I like the kit you have put together. I have something similar for hiking/biking or any outdoor activity. Just a couple of doob tubes and a full lighter.
On a side note how do you like the summit? Looks nice but not too much info about it. Thanks.
I didn't want to have several pieces to sort with in a drybag. Plus the handle setup with the tubes has a hidden magnet. I like having the lighter and kit held in the one hand when I click on the lighter and can cool the cap on my VC and then simply put it back in the tube. All in one gesture. No fuss or muss with tubes.
When daylight left my camp. I didn't have to fumble in the dark to have a session. The double torch also lighter has a mirror built in. So even more light to shine on my VC.
When I get a more refined version, I'll pass it on. What do you have going? I'm always looking for ideas to keep my kit smaller.
Notice I have a single, double and triple torch. 3 ignition systems. I find doing a 3x with the single then 3x + going to the triple is the best compromise between back to back turbo sessions and heat roasting. I'm guessing a Ti doesn't retain it's heat in the same manner. So YMMV with that.
The Summit is lightweight small companion for everything the VC isn't. Like a well rounded vape selection, even in back country.

I can use it one handed with more stealth while say sitting in a bicycle seat. GTG to Hit and run. I can revape or store ABV in the Summit from the VC. Multiple heat settings. However It has a lower battery life then other vapes, but it small battery that also recharges very rapidly.

I don't bother to bring a mouthpiece. (Will check out the
at some point.)
I also brought out an earlier pick of 'M's when I first tried things out.