@JamesTiberiousKirk - I agree Titanium is safer than Aluminium and if Americans choose to spell and pronounce the word differently who cares? It's not the first time and it won't be the last.Titanium is not only safer than aluminum, but less likely to have British persons correct you on the spelling and pronunciation.
When I was in physio for my spine injury, my therapist and I got to chatting about cannabis. Once she knew I was a fan of the “green” she suggested I come to the sessions baked. Yes, it made it all the more enjoyable and actually helped her work on the injury because I was “loosey-goosey” lol. My VC surly helped for that quick sesh before my appt.The massage was in a professional clinic, not my vanOn the first visit I took a second hit 10 minutes before the appointment, stepped out of the van and said, "whoa, maybe I shouldn't have done that", LOL
McMaster-CarrMy tip is a little loose so I think it’s time to replace the high-temp o rings. Where do people typically buy in bulk?
Did you get a happy ending?
Interestingly enough......
Some years back I had such a service provider that was a bit further away, and one cannot argue against the added relaxation and indeed health benefit one receives from that. And this young lady really really liked me. But for me I have been so fortunate to have found a few therapists who literally put their heart and soul into providing such wonderful healing, life changing massage over the last 5 years or so that I made a choice that I still do not understand when I stop to think about it. Not mutually exclusive, but so it has unfolded
@JamesTiberiousKirk - I agree Titanium is safer than Aluminium and if Americans choose to spell and pronounce the word differently who cares? It's not the first time and it won't be the last.
I think a more interesting subject would be why have so many words been changed. Can't all be down to petulance and dyslexia!
That IS a great shot, thanks for reposting it. The flowers are VERY close in color to the Ti. I missed it on the first go...
Anybody seen this induction heater on Etsy ??
https://www.etsy.com/listing/613074944/vapcap-induction-heater?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=induction heater&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&more_colors=1
It looks nice enough ...
I will generously offer to take that Nano and Mighty off your hands....I wouldnt want them to never get used again, and I certainly dont want you to be sadEver since i have received my M, i am sad to say my Solo, Mighty, Air, and Nano have been collecting dust
Yes, it does look nice. I like the battery readout. Looks high quality. About $166 to USA I guess.
Gotta also consider warranty...and how much it would be to ship back if needed.
One of the pics shows the person vaping it while in the heater...weird.
Fully agree , just putting it out there . I’m actually more than happy with my portside and portside mini that I copped from Pipes . They were both much cheaper and work great .
Oooo! Is that an IH??? I need that in my life.