Vaporizer advice

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Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm looking to buy my first vaporizer. I researched a lot and have limited my choices to da Buddha or vaporstar. I like da Buddha because I've only heard good things about it and it's not too expensive. I like the vaporstar because it's very cheap and that's a plus. I need my vaporizer to be quiet, easy to use, stealthy, and efficent in using less herb. So, if you have either or know which ones better or have any other suggestions that'd be cool.


Well-Known Member
Buddha versus VaporStar? They are sooooooooooooooo different, both in price as well as function. Being that you said that you've researched a lot, I find that your final choices between these two vapes a bit odd. It's kinda like saying, "I'm in the market for a car, and I've done a lot of research, and my choices are now between a BMW M5 and a Hyundai Sonnata.

You may want to do a bit more research by reading the Buddha and the VaporStar threads here at FC.


Vapor concierge
based on your criteria, I would start looking at the Purple Days, Purple Days Pandora, Woodeez or the Myrtle Zap.


Well-Known Member
Well, i wanted to see if the vaporstar is worth 20 bucks or should I pay more for da Buddha? Should i get the "hyundai" for cheap or a "BMW" for more? Cuz if I can get a vaporstar for 20 and it works just as good or better then the da Buddha for 140 I'd like to know


Well-Known Member
Based on your quote, "I need my vaporizer to be quiet, easy to use, stealthy, and efficent in using less herb.", I agree with sticks above. The Purple Days, the Purple Days Pandora or the MyrtleZap would be a much better fit than either the VaporStar or the Buddha.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your replies. I did look into the purple days and wanted that the most but it had a 14 week waiting list.


Well-Known Member
If the wait list is too long for ya, check out the Purple Days Pandora and the Myrtlezap.


Well-Known Member
Those both look very good. Thank you. Do you know how long it takes to heat up the purple days pandora and Myrtlezap? The pd takes 30-45 minutes which is longer than I'd like.


Well-Known Member
They're both designed to stay on 24/7, so used in that way, there is no heat up time. Instant on. Only draws 8 watts, about the same as two night lights.


Well-Known Member
I like the myrtlezap better out of the two. It looks pretty discreet. I'm going to look into it more. Thanks iwien


Idiot (no relation to the Savants)
You got 3 choices.

A) the MZ. Awesome wood, excellent customer service and no waiting. IMO, the most artistic piece of them all. Plus, I think Rick is a regular old school guy in a seemingly rural town, reminds me of home in some ways. This is a plus for ME.

Cons are controversial but ambiguous: metal toxicity (lead in brass) and poor heat retention (mind you, this is hearsay, the heat thing, but IMO seems very probable)

Neither have been proven. Neither have been disproved. So, whatever. Do your own research regarding this. I am not concerned with lead, personally, but am concerned if those heating issue reports are true to all units (since these are handmade units, none of them are identical).

B) the WDZ. no wait time. no metal toxicity or heat retention. excellent customer service.

The only con I can think of are aesthetic in nature. Todd is a business man. Rick (MZ) and Tom (PD) are craftsmen (imo).

Another con may be that Todd is relatively new and does not have a history of satisfied customers like Rick or Tom. I am, however, one of his customers and have bugged him many times for the smallest of things and while he may not reply immediately, I always get answered. So, FWIW.

Another con might be that Todd copied the PD design. This might be an ethical issue for you. Although, there have been comments made that Todd made improvements to the design. I, for one, have found little evidence to back those comments up. Either way, I do not care about things like these, may those whose incomes are affected by this make the legal or moral calls. I am a consumer, without conscience.

C) the PD Pandora. Available now. No wait list. The 'safe' choice. What that means is, when compared to purported toxicity problems in the MZ and Todd's relatively 'new product' status and subsequently fewer service level and/or product reviews, the PD has no reported issues, whether real or imagined, both on the functional and interpersonal ends of the product. Basically, if you get a PD there are NO questions about safety or customer service, period. (well, unless folks start talking of hexavalent or whatever chromium again :D)

A con might be that you have to put it together yourself, but I don't find this to be a con, moreso an opportunity to learn.

One thing that MAY be a con is the price of the pandora. I do NOT know how much it costs, but if it is the same or nearly the same as the PD, then that's a con for me (since the pandora does require the consumer to more involved in order to start vaping). I just bring this up-- hopefully someone else (even you!) can clarify :)

Though, if one is already set on a PD the price difference between 'dora and the regular may or may not matter.

I hope that was subjective.. whoops.. objective enough.

I got a wdz. I love it. And then I found a second hand MZ. It is in the mail. I'm happy :)


Well-Known Member
Thank obelisk. I didn't really like the pandora kit because I don't want to put it together. I like the mz and wdz the best. I'm trying to descide between the two.


Idiot (no relation to the Savants)
mcchronic said:
Thank obelisk. I didn't really like the pandora kit because I don't want to put it together. I like the mz and wdz the best. I'm trying to descide between the two.
Write an e-mail to both manufacturers. Be honest and tell them you've done a bit of preliminary research and are deciding between the MZ and the WDZ. Ask them why you should buy their product instead of the other.

