You know, bugs bound to a new mailing system and a complete new website are pretty common in the IT world, even in my wrapped reality.
Again, read the thread and realize that you are the only one making a war for a lost mail, while everyone here is happy as hell
However this is my last answer to you, send a mail to Matt@dynavap.com or a PM @VapCap, otherwise enjoy your day.
I'm aware that bugs could arise with a completely new website. Shouldn't those features be tested to make sure they're working properly? And if they aren't.. shouldn't they be removed from the website until they actually work?
Or they very well could have just ignored my inquiry. Neither of us really know because we're both just making assumptions at this point.
Yeah.. I might have come on a little strong and I do apologize for that, but you have to understand my frustration in this situation.
I don't even care to bother contacting them after I've already purchased a replacement body. The damage is done. Time to move on.
I understand your frustration with not hearing back from @VapCap and I know it makes no difference to you if the team are busy fulfilling orders etc, etc. They are normally very good at getting back to people.
But at the end of the day your OG didn't break because of any manufacturing defect it broke because you dropped it. I cannot see how any warranty can cover your mistake.
Yeah, that's true. However, they couldn't take a minute to respond with that as an answer? I would've been fine getting that as a response, but to not get ANY SORT of response says a lot. Yet they have no problems when it comes to processing orders? Alright then, I see how it is.

There also wasn't any info in their FAQ regarding warranties, which is why I messaged them in the first place. Maybe they should clearly outline that somewhere on their website?
This entire issue could be avoided and I would've ordered sooner rather than later while I waited for a response that never would've been sent.
EDIT: I know I'm not the popular opinion around these parts and a lot of you are going to disagree with me (maybe even flame me), which is totally fine. However, I'm not going to worship the ground George walks on for a vaporizer that has pros and (gassssp) cons as well. I'm merely presenting my personal experience with them as a company and even though a lot of you aren't going to like it.. that's just how it goes.
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