THC, CBD, and Their Effects on Heart Rate


Well-Known Member
I know that marijuana causes an increased heart rate. It's my understanding that this is due to THC. My question, then, is what is CBD's effect on heart rate? I'm trying to find information online, but as always with mj info, it's incredibly limited.

I'm trying to find a safe way to counteract my elevated heart rate caused by a new tricyclic antidepressant I'm taking. I would guess that CBD can slow your pulse given it's ability to relax and calm so many parts of the body, so I'm considering buying some canna strips and giving them a try. However, I don't really want to risk taking anything that may elevate my heart rate any more than it already is, so I'm hoping to get some informative responses before taking the plunge. My doctor said she couldn't tell me one way or another since she has no knowledge of CBD specifically.

Any info is greatly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
My resting heart rate BEFORE starting the TCA was about 70. This held true even when medicating with mmj. Now, while on the TCA, my resting heart rate is fluctuating between 80-105. Then yesterday, I vaped a bowl and went for a walk and after about 5 min I felt my heart racing, stopped, checked my pulse, and counted near 160 BPM. Then last night I vaped again, but this time while resting, and my pulse was around 110. When I woke up this morning, I checked it first thing and it was at 100. Right now, it's in the low-mid 80s.

If it's any help, I'm about 5'7", 115 lbs (thanks to 30 lb weight loss over the last few years), male in my mid-twenties dealing with years of various and severe GI symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Are the cannastrips actually designated as one being "indica(or cbd)" and one being "sativa/hybrid"?

Because I thought they were all just a blend. Which means a decent amount of CBD but still plenty of THC. However, everything I have heard from cannastrips is that the effect is light and better for those with low tolerances. So they might indeed work.

If there isn't different types of cannastrips, I'd seek out a lab-grade edible that does designate special CBD or indica products. I think allows for more detailed product searching now ;-)


Well-Known Member
Are the cannastrips actually designated as one being "indica(or cbd)" and one being "sativa/hybrid"?

Because I thought they were all just a blend. Which means a decent amount of CBD but still plenty of THC. However, everything I have heard from cannastrips is that the effect is light and better for those with low tolerances. So they might indeed work.

If there isn't different types of cannastrips, I'd seek out a lab-grade edible that does designate special CBD or indica products. I think allows for more detailed product searching now ;-)

I've taken cannastrips a fair amount in the past and from my experience I'd guess they're mainly CBD, if not completely. They are best for low dose patients - recommended 1 strip for average users, and 2 strips for high tolerance users - but I have a high tolerance and have had success with them in the past. I always take at least 2 strips though, occasionally 3-4 depending on my symptoms. I've never had any mental effect from them, but they're great for a mild body buzz that numbs pain and discomfort. I'm actually thinking these may be the purest CBD option out there just from the effects I've felt from taking them.
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