Depending on how they respond, make your decision.

These two vapes are identical enough (for ME-- i hate having to put a fucking disclaimer of subjectivity to everything I post-- isn't it already assumed?) for you to even flip a coin to decide imo. You haven't expressed concern at the brass thing yet so I assume that is not something you're worried about.

A little more subjectivity here:

I'd go with Rick if you'd like a kick ass looking piece. I'd also wanna support Rick cuz I imagine him and his mrs to be salt of the earth type folks who make their own moonshine and have access to some really awesome looking wood. What can I say, I am an emotional fool. But hey, only good things can happen with pot, home made booze, a man and a woman and some definitive wood :D

I'd go with Todd if you wanna support the new guy. Plus, Todd is Switzerland. And Switzerland is very peaceful. ;)


Idiot (no relation to the Savants)
^^ my comment was a joke, an explanation would wound me. :p

Enjoy this instead:

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

- WC Williams


Well-Known Member
I like the myrtlezap better. I'm probably gonna end up getting that. Thanks for the help guys.


Idiot (no relation to the Savants)
lwien said:
LOL. I'm almost sorry I asked. :/
ah, being social is a drag

a) my comment was a joke. explaining a joke means the joke failed. hence, an explanation would wound me.

b) switzerland cuz it's like the 2nd war between the mz and pd parties most of the time while todd is whistling away peacefully at his lathe, ergo todd is switzerland.

c) and to think it is I who is not a native english speaker :D

d) my comment with the poem was not a diss

e) it was instead a very famous william carlos williams poem. though, based on the responses, i guess it isn't that famous. i posted it because i thought an answer to your question was irrelevant (to the thread), might cause some controversy which fucks up threads and that you might enjoy the poem instead (of an explanation to a useless comment).

f) i'm sorry

(that always seem to work with folks no matter what the occasion :D)

g) may i just say sheesh without honestly being condescending




(just fucking with ya lwein, my comments are all harmless and without malice, this is true, even when it seems like it is not, or at least i hope it is, and i hope you believe it too, thanks for the hot water tip in the other thread)

i really gotta get back to lurking mode

Mcchronic: awesome! You will not be disappointed with the MZ. it's all the same goodness. post pics when you get it!

Nicholas Wolfwood

Well-Known Member
Even though the original poster has been helped now I am curious about this. I have thought about a second, smaller vape for personal use and these models I have always heard so good things about (especially PD). So I have a a few questions about whats been said so far:

Is there any the way the WDZ is less effective than the PD? If not I dont care about brand name enough to wait 14-17 weeks for one lol

How much is a PD? I know the Pandora is only 150 but like someone else for the same price as a regular PD, its not worth it.

How efficient are they? Does anyone have a preference? (obviously not applying to PD and WDZ)
Nicholas Wolfwood,


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
there is not much difference in performance between the two.
However at this time there are no new orders for the PD until the waitlist is taken care of... so it is going to be 14-17 weeks to even be able to purchase one.... and then it will be $180.
so the only option for the PD at the moment is the Pandora Kit... which is a 2-4 week wait.
the pandora does not come with a warranty because it is customer built. The WDZ and MZ come with warranties if that is a concern for you.

Nicholas Wolfwood

Well-Known Member
Hmm well I'm not prone to breaking it but a warranty isn't a bad thing to have lol. In that case I guess its down to WDZ or the MZ for me. I've read up on them and know its probably more about personal preference to decide between the two but does anyone have any information to help me decide between the two?

I'll try Obelisk's idea of emailing them but I also want some user experience if possible.
Nicholas Wolfwood,


Well-Known Member
Some things to consider.

The warranty on the WDZ is 4 times longer than that on the MZ.

The bowl and heat exchanger on the WDZ is made from stainless. On the MZ, it is made from brass. Some people are concerned about the lead content in brass. Others are not (see Is Brass Safe thread).

The MZ has been around for a long time and Rick has earned the reputation of putting out a quality product as well as providing excellent customer service. The WDZ, on the other hand, is a brand new company with not enough time under their belts to earn this kind of reputation, so the long term viability of WDZ as a company is still in question.

According to some of the reviews here, some have reported that the MZ seems like a more highly finished product, whereas the WDZ is a bit rough around the edges, so to speak.

But in regards to how they work and the quality of the vapor that they provide, from everything that I have read, they are about the same.

Hope this helps. Maybe there are some that own both the WDZ and the MZ that may be able to offer up some additional info.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
honestly I think with this style of vape if anything is going to go wrong it is going to be in the first 30 days. The warranty's are nice... but if your vape goes beyond 30 days without a problem, chance are you wont run into one.
Rick has been known to fix his zaps when they have gone beyond their warranty because of how much he believes in his product, which is a nice thing all on its own.
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