Respect to you man! You know I was saying to my Mum earlier how many quality, sound and caring people I meet online. And in contrast in the real world I feel completely let down by people.
It just seems like everybody is an asshole who only gives a shit about themselves. I don't really have any good friends to be honest, and I can honestly say but I've always been a far better friend to all of my friends then they have ever been to me.
Just on reflection I mean, I'm really not trying to sound arsey, but I honestly feel let down by the vast majority of people in the "real" world. We are supoosed to help each other (and believe me I do really need help to cope most of the time, instead people just give me shit- judge, misunderstand, make me feel worse), like in the good old days when there was a comminity and family was family!
On this forum alone I have come across so many genuine, caring people with a heart of gold. You all truly help me here thank you!
I had another thought- perhaps we should all have our own individual Flowerpot thread?
Then I can put all my gibbering nonsense into my thread, and you guys can read it when you are bored and have nothing else to do, instead of having to read through my philosophical rantings just to find out the real goss around here!

(Serious point underneath actually, our own threads I mean.)
This is exactly what I was saying to
@ataxian earlier. Ataxian these reports are very suggestive that you may be content with only flower, if you could operate the Flowerpot safely.
And these comments
@Danksta are music to my own ears. I have never tried concentrates and won't be as far as I can see. I am purely flower, so I won't be feeling left out in the cold at all seeing you all enjoying your concentrates so much and really maximising the experience.
I can trust that what I have is more than good enough and be perfectly happy with that!
This just made me think that it may be to do with the flower being a "whole plant medicine" that it can rival or surpass the effects of dabs.
And possibly usually a vaporizer is not sophisticated or capable enough of maximising the potential of the flower, which falls shorts of being a complete medicine.
And now the Showerhead has optimised the extraction possibly to a higher level than any vaporizer in present history (not sure what they had in Atlantis

And Voila! It makes sense anyway, and is very appealing.
I really am so very excited to know that I will join you soon. If I can't tolerate the vaporizer then I will move on and I won't let it get me down, but there are so many variables to play with, and it is possible that I will tolerate the Flowerpot better than some other models I have struggled with, like the Herborizer Ti.
Good day today! Hope is back. It was long gone for a while, going through sheer murder with die off and healing symptoms, nerve aggravation etc.
I truly thought the nightmare would never end. The only thing I was feeling certain about was that I am going to get a Flowerpot no matter what, but deep down hoping that I will also be well enough to enjoy it properly!
Today I feel remarkably better. I finally listed my Aromed in the classifieds. Took me nearly 3 years, but that is promising and then the gateway is practically clear!
Don't know how long it will last but all round I'm feeling a 100% more positive about life today.
It's uncanny to feel so remarkably different in such a short space of time. But this is the nature of healing, a remarkable thing when it comes right and stays right. Plenty more ups and downs to come I am sure, but at least I can have this check points and joyous taste of relief and wellness.