vaping and the throat test?? (Read for description)


Well-Known Member
okay lets just say swim has gotten pulled over while high and the cop intantly asked swim to step out of the car and to pull down his eye lids and then asked swim to open his mouth and stick out my tongue. Then looked at the back of swim's throat and apperantly said he was smoking something. Thinking quick, he said he smokes cigars and the cop searched his car didn't find anything, couldn't prove anything so the cope let him go with a warning for his tail light. Swim was thinking sense vapor is so much "lighter" or "thinner" if you could pass this test and if anyone know how it worked?



WOW! ive been pulled over and arrested for possession back in the day. The cop could smell weed but it wasnt the weed, it was the smell of vape. Anyway, back on subject, the cop who arrested me had no idea I was high and had no way to prove it. Im almost scared to hear this now. Although I no longer carry cannabis in my car. Does anyone know if this shit is a legit test or do you guys think the cop tried to intimidate the suspect into thinking that he knew he smoked so he would admit it?


Unconscious Objector
It's not a legit anything. The cop was looking for bloodshot eyes and to see if the SWIM (let's just say me and be honest eh?) had bagged anythign down his throat. There is *NOTHING* there that would stand up in a court of law, and certainly nothing that a non trained individual would be able to sustain in testimony.



Well-Known Member
HighSti said:
WOW! ive been pulled over and arrested for possession back in the day. The cop could smell weed but it wasnt the weed, it was the smell of vape. Anyway, back on subject, the cop who arrested me had no idea I was high and had no way to prove it. Im almost scared to hear this now. Although I no longer carry cannabis in my car. Does anyone know if this shit is a legit test or do you guys think the cop tried to intimidate the suspect into thinking that he knew he smoked so he would admit it?
Sounds like that cop was doin some bullshit intimidation.

(foreword)The story is I went for a walk while high, and I was stopped by a city cop on grounds that I fit a description of a perp in the area, yea right! I think it was more like I was out late, and looked a little out of place to HIM.

I've had a cop determine I was high after shining his flashlight into my eyes from side to side while I had to keep my eyes directed forward. He said my pupils were dilated and that I was under the influence of a substance. He asked to search me for "weapons" and went through all my pockets and found nothing but my cellphone, some scraps of paper , keys, and a few coins. Next he asked if I had taken any illegal drugs and I told him no, he asked what might cause my pupils to dilate and if I was currently taking any prescription drugs, without answering his question I then asked him permission to pull my wallet out. As I pulled my doctor's recommendation out of my waller I replied "just my prescribed cannabis sir", I could have sworn he was stunned for a moment a he re-thought what he was going to say. He went on a small lecture about how kids are getting them from online from fraudulent "doctors", and about how not every county in CA is in compliance with the state law yet (this was last year when there were still 2 counties who weren't yet with the program), he kept talking and talking and he finally got around to asking me what I had the recommendation for, what were my conditions. I thought about not sharing my personal medical information with him, but since I felt the whole fiasco was going in my favor I didn't want to push it. So I told him, it's for treatment of sleeplessness/acute insomnia. He looked over my wallet-sized copy of my recommendation (which is really legit if I hadn't mentioned it) and went on to tell me that he could bring me in, book me, and have me sit in jail while we wait to contact my doctor's office in the morning and if need be I'd have to rely on my doctor actually showing up in court which he also stated doesn't happen often. "But I'm not going to do that.." he stated probably in an effort to make me feel gratitude or something.

He would look like a complete jack-ass and probably get spanked by his master is what I suspect held him back.

He let me go along on my way, but the 20 minutes of being questioned with a bright light pretty much being pointed towards me the whole time had killed my high something fierce. I went from VERY high and sort of mixing up my thoughts/speech, to stone-cold sober / fully-witted within a very short time. I walked home in partial shame of being stopped by the law in my neighboorhood, on foot and having had my record ran by the police for the first time in over 10 years. Luckily it was dark out, sort of late and I doubt if anyone knew it was me, at least anyone know personally. I went home and slammed into bed and pressed fast-forward on the next morning.

