Quartz Banger Thread


Hash Vacuum
While the banger is hot or cold ? That will remove the brown stains ? If so I'll pick it up this weekend and give it a try but it seemed like those brown stains may never come off.

I do it cold but Id assume you could do it warmish, its literally like brushing your teeth, the baking soda mechanically polishes the surface, you're not relying on chemicals really with this method.....fixes scratched cds/dvds too.


Well-Known Member
I do it cold but Id assume you could do it warmish, its literally like brushing your teeth, the baking soda mechanically polishes the surface, you're not relying on chemicals really with this method.....fixes scratched cds/dvds too.
White toothpaste will also fix cd's/dvds I used to use that way back. Well I hope this works if not no big deal as I bought a spare .


4ShOObY3 - IG
@Justpassedu Yea.. I get that too from the coils on the side of the banger. Each day, i try to scrub it with at least 10-15 qtips using iso and distilled then let is soak over night in iso. next day, ill whip it off and torch off the rest. Do not use a dabber to scratch it off tho. I had a really stubborn black spot and used a pointed dabber to scratch it off. I got it off and left scratches on the banger. Its real I will grab some quartz dark crystal cleaner soon to clean the bangers better.

Maintenance is the key with this Insert, banger & Coil set up. After my dabs, i first use a qtip and wipe the top half of the banger walls that was splashed or got splattered with oil. then use the same qtip to clean out the inside of the insert. I then remove the insert using tweezers and wipe the sides of the inserts with a paper towel. Qtip the rest of the banger, than use a few iso and distilled qtips on the banger. I go through about 5 qtips for each dab to keep that ship clean. I try to be lazy and just clean the insert and i ended up scratching the chazz off. You need to get tweezers if your messing with inserts. I dont really mess with the sapphire insert much. I leave that shit inside until it cools. I am worried about thermal shock but my 20mm sapp is already cracked. With quartz and Obsidian, i just remove and wipe as stated above.

Gonna have to try baking soda...... THanks!!!

This can be resolved with adjusting temp.

I have been enjoying the drop in dabs. I heat up to 800F ish on torch. Wait like 5-10 secs then drop my XL 20mm quartz insert filled with sauce inside the banger and cap. Doesnt work with Obsidian as it couldnt heat up from the quartz and dont have the balls to do it with sapphire.


Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
@Justpassedu Yea.. I get that too from the coils on the side of the banger. Each day, i try to scrub it with at least 10-15 qtips using iso and distilled then let is soak over night in iso. next day, ill whip it off and torch off the rest. Do not use a dabber to scratch it off tho. I had a really stubborn black spot and used a pointed dabber to scratch it off. I got it off and left scratches on the banger. Its real I will grab some quartz dark crystal cleaner soon to clean the bangers better.

Maintenance is the key with this Insert, banger & Coil set up. After my dabs, i first use a qtip and wipe the top half of the banger walls that was splashed or got splattered with oil. then use the same qtip to clean out the inside of the insert. I then remove the insert using tweezers and wipe the sides of the inserts with a paper towel. Qtip the rest of the banger, than use a few iso and distilled qtips on the banger. I go through about 5 qtips for each dab to keep that ship clean. I try to be lazy and just clean the insert and i ended up scratching the chazz off. You need to get tweezers if your messing with inserts. I dont really mess with the sapphire insert much. I leave that shit inside until it cools. I am worried about thermal shock but my 20mm sapp is already cracked. With quartz and Obsidian, i just remove and wipe as stated above.

Gonna have to try baking soda...... THanks!!!

This can be resolved with adjusting temp.

I have been enjoying the drop in dabs. I heat up to 800F ish on torch. Wait like 5-10 secs then drop my XL 20mm quartz insert filled with sauce inside the banger and cap. Doesnt work with Obsidian as it couldnt heat up from the quartz and dont have the balls to do it with sapphire.

I'm surprised the Obsidian insert doesn't work well for drop-in up-temp dabs.
Not sure of the chemical composition, but thought that the thermal properties in general would be similar to SiC which has ~100x the thermal transmission than that of quartz.
Do you have a SiC insert for comparison's sake?

I wouldn't feel comfortable dropping in an sapphire insert either.


4ShOObY3 - IG
I'm surprised the Obsidian insert doesn't work well for drop-in up-temp dabs.
Not sure of the chemical composition, but thought that the thermal properties in general would be similar to SiC which has ~100x the thermal transmission than that of quartz.
Do you have a SiC insert for comparison's sake?

I wouldn't feel comfortable dropping in an sapphire insert either.

I only have a 30mm SiC. I got the 20mm around Xmas and the SiC wasnt available at that time as the obsidian was out.

