So today I finally got more quality time with the Apollo but i think something happened. I got 2 sessions on fresh batteries before I put the Apollo down, and what happened was the Apollo vibrated twice, like the type of vibrate it would show to tell you the batteries are put in, and then it never turned on again. I am certain that the batteries are fine and even inserted another fresh pair, but I didn't even receive acknowledgment from the Apollo with the vibrations for the batteries connecting. The Apollo will not turn on anymore

maybe it's the efest batteries dying? Weird that the Apollo won't vibrate when the cap touches the batteries and screws on
Gonna order new batteries, a new stem as its wearing away (never been dropped but somehow chips away day by day), the cooling rod, and the 50w bulb. Hopefully the Apollo isn't dead; wanna make sure it's alive before the $100+ purchase to use it again