Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
The inside volume is less. You don't have to press down if you just want to power draw. Some like carbless and the solid feel.I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. How does blocking it there and being blocked all the time differ from blocking it with your finger and then being able to hit it with some air? Maybe I'll find out when I get the new tips in, cause I have a Gen 2 Ti tip so there is some restriction,to say the least whilst I'm building the vapor. But take away the sweet relief of releasing the carb? IDK, I could not imagine only being able to pull with the carb perma blocked.
I think I actually have to get myself to slow my draw down. The cap clicks pretty soon for me. I also continue to draw past the click. There is even a video for it. So I gave it a whirl.
Just changed mine over. @tragique. The second ring stayed in the midsection when I was fiddling with it. So I just leave it in for now and use it as a guide when I want to take the condenser out. My rings are a little more finicky, so I had to cheat with a pen and the point of the pen to correct the mouthpiece gasket. But there is less volume between the mouthpiece and the tip.
So I can go carb/carbless/small carb/slow carb.

Not saying this is a good model. Just like the type, I guess. Its a desktop quad that can be locked on. If you can turn it on with a button press and hold your Dynavap, then that be a pairing. Some cigar aficionado's review.