SHERLOCK CITY!What about a j hook for an extended airpath.
I had some ROMULAN OG (INDICA DOMINATE) = SELF INDUCED COMAI love the nano through a j-hook also. I usually flip it right-side up and sip off the hook.
Just broke up the last GSC nug and started enjoying it. In fact, I've used up all my daytime hybrid stuff. Gotta hit the dispensary. All I have left is heavy indica.
Not that I'm complaining. I used to scrape and smoke (combust) bowls of resin tar in my younger days when weed was low.
Not that I'm complaining. I used to scrape and smoke (combust) bowls of resin tar in my younger days when weed was low.
if Bill Gates drinks filtered Urine
I dropped my NANO 2X today!F*ck!! It will take a while to get that image out of my mind! LOL
F*ck!! It will take a while to get that image out of my mind! LOL
S: Forgot to say I tried the EpicVape xtra-long stem
@UnevenPizza Hey man, thanks for those kind words. The folks in this thread have helped me so everyone is important to me. I've been missing @flotntoke since mid-August and he was a longtime regular with great insights I thought. Just gone, not a "up yours, I'm outta here", nothing.
As far as conditioning the wood, don't use commercial furniture polish on your Nano. Those are made for sealed wood. AFAIK, Nanos don't have a finish, they're just sanded and given a beeswax rubdown. You were on the right track thinking wax/butter. Use traditional beeswax, it will usually have a small amount of oil added, linseed or hemp or walnut.
If you've never conditioned the wood, it will benefit greatly and I find it to be a satisfying job. At least once a month, after the Nano has been on all day and the wood is warm throughout, I unplug the cord at the body and use a small amount of beeswax and a soft cloth to apply on all the wood. Then another cloth to buff it out. When I got mine, it hadn't been maintained for over a year and it soaked the beeswax up the first few times. I would do several light applications, letting it soak in each time and only buffing at the end. Soon, the cherrywood became a bit darker and the grain popped out, it's just beautiful! It looks completely different to how it did when I got it and that's less than six months ago. Your Nano will love you for it!
PS: Forgot to say I tried the EpicVape xtra-long stem, limited testing is yielding good results but much more data via rigorous research is required. But I really like the length, it makes me feel like UnevenPizza's avatar. The best bit was the personalised thank you note from Nadia, unless Andy has pretty handwriting. That level of CS, even during a busy time, makes me love my Nano even more.
Which 'long stems' is this. I note on the Epic site, they have a VERY long stem but its not for the Enano:
Then they show GonGs and "long stems" but they look like just the standard Enano dry stem, here:
What am I missing?
The regular stem is 15mm, 6 inches
The longer stem is 21mm, 8 1/4 inches
@Baron23 If it says long stem for Nano, that's it. Just a little more than 2 inches difference but I like it quite a bit, but then I like the regular dry stem a lot. I'm not sure about what's showing as available on the website right now but I think both are in stock. If you're unsure, I would just get with @nadia_epic
I am thouroughly confused by the long stem /extra long stem ordeal. But today a lot of things seem a bit...awry?
If you start finding your lost stuff you are fine if you go deeper and start finding other people stuff you have crossed over the upholstery barrier. Good LuckI've thought about the long stem, but don't see how it would be any better than the J-hook I already have. It would just be for the novelty of having one.
Which I might very well do.
I just had a heavy indica, and now I'm sinking into the couch. Sinking ever deeper.![]()
Which 'long stems' is this. I note on the Epic site, they have a VERY long stem but its not for the Enano:
Then they show GonGs and "long stems" but they look like just the standard Enano dry stem, here:
What am I missing?
Hi Nadia - thanks....might want to check the second link you posted goes to a page with a number of products, none of which are the 6" stem???The picture for the Adjustable E-Nano Long Stem ( and the Adjustable E-Nano Stem ( are in fact the same picture. Sorry for the confusion, our lazy web designer (me) went with what they (still me) had to get the product up asap. The long stem is in fact a couple inches longer, because sometimes size does matter.
The Direct Draw Glass for EV2 is not compatible. This item is for use with a discontinued product.
Sorry for the delay in checking in, between Black Friday madness and a touch of the flu I am off my FC game.
Hope you are all enjoying your Nanos!