@Shannock alright man! Sounds like you & I are homeboys! Nice to know there's another 'capper in my corner of the 3rd rock. The Broads are really one of those one-of-a-kind things that this rather small island is blessed with so many of. What a lovely picture of your day's activities!
@stark1 Just saw a doc on the canals of Britain, I swear the British can make a really interesting documentary about literally anything. Especially history and nature, I'm just fascinated... I've been loving your posts and pics my friend and while I have been out of action, I've not been able to request a picture of the ever-lovable Moose. Maybe I missed some, this thread is absolutely insane!
Leaving on a jet plane in the morning to the USofA, an unplanned and tbf, unpleasant journey. One of those must-be-done things we've all either have done or will do. Planning my own funeral at age 20 made me acutely aware of my mortality and I've known since that my time could be up anytime. None of that helps me when it comes to the passing of friends though...
So get out there and live & love people!
I'm packing an M just in case our (non-herbaceous but sympathetic) host has thought to purloin material. She has done in the past but I can't assume and didn't ask. Jeebus help me if not... I will have to resort to pharmaceuticals, not nearly as effective and those killer side effects. Ah well, tis a prohibition state... Anybody know of a postal service?!
True Story: I was a Morrocan gang boss for many years, organising butt-smugglers.
@Skunkport is indeed correct, "mules" that could reliably stow the Nine-bars were few and far between. Most would get nervous and were liable to drop their load

at the wrong time. That was a pretty stressful gig...
Can you fuckers of combustion tell I've missed you? I'm ready to chime in on dude-bro demographics, flaming o-rings, acids that I
don't want to eat, getting old but feeling young, and the meaning of life!!!
But most of all, let's talk about the DynaVap 4th of July "Independence from Torches" IH Release!!!*
shameless rumour mongering

Love you, my crazy collection of crack-potheads! I'll catch you on the flip-side!
EDIT: Just got the birthday banner popping up at midnight, wasn't expecting that and it startled the shit out of me! I'll be acting like Granpa Simpson any day now!