If he wanted to review the best he would have reviews on them by now.

I also don't consider him someone I would care to hear a review from on presses. Lets get real here. Pressing techniques and knowledge comes more from experience then anything else. This is the first time I have heard of Bud pressing rosin so I can't expect he would havr nearly as much experience as even the newer FC rosineers. He does have an incredible fan base though and it would only be a good thing for dabpress if he reviewed them. Perhaps you can get them talking so they can make a deal.

Lastly, why mention other presses in this thread? I know the title does not reflect it well but I thought this was a dedicated dabpress thread. Maybe I am wrong and either way its not a big deal but from an experienced rosin pressers point of view, I just don't see the reason to mention or even consider there is competition or other suppliers when dabpress has really put themselves at the top of the list with a trail of dust behind them before anyone else can catch up. Their prices are the lowest but their quality is the highest and their R&D is unmatchable.
My only interest is helping us all as a community to be aware of the various press options out there and build an understanding of the pros and cons and limitations between them. If tnere is some bonus feature to the NY press which makes it very compettitive with the Dabpresses, I just think it would be useful if we had a better insight into the specific differences.

I want only thr ebest success for Dabpress. I fully intend to see if Bud is interested on reviewing the Dabpresses of course. But for all I know this NY press may be an excellent option. Im not trying to promote it at all. I very much intend to promote and recommend Dabpress to all. But I dont know enough about this and presses (basically nothing) in order to understand how these options differ. That is the only reason I mention it, to draw it to attention so that when people are influenced by Bud's review, they may have heard of Dabpress and are undecided or confused as I am myself as a noobie to all this.

So I just am trying to get a better picture of these things in my own mind as well, so that I can maybe direct others a bit better. I wasn't meaning to be so literal, I was just very interested personally because when I was looking into my own possible affordable options a month back I was dismayed at the lack of appealing options and this New York press would have immediately caught my attention.

So I hope to be able to suggest Dabpress to others who may ask, with a better understanding of why instead of just blindly recommending Dabpress . There will surely be some serious competition and innovation in this area from now on. Roger has an awsome attitude. He does the best work he can for our own good. He is always innovating and improving, and he is also openly supportive of other manufacturers whose products he believes are good quality.

I can genuinely see somebody asking Roger for advice on some of his models compared to the New York one. And so I also was just bringing this to his attention for that possible occasion because if there is a significant advantage to his own models it would be nice if he could give clear and dependable advice on this.

So those were my thoughts, and I am sorry you are quite right not the way to do it but my intentions were good. Regarding Bud and his press reviews I do think he has honorable intentions to raise people's awareness of cheaper and affordable options. He does not claim to be a rosineer or expert in any capacity and admits being fairly new to rosin and not into it heavily either but he has received so many enquiries and requests over the last year or so for advice on buying a decent press which is not too bulky and not too expensive.

So I sincerely hope he will include Dabpress in this, but I thought if I had some insight on the NY press and Dabpress simiarities, it would help the situation.

I want to recommend Dabpress as strongly as you do in your last sentence, but more understanding I need in order to honestly do so.

Btw @dabpress.com Im not asking you for any reply or thoughts here. I was just throwing it out there without thinking. Thanks Roger.:tup:.
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Company Rep
Company Rep
@Alexis that is certainly competition and I think the whole world can rejoice. IMO, rosin presses were much like everything else cannabis related. Overpriced! What you're seeing is starting to be in line with what would be acceptable pricing for a lot of consumers as the large markup just isint there.

A few things to consider - These all-in-one units are heavy. If your curious how much they cost to ship, just plug in the weight and box dimensions into your courier of choice for a quote. So, surprisingly to the unknowing, these presses contain a fair bit of shipping cost in their price.

Most people also do not have the funds/needs/space for multiple presses, what you'll generally see, aside from reviewers who dont have affiliations or bias, they'll get sent demo units for review purposes. The average consumer will have either a) upgraded from something with less capacity or function in some form (generally smaller, less pressure devices like a hair straightener to 3x5" uncaged plates), b) first time purchaser with little or no prior experience.

Comparing units in this thread is fine by me and AFAIK within the rules, I would like to keep the focus on the products we offer as it's simple enough to create a new thread for other company's products, and really IMO, the best thread on FC for Rosin Tech is our oldest and most popular thread, it seems to get the absolute most attention, versus the echo chamber of this thread here. I would urge FC members to make discussions there, and certainly findings could be posted here for comparisons sake.

