Jojo, I am even more humbled now! I already knew you have shown mastery at designing and producing an outstanding, industry shaking (hopefully) vaporizer, but now I learn that you ALSO know the alphabet!
Joking aside, what strikes me about the GS so far, from Lazylathe's reports and videos, is that it seems like the vaporization process seems to be very controlled/controllable/replicable.
There is no need (or even an option) to heat soak the bowl, it isnt needed for full fast extraction.
A big bonus as this removes added variables. Replicating load size looks easy, set your temp, and then the only real variable is your draw speed.
The new Ti Herborizer is more tricky to get consistent identical results. The heat soaking of the bowl makes a massive difference to the outcome.
It takes mindfulness and decision making. The level of heat in the bowl will also vary constantly during normal use and I think will rarely be stable and solid while using.
I cant speak for the Flowerpot, but I think there is also more potential variation to the vapor and hit size besides temp setting, load size and draw speed. But I may be wrong about that.
It does sound like the FP vapor is a little more straightforward to replicate than the Herbo Ti.
Not knocking these vapes at all, just thought sharing. I find it interesting how these 3 new heavy hitting top top vaporizers have all come out suddenly at a similar time.
Many people will be so torn as to which top heavy hitter to go for with all these new options.
While some lucky buggars have all three!
Exciting times for the (rich) vaporist! Good luck Jojo, just keep going. I really like the way you are just taking each step as it comes, not focusing in the distance anticipating the future too much.