Modded my CFX mouthpiece today.

I like the EVO's ELBs with the WPA adapter. But since the ELBs won't fit with the moutpiece and the top basket half, I just use the bottom half , but use 14mm basket from the
@DDave kit inside the mouthpiece. So, that means I take apart the mouthpiece and remove the pesky screen. Form the 14mm basket with my fancy pipe scraper tool into the hole where the round screen would go. Having the screen mushroom through the hole and out the other side.

There is a thick rim on the basket which fits nice enough in the slot for the round screen. The basket is now formed tight against the inside wall and is protruding outward. Like a mushroom cap. Not enough to touch the bottom half ELB basket tho.

But enough to keep the area cleaner when the lid is taken off to say stir the materials.
Also made a fake silicone gasket that fits inside those two pieces (plastic? What is that material?) that were meant to come apart to get to the screen. Tighter seal then before I'm thinking. I can hear the unit drag from the bottom when I draw from it cold test the airflow. After the 2nd (warm) draw, I'm convinced it hits better with my little touches. Hopefully cleans better too.

Say can you soak/clean the parts in ISO. How do you clean them?
Still like the WPA and an 18mm wand. But had to come up with something less janky and well... portable.