Dan did a stream on Friday night & it's up for viewing. It was a pleasant, laid-back, shorter-than-usual stream. It was good. Sasquatch(?) joined in for a few.
But before I get into that, Dan's most recent IG Stories had pics of the the new coils being used. There are 6-wrapped coils, obviously ss or kanthal --

what the difference being at the moment. And they have horizontal cuts across the width of the metal making it flexible/bendable, snake like. I'm obviously out of my league, here, guys.

I wanted to link to the coils on his IG page, but he hasn't put up any pics.
@supershredderdan, if you can, please post those pics of the coil you had up on your stories recently to you IG page. Oh, & also pics of the 18 to 14 ss adapter prototype. & do you think you can setup a subreddit for the Stempod? I setup a link to your username so I don't miss your posts, but I have to do a search for the Stempod threads every time I go over there so I don't miss anything new. It would nice if all the threads were in the same sub-group that I could just click on. Thanks.)
& he said that most of the pre-orders went out on Friday & the remaining will be mailed out today. What I know for sure is that this board is gonna be poppin' when they're finally in hand.
Anyway, for those who for whatever reason have issues with IG -- I don't, as it's a means to keep me informed in the vape world -- here's a summary:
Dan said he would be discussing in another stream, using the VXL Evo basket screen in the SP & how that went.
He also is testing out, in this stream, an 18mm male to 14mm male gong for sale on the website for use with 14mm rigs.
He showed a nice 14 or 18mm clear glass stem; 14, I think. I
think he said he got some glass in that he's checking out. And he said he was considering a glass screen. This would be right up my alley as I'm not a metal screen person, although I can't wait to hear how the evo basket worked in the SP. But I love my e-nano fixed glass screen gongs & stem.
I believe he used an evic mini running FJ because he used cruise mode. & If I'm correct only FJ has cruise.
His settings were:
tcr 215
temp 385 then to 405 & last couple of hits 420. And boy, he got a lot of huge hits through water on that 1 bowl.
Coil: .26 thereabouts*
For cruise, he used a 300 sec cut off.
*Batteries were exhausted when he began so he said when you are swapping batts on a hot SP, after turning off, blow through SP so it cools down so that when you turn it back on after batt swap it will read the coil correctly. His coil setting after the batt change was .26.
And that's all I know, folks.