I hope the code will be reactivated for today, Cyber Monday.
I saw my first vaporizer in a local headshop in 1998 or 1999 I guess and always thought about getting one but never did.
Then I stopped smoking completely for several years and still don't smoke cigarettes at all, herbs only every few months.
Last week I finally decided to get me a vaporizer.
I searched online alot and then decided to buy a Focusvape Pro Premium Kit.
I ordered the Focusvape on Friday, then yesterday by accident I read about the VapCap here in the forum and what I read changed my mind almost instantly so I cancelled the order for the Focusvape and went straight to the Dynavap page to buy a VapCap.
I really like the concept and simplicity of the device, no electronics, no batteries, no plastic waste.
Just a small and aesthetic looking device.
Also I like the fact that it's built from a small company of seemingly very nice guys who listen to their customers wishes and suggestions and not only offer a good product but also a superior customer service.
Alone these facts make the VapCap more support worthy compared to a product of a company building high tech plastic devices in China.
On the Dynavap page it first was pretty confusing how all the parts play together and after a little bit back and forth I decided to go full-in with an Omnivap.
And because on the website is stated that it takes few weeks for the Omnivap to be shipped I also put two OGs in my cart for the waiting time so that I can test the Vap stuff already.
When I went to checkout I saw that only payment option is Credit Card so I did not continue but sent a support ticket asking if they also offer PayPal.
I also thought that the coupon will be valid until today.
So dear Dynavap guys
@VapCap, if you read this post please show a little bit compassion towards a dude who wants to lose his Vaporizing virginity with your products and re-activate the coupon for today

And if possible please also let me know how to pay with PayPal, somewhere in the thread I read that it's possible.
Edit: I forgot to add because it's slightly off topic but also the community itself seems to be a real feelgood place.
I absolutely enjoy reading here.