However, now that we see there is some competition in this form factor and price, what do you all consider bring value to a rosin press? I would love to hear everyones points.

Bud actually helped me make my choice on the crafty several years ago. I value his opinion, and he actually knows about Dabpress since at least April of this year as his forum had a discussion on it at one point. I'm not sure how his reviewing structure is, or if he's reached out to Roger in the past, but it could be that nobody had approached him with the product yet?

I tend to agree the rosin crew here at FC seems to be leaps and bounds above most other forums, you can find gems everywhere but as far as the catalog. FC has a vast supply of experience to provide for the tech.

Thank you for your review @Alexis! Were you able to get a squish done yet or still waiting on the buds?
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Well-Known Member
@Alexis that is certainly competition and I think the whole world can rejoice. IMO, rosin presses were much like everything else cannabis related. Overpriced! What you're seeing is starting to be in line with what would be acceptable pricing for a lot of consumers as the large markup just isint there.

A few things to consider - These all-in-one units are heavy. If your curious how much they cost to ship, just plug in the weight and box dimensions into your courier of choice for a quote. So, surprisingly to the unknowing, these presses contain a fair bit of shipping cost in their price.

Most people also do not have the funds/needs/space for multiple presses, what you'll generally see, aside from reviewers who dont have affiliations or bias, they'll get sent demo units for review purposes. The average consumer will have either a) upgraded from something with less capacity or function in some form (generally smaller, less pressure devices like a hair straightener to 3x5" uncaged plates), b) first time purchaser with little or no prior experience.

Comparing units in this thread is fine by me and AFAIK within the rules, I would like to keep the focus on the products we offer as it's simple enough to create a new thread for other company's products, and really IMO, the best thread on FC for Rosin Tech is our oldest and most popular thread, it seems to get the absolute most attention, versus the echo chamber of this thread here. I would urge FC members to make discussions there, and certainly findings could be posted here for comparisons sake.

However, now that we see there is some competition in this form factor and price, what do you all consider bring value to a rosin press? I would love to hear everyones points.

Bud actually helped me make my choice on the crafty several years ago. I value his opinion, and he actually knows about Dabpress since at least April of this year as his forum had a discussion on it at one point. I'm not sure how his reviewing structure is, or if he's reached out to Roger in the past, but it could be that nobody had approached him with the product yet?

I tend to agree the rosin crew here at FC seems to be leaps and bounds above most other forums, you can find gems everywhere but as far as the catalog. FC has a vast supply of experience to provide for the tech.

Thank you for your review @Alexis! Were you able to get a squish done yet or still waiting on the buds?
Thanks very much for your thoughts and the thorough insight and explanation on this. If I had seen the NYpress a while ago, I would have sought advice on how it differs from the Dabpress models. I would really like to be able to direct others with similar inexperience to understand their options better that is all. I wish to support Dabpress in every possible way.

I hear you on the shipping. And like I say I already tried to inform people that the Dabpresses come can with with free shipping. I will without question speak very strongly for Roger's customer service and all round manner and ethos, on both a business and personal level from what I have seen so far, being absolutely outstanding.

Not to be a blindfolded fanboy of course. And this is why I hope to have an insight into the different presses available so that I can give others advice on pros and cons and value for money etc, taking into account destination shipping Customs you name it, before we even get into the nitty gritty details of actual pressing and individual requirements in that regard.

@psychonaut no mate I have not begun my pressing carrer yet, it is still unboxed. This is about a new direction for me and looking to the Future positively. I was never planning to buy a press at this time while numerous projects are being undertaken, it was very spontaneous.

I am very excited about this Direction but I am waiting until my mind is fully relaxed before I switch my attention to making it happen at the right time very soon.

Just riding out a bit of weather here in the UK at the moment had some rain and damp with inevitable bud rot to monitor we still need a little more time it looks like this week will be better except one day fingers crossed, as soon as this is complete and I know exactly what we have things will be so much clearer looking forward.

Thanks Psycho for your and Roger's amazing attitude and all the excellent info you provide, I learn from every bit of it even the more familiar bits.

Wishing you all a nice week. :)
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