which portable vape will suit my specific needs


I'm think of getting an iolite... or maybe a MFLB...

Basically I have a VG and I like it, but its not very good to use outside since even a slight breeze will blow out the flame.

I'm spending most of my summer outdoors away from home. I don't like the sound of having to use one battery for every bowl of herb I use with the MFLB. Thats right, isn't it? My only option would be to charge batteries in my car, but it still seems very impractical considering how much herb i usually get through at a festival.

The iolite looks good, but my only concern is the amount of butane it uses. How much butane does it use exactly? That stuff aint good for the environment. How much butane do you think I would go through with 3g of herb?

Its hard trying to dig through all the pro's and con's and work out whats best for me. Vaping temperature is also important, since i want to make sure I get the most out of my herb. Maybe there's something else I've overlooked entirely.

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
where do people get the idea that it takes 1 battery per trench?? that is so far from the truth it's ridiculous.
from personal experience with my 2700's, each battery lasts for 6+ full trenches.

the iolite was my first portable and the gas runs out way before the battery for mflb.
also, if i wanted to, i can get the herb much much darker brown using the mflb as opposed to the iolite.
mmm, okay then. Things are looking in favour of the mflb. Its pretty cheap too.

I guess I'll grab a car battery charger aswell and a whole bunch of batteries. I always have the VG if the batteries run out.

How does the taste of the MFLB compare to the VG? I do love the VG taste, especially with nice skunky herb, but especially with peppermint :cool:


Well-Known Member
i have a couple sets of the stock LB batts. and they do just fine for me and in general last longer than one trench. the taste on the LB is great imo, ive never used either the iolite or the vg so i wouldnt be able to tell you which of the 3 is better in that dept.

a proper LB bowl can hold me over for quite some time but it all depends on "you" ie. your tolerance and preference. when i go out with my LB i usually load up a very generous bowl and it does right by me all day and then some :o the only problem i see is if you are gonna be sharing with others youre gonna need more batts but if its just you i dont see why 2 batts. shouldnt last the day....i take 2 with me and the majority of the time i dont even have to use the second one.

i would go LB but im biased :D
good luck on the purchase! enjoy


Well-Known Member
The iolite lasts "2 hours" on a charge, but

1. They say its not good for it to fill it up all the way
2. If u cant get it to light right away, thats butane thats just pissing away

So a "full" charge rarely nets me that much actual vaporization time.

I might recommend the "vape-or-smoke" for festivals, its fairly affordable and will run longer than the LB


Active Member
get the MFLB best vape for your needs imo.. grab your self a PA and your really set you wont need a whole bunch of Battiers just a few extra will do probally.

not sure how taste compares but as long as you have good meds you cant go wrong the taste is GOOD.:2c::peace:


Out to lunch
I guess I'll grab a car battery charger aswell and a whole bunch of batteries.
A DC battery charger for AAs? Why not just charge your bats in the house. The Imedions that come with the vape have a long shelf life, charge wise. Just get a few extra. Unless you live in your car I don't see the need to charge bats there. And I wouldn't think you'd need "a whole bunch of batteries", although it would depend on how much you used it.


Head of Pot
return2heaven said:
where do people get the idea that it takes 1 battery per trench?? that is so far from the truth it's ridiculous.
from personal experience with my 2700's, each battery lasts for 6+ full trenches.

6 full trenches?!?!?! No way in hell could I ever get 6 full trenches out of a single 2700....2 definately, 3 maybe, but 6 seems a tad much.

It really depends if you are going to be sharing you trenches with other people. Im a solo vaper for the most part and 4 2700's is good for a whole day away from the PA. maybe 5 or 6 trenches worth.


Well-Known Member
JDSupreme said:
return2heaven said:
where do people get the idea that it takes 1 battery per trench?? that is so far from the truth it's ridiculous.
from personal experience with my 2700's, each battery lasts for 6+ full trenches.

6 full trenches?!?!?! No way in hell could I ever get 6 full trenches out of a single 2700....2 definately, 3 maybe, but 6 seems a tad much.

It really depends if you are going to be sharing you trenches with other people. Im a solo vaper for the most part and 4 2700's is good for a whole day away from the PA. maybe 5 or 6 trenches worth.

i usually go thru 2 trenches a day and i find that the batts usually last me upto 3 days, which is where i get 6 trenches... i fill my trenches to the shoulder bars


Out to lunch
I'd say a full trench is different amounts to different people. There's no line that says 'fill to here'. How fine is the grind? That would greatly affect how much a trench holds. When is a trench fully vaped? That depends not only on how brown you want to go, but also on the grind consistency. How hot do you vape? Lay on the battery for high temp hits and the trench will vape quicker.

This type of 'how many hits do you get?' question never has a concrete answer. There are always too many variables.


Well-Known Member
i use my 2pc sc and then the scissor and shot glass method as i feel that works best for me, in all honesty i feel you get more out of a load when its ground finer, its better tasting as well deeper into the trench(just my experience)

max is completely right "there are to many variables" everyone has their ways.......


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum,

Before taking the plunge on a new vape, consider buying a torch lighter to use with your VG. If it's really windy you still might have some trouble, but it works well for the most part in my experience. I really think it should be sold with the unit. It makes no sense to use a flame when it can deposit soot while the torch provides quicker, cleaner, and thicker rips.


Tips for use: http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?pid=126561#p126561


Well-Known Member
momatik said:
Welcome to the forum,

Before taking the plunge on a new vape, consider buying a torch lighter to use with your VG. If it's really windy you still might have some trouble, but it works well for the most part in my experience. I really think it should be sold with the unit. It makes no sense to use a flame when it can deposit soot while the torch provides quicker, cleaner, and thicker rips.


Tips for use: http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?pid=126561#p126561

You cant use a torch with any of the metal VG though right?
My friend's VG bat got so sooted up it broke (he didnt know what he was doing)
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