I was quite surprised too that i was getting almost no vape with it. I was so excited to get nothing. Tried 3-5 times since and once, i got decent vape and that was like dropping it in at 900F and waiting for it to bubble which it did but barely any vape came out. I had to take a torch and heat the banger some more while the insert is inside to finish the drop in dab with obsidian. The obsidian does drop pretty hard into the bucket tho as its much heavier than the quartz.

Here is what i have noticed using my ir gun when torching. When using the sapphire insert inside a quartz banger, the sapphire is about 70 to 100F hotter than the quartz wall.


Hash Vacuum
I'm surprised the Obsidian insert doesn't work well for drop-in up-temp dabs.
Not sure of the chemical composition, but thought that the thermal properties in general would be similar to SiC which has ~100x the thermal transmission than that of quartz.
Do you have a SiC insert for comparison's sake?

I wouldn't feel comfortable dropping in an sapphire insert either.

I think its because SIC absorbs the heat and releases it so fast....assuming we are still talking torch drop ins, I think you'd need more heated mass for the SIC heat up enough


Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
I think its because SIC absorbs the heat and releases it so fast....assuming we are still talking torch drop ins, I think you'd need more heated mass for the SIC heat up enough

Hmmm ...
I'm thinking of breaking out my 20mm V3 Liger for some SiC dropins powered via coil.
@Shooby is doing both torch and coil powered drop (I think).

I suppose for the uptemp dab a quartz insert would heat more slowly than a SiC, giving one more time for the different terpenes to vaporize at their various boiling (?) points.
Was initially thinking that a SiC insert would be superior for an uptemp drop because of the faster heat transmission rate, but maybe that would be a detriment?



4ShOObY3 - IG
Hmmm ...
I'm thinking of breaking out my 20mm V3 Liger for some SiC dropins powered via coil.
@Shooby is doing both torch and coil powered drop (I think).

I suppose for the uptemp dab a quartz insert would heat more slowly than a SiC, giving one more time for the different terpenes to vaporize at their various boiling (?) points.
Was initially thinking that a SiC insert would be superior for an uptemp drop because of the faster heat transmission rate, but maybe that would be a detriment?

I wasted a lot of sauce with this drop in insert experimenting using both quartz and obsidian. But still ended up wrecked! But its fun.. I would advise to just do it!

With drop in, i have tried coil, but the AH doesnt get hot enough for the obsidian it feels. Torch, i get it to where my IR gun says HI instead of a temp which is 1,000F i believe. Then wait about 10 secs to cool to 900 ish to drop. Any lower, i also noticed it bubbling but not vaping. I think the quartz temp drops very fast when you add the cold insert in it. But yes.. its very flavorful. I havent tried drop in with quartz using coil. Lately, i have enjoyed a dab or two a night using a torch. But my 25 other dabs will be on coil.

Tonight's missions is try drop ins with both opaques with coil and torch.

My MiniNail 35mm will arrive tomorrow and should be able to try some drop ins with the larger obsidian with torch and coil.


Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
I wasted a lot of sauce with this drop in insert experimenting using both quartz and obsidian. But still ended up wrecked! But its fun.. I would advise to just do it!

With drop in, i have tried coil, but the AH doesnt get hot enough for the obsidian it feels. Torch, i get it to where my IR gun says HI instead of a temp which is 1,000F i believe. Then wait about 10 secs to cool to 900 ish to drop. Any lower, i also noticed it bubbling but not vaping. I think the quartz temp drops very fast when you add the cold insert in it. But yes.. its very flavorful. I havent tried drop in with quartz using coil. Lately, i have enjoyed a dab or two a night using a torch. But my 25 other dabs will be on coil.

Tonight's missions is try drop ins with both opaques with coil and torch.

My MiniNail 35mm will arrive tomorrow and should be able to try some drop ins with the larger obsidian with torch and coil.

Oooooh, MiniNail 35? Link?
Dropping in the 30mm inserts is not as user friendly as the 20mms.
I couldn't get a good grip from the inside of the insert using forceps (what I use with the 20mm inserts).
I have seen some reverse expanding tweezers from Eternal Quartz that have silicone gripper tips; would probably work well.

I've gotten a saphhire insert wedged within the bucket; not paying attention and placing the insert into the bucket slightly askew.
Wasn't pretty.
Combination of penetrating lubricant, 1"1/8" dowel rod and a rubber mallet (and some sweat caused by a growing sense of trepidation) remedied the situation with no causalities.


Well-Known Member
So I’ve been putting my d-nail sapphire in my 54mm mayoral nail and using it as insert and I absolutely love it. Wish I had a 30mm for the liger, but I’m considering just getting the actual dish from adapt tech at this point.


4ShOObY3 - IG
So I’ve been putting my d-nail sapphire in my 54mm mayoral nail and using it as insert and I absolutely love it. Wish I had a 30mm for the liger, but I’m considering just getting the actual dish from adapt tech at this point.

