This post is all over the place, but what the heck ... forgive me my trespasses as I forgive you yours.
@buckhakeesah If I recall correctly, a pic was not too long ago posted, BUT,
post away, as we love pics. Look forward to seeing it.
Very well said
@cybrguy !
BTW, I see that
@VisiblyVaped is selling his soul over on the Classifieds to further his vc vas.

By George, this girl's finally getting it.

I've finally got some groove going on w/ the M. Today I got 4 good solid hits & even
a smidgon of vape on the 1 hit. I never thought I was ever going to be able to do it on the 1st hit.
AND, my AVB color is
Learning the vc is like a ball rolling down a hill & you're learning as you go along --
by great leaps and bounds; it's only been 3 weeks since I rec'd it. In my mind, with the little that I admittedly know, the vc, arguably, replaces every other vape out there (apart from specialty vapes like the Vapotronic(sp.)/Evo/wood vapes). It truly is an ingenious, 'king of all others' vape. I think the words
*natural, instinctual, innate really capture the essence of the vc. We all master it on an our own individual learning curves & develop our own individual techniques in using it. (What
@cybrguy said in his quote above is just a broader generalization.) And as I master each step, I realize it really
is instinctual.
(I need a t-shirt with those 3 words
* on it & the dynavap logo.

& one that says, King of All Vapes.
@Dynavap_Nicholas is missing out on a lot of cool t-shirt offerings IMO.)
And what I also love about the vc is the 'hands on experience', not only holding it in your hand, but working the lighter, listening for the clicks, making sure you empty your AVB at the perfect time. I love the act of doing the vc simply because it feels so damn good to do.
So soon I'm gonna give my Ti XL it's baptism & then take it out for a spin, meanwhile, intend to reinforce my currently successful technique with the M --

Praise the powers that be! And I got my VAS on, as I'm dreaming of a phattpiggie's turquoise or aqua blue acrylic vong.
I like these 2 vid reviews. I like that both guys are are polar opposites in persona, but that they both love themselves some vc.
This 1st guy's super cool. It's his 1st X using it & he coughs, eye-watering hard, throughout.

He mentions FC in the 1st 3 min. As a newbie, IMO, this is a great video for newbies to watch.
Omni Ti review by Dynavap aka vapcap
Dynavap Cocobolo Omnivap review *Give yourself a chance to warm up to this guy.
Have a good one everyone!