Travel Info for British Columbia


Well-Known Member
I live in the Pacific Northwest and am a legal medical user in my state. I would like to travel this summer to British Columbia, Vancouver B.C., etc. via automobile. I do not want to risk bringing anything 'herbal' with me and have heard varying info about whether or not I can obtain my medication once I'm in Canada, mainly in Vancouver. Also, due to crappy lungs, I ONLY vaporize and/or use edibles. So also want to know if I can get a MFLB or inexpensive portable vape while in B.C. (that is, if I can first obtain the herb!). I would not have any issue with leaving a small amount of unused medicine behind before returning through American customs...same with inexpensive vape. Just don't want to try crossing any international borders with anything on me that could get me into legal trouble. Any info/feedback on travel there?
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