Hey community, just for fun and to tease and tantilize myself about future possibilities, I have made a cart and done the custom sums to see exactly what it would cost me to have a FP setup running in my UK home.
My Newvape cart is for:
FlowerPot Coil Cover (3061)
Shower Head for 20mm Coil (3063)
Shower Head Coil Nut (3066)
FlowerPot 18mm Male Body with Handle (3031)
FlowerPot Enail Handle (2943)
ShowerCap Carb Cap (3078)
FlowerPot Stand & Debowler (3004)
Total= $270. Plus $42 shipping = $312.
20% VAT on the goods alone, excluding the $42 shipping is about £42, plus £8 handling.
So the grand total for this order from Newvape including shipping and customs would be:
(Drum roll- no smilie?)... £288.
Plus the Vapecode dhgate controller etc- $120 shipped, hopefully no customs= £91.
So a total of £379.
Not TOO bad I guess for practically everything, including customs.
Actually cheaper than buying the full Ti Herborizer kit from Europe now, just to put things in perspective.
Obviously my cart is missing a glass piece, less priority for now, can make do or add a new piece down the line. And you could argue some of the following items are not essential:
-Showercap? Arguments either way Im sure, but I think I would want to have the option of the full tailored experience (theoretically

-Stand and debowler- I would get the kickstand but obviously not now, but hey, better safe than sorry. It never looked convincingly safe to me!

So I could explore other options such as soldering iron stand etc, but this round stand may just be the sensible option, although aesthetics do not concern me or affect my decisions one bit here- just function and finance.
(However I can totally understand how amazing the Newvape product line is. I have never been materialistic but I can see how much you can all appreciate these magnificently designed items.)
-Enail handle- again arguably not essential and I know some people are crafty at making their own, but I'm not a DIY man so I think I would choose this option, assuming it will fit the DHgate vapecode enail of course.
So there you have it, £379 for showerhead, bowl, enail handle, round stand, showercap, and dhgate controller.
So let's see what other options
@VapeFiend.com bring to the table. I wonder what they will stock accessory wise? If they stock all the above items that would be a huge bonus.
I expect them to offer the showercap, possibly the round stand (but maybe not), Im not sure about the enail handle, maybe unlikely?
So it could mean one single order from Vapefiend, or the main order from Vapefiend and some extras from Newvape. But if that is the case, it may be very close in price compared to getting the lot from Vapefiend. More sums to do in time!
I get to here because I used the Herborizer Ti 2 nights ago which I sold a few months back because I couldn't tolerate it with my allergies. On wednesday I handled it much better since I have made good progress recently lowering respiratory infections.
Previously, I couldn't really consider the Flowerpot if I cant tolerate the Herbo Ti as they are similar material and hit wise. But there was some positive indication, so just maybe I could use a Flowerpot after all, especially with more progress surely in the pipeline.
Unless I stop vaping completely, my plan is to own one of 3 top class vapes within a year or less from now, out of:
The FP, the GS, and the Herbo Ti. The GS would cost a little less than the FP setup above, I can get the Herbo Ti heater and bowl and use my XL controller for about £200 though.
If I didnt feel deep down that the FP and GS are actually better vaporizers than the Ti, it would be an easy choice. But I want the best!
There are new Herborizer products coming soon too- a microdose bowl with glass screen next month, and in 2018 the "Digi Ti" with accurate temp readout and faster reacting heater.
So I will have some fun now
@Hogni style, waiting and watching all developments and assessing options. I will also likely shoot some pm's around to help decisions and focus (
). Not quite there yet though.
Here is to bringing in the weekend, hope everybody has a good one.