-after some days (weeks..) of dankrupt, and so T-breack- I scrapped my grinder, and ended with a little ball.
It is quite potent, and very flavorful
I tried it on my Omnivong, dry and with a bubbler, it was very good, but kinda "Mèh, that's all ..?"
So, I turned on the Herborizer Ti on 10

- Poaw! Instant quick heat up, Infrared temp check:180-200°c, back to dial 5 .. -
A little chunck of the ball flat pressed on the bowl,
very pleasant to look at all those littles bubbles while inhaling
-Back on 10, Zbra! Infrared temp check:~230°c, back to dial 8 .. -
No more bubbles, it seems finished but.. thick and flavorful vapor coming..
Big clouds on exhales !
The Herborizer Ti is so versatile, it really depends on how you drive it
Sorry you have not enough funds for herb. That sucks, and so wrong anyone should ever be in such a position, unless stranded on a desert island somewhere.
I actually forget often that weed costs money, even though I have friends who buy it all the time. I can only use what I can produce outside in UK. In 2013 we only got 42 grams of indica weed to last the year.
But it still didnt run out. I just used it once or twice a week,,enjoyed it, knowing it was there. ( EDIT: in fact I still have a bud of it now would you believe it?? Didnt appeal after successive harvests!)
To use it up and be in that position with no forseeable weed supply for at least a year, I couldnt bear it psychologically.
So I go without to save some petrol for the way home. A bit like eating your veggies first, rather than "having your cake and eating it".
2014 yielded better, 2015 even better by far (although I was badly allergic to the whole lot due to trialing organic fert), 2016 was even better yield, but again I am allergic to 75% of it due to trialing different ferts more likely to be okay. No luck there! Still a half gram personal allowance daily just about, except the stuff that didnt get fed which I can tolerate, got infested with tiny bugs!!
So I am picking them out with fine tweezers and a jewellerd loupe. I have a load I will need to water cure cos too many bugs,,and I hope that by water curing the fertilised weed, I may be able to use it. Joy, Joy, Joy if so! Its well nice stuff and plenty there for me an mum!
So the point is, it is literally years, and years since I did not have any weed! I have had tons of weed that I am allergic to recent years, lesser amounts in the past.
And by never using up all my weed I can tolerate I have always had at least SOME weed I can use since 2013.
So I really feel for you Joaon, I take it for granted. I am not an excessive user, up to half gram daily. And I have times off for health etc.
Anyway Joaon, if you ever fire up your XL again, maybe you can do some IR temp checks on specific settings in relation to the Ti?
To see the extent to which the extraction capabilites of the Ti are due to the temperature or other variables.
I like to think that Ti can extract goods much more completely at a lower relative temperature than the XL.
So sorry, edibles got me today!