I have repaired cracks in many Solo stems for patients with a minitorch.My PHVES STEM is cracked howvever still works well.
Pinpoint flame on the crack, and the crack begins to glow red, and then disappears. I hold onto the stem for a while before setting it down, lest a cool surface wreak havoc.
I have even taken harshly broken bowls, and using the lower shoulder for the screen, made them into new stems!

Above: 2 views of a broken stem

Above: I removed the glass partition, causing some jagged edges, which I torched to smoothness
I then placed a screen in the lower shoulder and made a "turbo stem" (no holes in a partition) from it.
The above repair still works perfectly for the owner.
The stem portion remained as dirty as the top was in the 1st two shots.
Note how clean the torching left the bowl!