Eh... I guess if you're really into concentrates and use more of them than you do flower.
Thanks for your feedback bro, i'm 95-99% flower and 1-5% rosin so it's probably not even worth it. I still even wonder how someone can detect a stainless screen through the power of flower. I have a Ti screen and haven't even replaced the included stainless because it tastes
awesome? I'll eventually make the switch, and I have a super sensitive palate, yet haven't ever been able to detect a stainless screen. For those that CAN detect it, i'd love to see a blind pepsi test!
Sorry I haven't been able to update my experience on the SH! Moving homes soon so ive been really busy packing.
So you,
@lazylathe, and I are all moving at the same time!

No apology required, I was just busting your chops bro. SO happy you're loving it as I am! I guess you don't miss/regret selling the herbo ti? What about compared to your og setup?
I think I may be purchasing the OG bowl.
Same here!
Also, about the EQ screens for micro dosing I tried them in the new bowl designs and am not a fan of it. It makes cleaning up messier IMO. The SH air intake holes now cover the whole bowl area so a normal screen is good enough. I'll be purchasing the errlectric screens soon, thanks everyone who recommended those! :-)
Confused here....
@muunch was it you that said that the eq screens do not work in the new bowl design? Honestly though, the stock screen is awesome....nice and snug due to that ledge...that's huge. So the og bowl design does not have this ledge? Which is why the eq screen was a popular mod? I'm thinking of picking up the ddave basket screens just to see what they're like. It's the 18mm screen I need for the 18mm bowl? Or only the 14mm fits?
Seasoning is more attributed to usage and not actually a procedure that is implemented. Just start dabbing and it'll all come together after a few dabs.
Actually it is a procedure that is implemented for Ti nails. It uses a torch. Probably just a shortcut so you don't taste metallic during the "natural" seasoning process.
Just to update: I contacted NV and they have immediately acted to make it right. A+ customer service so far. No complaints at all. Soon I'll have the full compliment of FP tools to play with.
Can't wait for the claisen FP+sv3!
I'll probably never use the de-bowler and there would be plenty of room for a cap and bowl holster instead IMO.
Precisely! That stand is awesome but i'm not tossing my abv in there.... hopefully we can purchase the HOT head stand screw in, as i'm sure i'll get another coil.
I kinda wish I had a dual pid now!
I was also thinking that
@NewVape710 it would be cool if you also offered the option to substitute out the de-bowler/s spike that comes with the stands that have the FP rest in them for a second FP rest instead. This would allow for two FP set-ups to be @ temperature and battle ready for those of us who have two controllers and/or multiple FP's.
Oh and again maybe offering the retaining nuts for individual sale too
Don't they already? For $20? Or am I confusing what a retaining nut is? Like the centre post one?
This holds true for both flower and errl, class dismissed.
Are you supposed to spin the cap when used for herb?
All of the extra resting posts I have finally coming to use.
Dude! What is that smaller simply stand?? Is that the one that has been discontinued due to reports of it being knocked over easily? I love the simplicity of it...and no debowler or holes for tools. If it was just an inch bigger I bet it wouldn't fall over. Money! Interested in a trade? lol
Word to wise, no mickey kush in the evening.
I see that it's a sativa strain, but aren't "kushes" supposed to all be indicas?
I'm staying down at 540f for flower for sure. And considering my temp readings, with the carb cap on, its not low temps at all
This isn't the Vapecode controller is it?
So my mind continues to be blown....initially usage shot up due to novelty and wanting to test test test! But now that i've got it somewhat dialed in, my usage is dropping. It's a hard decision (#1stworldwhining) whether to vape up .15g in one bowl, or split it up into 3 tasty smaller ones! Still can't believe how awesome this is and how happy I am with it!

PS. More testing with blowing on the coil after sitting for a while.... it will be the go to. Even at low temp (600) with it stewing, blowing off the heat makes a much better first hit experience.
Oh, and I think it's absolutely dope that my bowl w/handle weigh precisely 33.0g! Makes it super easy for weighing out loads without having to zero the scale. Talk about precision crafted!