The latest from steama's stoner engineering
Here is a easy little mod I made to the round stand and debowler to clear a little more desk space. I mounted a vapcap magnet on each side using rubber cement. Handy if you have a vapcap. Makes things nice when all your tools are in one place.
I like what you've got going on here.
This little beast also rocks the socks.
The NV Dab Stand is not only upstanding but even better its outstanding! Talk about keeping things organised and it's super handy for ease of use whilst grabbing at the various dabbing tools. I plan on owning them all.
It even has a nice recessed little spot up top that you can take advantage of for extra storage or whatever.
The base can also hold various little items and you can even dump out your ABV here too because it's got a raised lip on the base.
Fingers crossed I get a shipping confirmation today...
EDIT: The universe works in amazing ways. Just got it!!! I should be part of the cult by midweek

Oh yeah this is awesome, congratulations! I can literally feel your stoakedness!
I'll have you know this, I'm part of NO CULT. WE'RE FAMILY AROUND HERE as far as I'm concerned my friend. Welcome.

I am pumped to own a Showerhead one day!
For now, the OGFP still gets me...
Brothah I'm hyped from head to toe for you to have the SH. Do it already so we can go on adventures together.
Had to take a little dab for you all off the D-Nail Sic Halo , really tasty but i think i went a little to big :
Heheh... what the.... did you hear that!? At least no saliva was wasted in the filming of your video.

Good rip my man!
This picture is a great reference. The Showerhead dish looks like it could really eat some gigantic globs.
Oh she'll easily eat anything you throw at that hungry bitch and then some. If one is not paying attention and lets their guard down it might even devour them too.
I felt like I should have renewed my muh fuhckin life alert services. I mean the SH hit me and in turn I hit the floor.
As I lay there on the floor paralyzed and slobbering profusely while desperately pressing that damn and now useless button. I had no other choice but to call out.
Help! I've fallen and I can't get up and I'm choking and I'm going to burst into flames and I'm thirsty and hurry someone hurry anyone who can hear me.... I'm fucking starving too!
The dnail wrap round on the far right with the SiC looks so much better than the cheaper tag alternative, so glad I grabbed a dnail version dabs are so amazing.
Just need sapphire now
D-Nail sapphire is a planned purchase indeed. The race is on my friend, go!
I've only been following the FlowerPot briefly, but I have to say, from what I've seen so far it looks like your company has some top notch customer service! Being nimble and responsive with the website to customer's desires/concerns is awesome.
Keep it up, hope to join the FP family soon enough!
I agree. Day one NV's customer service surprised the hell out of me. They actually return voicemails with an actual phone call. This was done in just over 60 minutes too. Nice!
I tend to reclaim oil from my rigs when I clean and pray I never have to use them in a drought.
How does the mix of flower effect reclaim. Do the flower particles make it into the reclaim? I imagine it would look pretty dirty, but figured I'd ask those with experience.
The Flowerpot is so appealing to me...
With my Ti Errlectric double meshie screens my reclaim is nice and clean. No bits to be what so ever. I've got a great photo posted a couple of pages back too.
Waiting for my Showerhead but also interested in the SiC Wrap Arounds. Has anybody experiences in comparison of the OG SiC Wrap Around and the D-Nail SiC Wrap Around?
What are exacetly the differences in use and performance regarding the different dishes?
The material for both is exactly the same. The D-Nail is just more refined. After closer inspection I've noticed it's polished.
The og Sic wrap around is a bit more of a cramped work space and cannot handle as much errl as the d-nail Sic.
Both of them perform very well and are equally just as efficient as one another. I like them both.
So... torched my showerhead+nut+coil cover... really awesome looking purple/blue all over the whole thing now.
I was thinking... This is probably a really great way to clean it... but is it safe? I found a small coating of reclaim had gotten/leaked into the centerposts or something (and I def had some crumble fall off into the center sometimes lol)... and the inside of the nut and the bottom of the showerhead got kinda caked. Torching seems a lot easier for the lazy bastards like me but I don't wanna mess it up or ruin the integrity of the materials.
This is a quick and easy<2min clean with even a small newport torch - no disassembly required - hence why I like it
You'll never get that Ti hot enough to effect it in a detrimental way. Not even close.
My buddy is currently sleeping in a chair after his first Flowerpot session! He was talking about ordering one right before his eyes rolled back in his head
Another victim claimed.
It's so so true. Little new born gazelles are no match for the FP's jaws.
I'll be introducing another first time victim later on this evening to the FP.
I always enjoy reading about and look forward to seeing all of the first time session stories. They're so funny and so true. Thanks!
So the Arizer EQ basket screens fit the showerhead bowl no problem yeah? Just wanted to make sure I was reading correctly and they don't just fit the OG bowls for some reason.
The male og bowls have always worked with the EQ basket screens. I prefer the og bowl design actually. More on and to come later.
@biohacker , currentely there is no special "SH bowl". The bowls/bodies for the SH and all WA are all the same except the joints. But there was another body in the past. Don't know whether they are still avialable.
They are still available. Go to the tab marked as clearance on the NV website. Boom!
Going to readdress the metal screens, hopefully it won't get poo-poo'd so quickly. Would something like this work (assuming it's large enough) or are we still talking about a bunch of material getting down into the water? I'm not keen on using brass or stainless screens.
These little babies gunk and clog up quickly also be prepared for material getting by it too. Taste is great from these though.
That video made my day, holy shit is that funny. That's totally how I felt too that day.
Thanks for addressing the insert questions
@NewVape710 sounds like SH inserts would be more work than needed.
$70 for a wrap-around is cheaper than a sapphire insert so I'm totally fine with that option.
Plus you can always go D-nail sapphire.
Dude...these screens are really amazing. The vapor is slightly tastier and much smoother. I'll never use those SS screens again. Thanks again for mentioning those.
I'd love to play with quartz if anyone ends up making something or finding something that will work, BUT these Errlectric Ti screens are probably good enough for most people. They are worth the $.
EDIT: First complaint, the handle on the bowl shouldn't bend. Jus' sayin'
My pleasure and you're welcome I'm here to help and stoke!
So I'm looking at getting one of these over the next few days, and was pricing them out on the store. I saw on the website you can get the showerhead starter kit for $390, but when I put everything included with the starter kit in the the cart individually it seems like it would actually save me a couple dollars over getting the kit. Does anyone know if their is any reason to buy the starter kit over just buying every part individually in this case?
The cheapest route would be the way to go. Then that way you'll just have more money to throw at NV in the future.
You might be like naw right now.....I'll be good but once bitten I warn you, there is no known NV anti-venom. In short if you go for it you're screwed.

Happily I might add.
@NewVape710 Is there anyway I can view your site from South Africa? I have a means of getting the FP shipped to South Africa via a US address if needed, I just need access to the site so I can purchase. I pretty much need this in my life. I have no wants or needs for anything else.
A man of action. I like that. Hopefully it all can be worked out for you.