The 30mm sapphire is awesome in a banger. I am also waiting for the 24mm sapphire from Nautilus too. in a couple of weeks!!!!! $400 gone.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I've never used drop-ins before. I want to try them out.
Any advice?


4ShOObY3 - IG
I've never used drop-ins before. I want to try them out.
Any advice?

First, grab a quartz insert of your choice. There are many options to choose from. American made ones are Halen, Eternal, Cryptic Culture and even CCA to name a few. Those are about $40-100 each. I am sure there is a shit load of no name american made quartz insert for less like $15-25 each. Stay with quartz for drop ins tho for now. There are also China options as well for much less.

Once you got your right size insert for your quartz banger, torch that bucket to about 800F and wait 5-10 secs and drop in. Once dropped, wait another 5-10 secs for it to melt and bubble and cap. You should know the rest. What make drop in so nice is that you dont have to worry about waiting for the quartz to cool as you want it hot.

Just dont do sapphire insert drop ins.
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Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
The 30mm sapphire is awesome in a banger. I am also waiting for the 24mm sapphire from Nautilus too. in a couple of weeks!!!!! $400 gone.

What banger are you using for the 30mm Liger inserts?
Did Joe Halen make you that 35mmOD/32mmID banger you made reference to earlier?

So I’ve been putting my d-nail sapphire in my 54mm mayoral nail and using it as insert and I absolutely love it. Wish I had a 30mm for the liger, but I’m considering just getting the actual dish from adapt tech at this point.

I've been eyeing the Mayoral 40mm for use with the 30mm Liger inserts.
How much room is there between the Halo and the walls of the 54mm Mayoral?
Are you torching or have a big ass coil?


4ShOObY3 - IG
What banger are you using for the 30mm Liger inserts?
Did Joe Halen make you that 35mmOD/32mmID banger you made reference to earlier?

I've been eyeing the Mayoral 40mm for use with the 30mm Liger inserts.
How much room is there between the Halo and the walls of the 54mm Mayoral?
Are you torching or have a big ass coil?

I'm using a dhgaye banger. But this banger cannot be used with a coil cuz the next is half way down and the bucket is not tall. So 60% of the coil sticks out from under. I'm gonna order the Galaxy 35mm banger that @Justpassedu mentioned. It's costly at $75 shipped and im not too sure if it's American or china.

Joel halen hasn't replied back to me since Wed or Tuesday that I asked him for an update. I expected him to take a week or two to get the quartz rod of that size. I'll update once he does.

I thought about the mayoral 40mm but it only has 2mm walls and a price tag of $270 I think. I think all mayoral have 2mm walls and 4mm bottoms. And the 6.5mm tolerance was just too great for $270.


Well-Known Member
@Shooby it is most likely made in China . I like it though, it’s not so thick but I like that bc it heats a bit quicker and also most likely allows me to go a drop lower temps but I have no clue. It works well for me , definetly not the best out there, really cool being 35mm though. I like it, prob not worth the $75 but I got a combo deal and sold off the enail so the banger and coil together didn’t cost me much at all. By the way guys I got those brown stains off my banger in like 8 minutes simple with no heat . I made a mixture of iso and pbw in the actual banger and used the pbw as a abrasive while scrubbing with a qtip . Than a rinse of warm water and she’s brand spanking new again . Definitely give it a try .


4ShOObY3 - IG
I'm gonna order one of the Galaxy bangers on Tuesday or Monday. Was hoping for a memorial day sale but oh well. $75 it is on this banger. The banger I have from DHGate can't be used with an email coil. The neck is in the middle of the short bucket. The Galaxy 35mm has the neck much higher which I hope will fit this 35mm coil that's like over an inch high.

Another reason this banger doesn't work is because the ID isn't big enough. The sapphire expanded to the point it couldn't move. This amazed me. The banger is suppose to have 2mm walls leaving 31mm ID. The sapphire is only 29.50mm. so with heat at 500 f at the dish, the sapphire expanded over 1.5mm in OD. Adapt tech has been talking about heat expansion but I didn't realize this much.


Hash Vacuum
I'm gonna order one of the Galaxy bangers on Tuesday or Monday. Was hoping for a memorial day sale but oh well. $75 it is on this banger. The banger I have from DHGate can't be used with an email coil. The neck is in the middle of the short bucket. The Galaxy 35mm has the neck much higher which I hope will fit this 35mm coil that's like over an inch high.

Another reason this banger doesn't work is because the ID isn't big enough. The sapphire expanded to the point it couldn't move. This amazed me. The banger is suppose to have 2mm walls leaving 31mm ID. The sapphire is only 29.50mm. so with heat at 500 f at the dish, the sapphire expanded over 1.5mm in OD. Adapt tech has been talking about heat expansion but I didn't realize this much.

Which dish expanded that much? I dont think any dish of any material I have ever used has expanded that much?
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