This is the main Achilles's heel of the V3.

I've broken the wires off 1 medium and 2 large donuts by over-tightening the screw in the post so that it pinches the wire and makes it brittle and snaps off when you try to straighten it. I recommend to not over-tighten any more than you need to, and when removing the donut to clean and then re-inserting into the cup, use needle-nose pliers to crush the lead wires nice and straight again. I can't seem to bend them straight using just my fingers.
I like your ideas here, fern. Can you elaborate on your wires that you're stuffing in the post terminals to protect the donut leads? Not sure what "lamp cord" exactly is. What kind of metals would be good to use here? Copper, SS wire? Maybe even some of those volcano liquid pad SS mesh...can try to unfurl it and make a little pillow to narrow the hole inside the terminal post and protect the donut lead?
I was also thinking of a conductive metal "crush sleeve" that you can wrap around the lead or string it through, like the PTFE tube? But where can I actually source this? And if it wasn't tight enough, the donut can be pulled up through the cup or make poor contact if you're touching the donut when you're loading / scraping it.
Wrap the leads with a small patch of aluminum foil? But that's not conductive enough, is it? Wrap it tight with a super thin-gauge steel sheet metal?
Have you e-mailed your boy yet?

I don't think Matt will respond to your requests by posting them here. I hope you already solved this by now, and have the 10mm donuts, or they're on the way. The supply is limited but I hope he still has some of these to pass around, because most everyone agrees the 10mm's are better overall.
You're not talking about
this thing are you?
The herbie is cool for sure, but I don't drag my volcano with me when I'm walking down the aisles at safeway either
Nice of you to join us over here,

No one answer your ?s yet? Let me try:
1. in the "vapor path" is nothing but ceramic, stainless steel, copper, a bit of high-heat silicon, a nichrome wire, and some silver solder. Really, all that stuff besides ceramic is really peripheral to the air path. Only ceramics are really acting upon your oils, not the wire really, so this makes for the best flavor possible. Plus, all those other materials are not heated up
nearly as much, and we know them to be safe for off-gassing at the temperature ranges we subject them to. That's why
@divinetribe is trying to get this device tested and deemed medical-grade. Who else is trying to do that?
I really think DT donuts are the best device you can use to vape concentrates that doesn't need to plug into a wall, and it's the only device I use for BHOs
2. Taste-comparo to that, I haven't tried that one, but you can run a ceramic donut in that, right? So the taste would probably be about the same, if you can run it in temp control. I think many of us like the DT v3 because it is even more cloud-generating, servicable, rebuildable, and tweakable, even if we run into little quirks sometimes
3. Yes we've ALL DONE fult melts in them!

That's what these DT donuts are made for! That super duper ice water melt that you make would
sing and
scream inside this atty!
Regarding warm up time, which I think you're referring to: we solve that problem by using a variety of high performing temp control box mods to control our atomizers. Mods made by joyetech, eleaf, and using the DNA 75/200 chipset are some of the best and most popular. The beauty here, is by setting a max-wattage to control the warm-up of the donut, you can choose between a slower or quicker warm up time.
Using a low wattage (for a medium disc) you can probably go as low as 10, 12w and get vapor, but it will take a long time to get to temperature. Or more moderate wattages, 14, 16w, the advantage here is that you will minimize the over-shooting of the max temperature, it will be a little more steady and fluctuate less, and might improve the flavor a wee-bit.

Downside: it takes long to heat up

And during this heat-up time, your oil may fall to the floor, and not be vaped up.
I don't favor those low-watt settings, though most users appear to. I favor a fast-warm up time, to make my donuts hit more like a "wax pen" I use 28w on the mediums now
(I backed down from 32w) and it takes a measly ~2.5 seconds to warm up - I already pull vapor after waiting 1 second after the button is held down and I start to vape the light fractions before all the rest of the actives' jump into the vape stream.
The downside to a higher watt TC mode, is that
it will overshoot the max temperature a little bit more, but we get overshoot with more moderate settings as well, there can be alot of variables, so I'm not sure how much worse I'm making this?

My low-temp, high watt TC works great for me, life is too short to let your oil fall to the floor! We all might have alot less time now, due to what happened
last week! 
Enjoy the time we still have and vape up my friends!

This is the large donut here right? And are they the newer, squiggly-heater core large donuts?
I would just go ahead and run it in TC-Ni mode. Unfortunately, that's the only TC mode you have. It's a pretty crappy mod, IMO, very little adjustability, and a very slow "refresh rate" that overshoots temp protection very bad, every time, but it does work.

With the eleaf 40w, just keep the temps very low, well under 300F. I've run my large donuts at 40w, it takes about 3-4 seconds to reach protection, and it's very reliable. It makes very nice clouds, but I feel I get bigger, easier clouds with the 10mm donut with the same amount of oil.
Edit: maybe I take back my suggestion of TC with the eleaf 40w and the high-TCR large donuts? It seems they need less wattage and heat up quicker than the "OG" large donuts. Might be a hazard to blowing them out in TC mode on the istick.

But like I said, life is short, donuts are cheap and repleaceable now?

Might as well give it a try, I'm sure it will vape better than VW mode. Start at 200F if you dare. But I would
humbly suggest you obtain a more up-to-date TC mod, if you can do that?