Still learning the angled heat intake. Daisy took me a bit at first actually, then Lily was easier but still an adjustment period, this new intake probably just takes getting to used to too (torches a factor as well). Just accidentally super scorched a sizeable spot even with a small flame, gonna try just pulling flame in with draw vs tryna point it right in there... Lowered my tolerance too much recently to master this instantly I guess, only been like 4 or 5 bowls now at day 3. Fun as hell though obviously
Edit: yeaaaah still gotta aim, but getting the one right with a small zico flame and drawing fast with carb tapped enough can pull it in for a smooth even extraction with a tasty cloud. Anyone feel like the mouthpiece could be wider even more DaisyBrick esque free open airflow? Obviously it hits smooth like this and the narrow glass is comfortable, just curious of other impressions, I do love how sleek the width and length is on this so not necessarily willing to compromise yet... Also anyone else have the larger /wider bowl like me? What were your thoughts? I say that one is definitely better smaller /narrower, maybe then I wouldn't notice any need at all for a wider mp then anyway
Edit again to say yeah I think the width on the glass is all fine, and the smaller bowl will solve the issues. Also just had a brainstorm on a use for the larger bowl perhaps... I will say the draw definitely feels more restricted than the big brother and sister, but it still pulls smooth and well so I believe it is the bowl size and torch technique. There is a torch technique with draw, to any pure convection vape mind you draw is the essential factor presuming the power is on tap in vapor production and this is a prime example of pure convection with full power at work, so it just takes time to adjust to the design style which is already, obviously, pretty damn effective even before all the impending improvements for the production model