Vapolution 3 Verses E-nano Witch one is better?


Active Member
I want afficient and the stronger hits of course ....Its just that the Vapolution3 is so new but looks like it acts very nice.The nano don't work to bad with the gong and very afficient(I have one)would be nice if the hits were a bit bigger but I haven't heard anyone cough using the vapolution 3 on you tube my nano makes me cough.


Level 30 Nature/Healer
What's coughing got to do with it?

I don't know about stronger hits, the VAP3 doesn't milk like a log and needs consecutive hits for the glass stem to get hot so your hits become thicker. I suppose you could just let it soak but then you could accidentally leave it in and sacrifice flavor.

The overall high is stonier since it can extract further with the addition of conduction.

I love my logs and wish they got me the high the VAP3 does with such little herb, that said the VAP3 doesn't really shine in the thickness of hits but rather the overall extraction that occurred. Just try not to miss it all.

Just noticed I haven't done my VAP3 waterpipe video (stem was broken but now I have a couple replacements), expect that tonight.
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