Since then I haven't been as adventurous while high, and haven't wanted to take any nightly strolls. I used to think they helped me gain perspective and insight a sort of meditation, but now i just feel like it's asking to be harassed with a quick end to my high.

The true knowledge is that kops are horse shit.


Well-Known Member
DeepFried said:
great story sour
apologies for my wall-o-text
I get carried away easily when I'm in the zone

/wall-o-text crits you for 5,800 damage
/you die.
:p "then asked swim to open his mouth and stick out my tongue"what the fuck was your tongue doing in his mouth anyway..?


Lost in Thought
Dude, it was crazy one time when swim told him to swim - on the asphault. I dont know how far swim swam (did I mention he was a swami?)

Ooops. Vaked again...


Well-Known Member
Swim swam to the seashore where he swore that the swans swam backwards faster than any swimmer has swam before.

Fuckin' swim. :rolleyes:


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
At least you were not holding. Imagine how African Americans and now Latinos in Arizona must feel dealing with this all the time?

I think you can continue the drives/walks late at night just don't hold late at night. Anyone on foot could look suspicious to a cop. Probably any other time, when the streets are populated
you can bring walking treats.


Well-Known Member
Frickr said:
the police state is coming truer and truer every day isnt it? :uhoh:
No shit. Fucking Arizona reminds me of those movies about World War II Germany. "Veee neeed to seeee yo phapers."


Well-Known Member
well thanks for the replies sense swim did that he hasn't carred bud in hid car unless coming back from ''his guy'' and when he does he hides it under a bunch of crap in the engine bay (he has been searched like 5 times and they popo have never enven thought of looking there lol

modnote: Please do not use the term "SWIM" (someone who isn't me) on this forum. We all know it's you.


Well-Known Member
Use some common sense.

Don't drive or operate a vehicle while high or otherwise intoxicated, while vaping/smoking, or carry stuff on you when you go out.

Not only is driving high a danger to other people and yourself carrying stuff on you or in your vehicle is just asking to get caught.

moonlit knight

Well-Known Member
Dude, driving high is not cool. For one it makes you tired and so more susceptable to crashes and your reflexes are impaired making any danger on the road more of a threat. Unless you're just driving the car a couple of blocks for whatever reason then you should get out and walk if you're stoned.
moonlit knight,


Out to lunch
sour said:
He said my pupils were dilated and that I was under the influence of a substance.
Some substances will dilate your pupils, but cannabis isn't one of them. That cop needs some remedial drug training. :rolleyes:


sour said:
I've had a cop determine I was high after shining his flashlight into my eyes from side to side while I had to keep my eyes directed forward. He said my pupils were dilated and that I was under the influence of a substance. He asked to search me for "weapons" and went through all my pockets and found nothing but my cellphone, some scraps of paper , keys, and a few coins. Next he asked if I had taken any illegal drugs and I told him no, he asked what might cause my pupils to dilate and if I was currently taking any prescription drugs, without answering his question I then asked him permission to pull my wallet out. As I pulled my doctor's recommendation out of my waller I replied "just my prescribed cannabis sir", I could have sworn he was stunned for a moment a he re-thought what he was going to say. He went on a small lecture about how kids are getting them from online from fraudulent "doctors", and about how not every county in CA is in compliance with the state law yet (this was last year when there were still 2 counties who weren't yet with the program), he kept talking and talking and he finally got around to asking me what I had the recommendation for, what were my conditions. I thought about not sharing my personal medical information with him, but since I felt the whole fiasco was going in my favor I didn't want to push it. So I told him, it's for treatment of sleeplessness/acute insomnia. He looked over my wallet-sized copy of my recommendation (which is really legit if I hadn't mentioned it) and went on to tell me that he could bring me in, book me, and have me sit in jail while we wait to contact my doctor's office in the morning and if need be I'd have to rely on my doctor actually showing up in court which he also stated doesn't happen often. "But I'm not going to do that.." he stated probably in an effort to make me feel gratitude or something.
Yeah you should have said: "Fucking eat my shit, cunt!"

Or not.

But it sure would have felt good, for a couple of seconds.
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