Can somebody tell me how long one order of hemp from Dynavap lasts? I want to use it in a @Squiby screen sandwich. I need to place an order today (to catch the ti screen sale). And don't know how many orders of hemp to place.
Will one order last me months?
Does the hemp dry out or otherwise go "bad"?
Thanks for your help!!!
I've been making extremely thin screens using the hemp fiber and I think one bag will last me essentially forever.
My first hemp screen I made I used way too much fiber and greatly restricted the draw and even managed to bend a CCD because of the logjam of hemp fiber when I tried to remove the screens

Since then I've been making super thin hemp screens by taking as close as I can to individual fibers, twisting then into an extremely thin thread then making a small circular design that I sandwich between 2 CCDs.
Filter works great and because I'm using so little hemp fiber the draw is not really affected at all.
I really can't see myself running out of hemp fiber anytime soon and I only ordered one bag.