Show off your vape storage solution!


Good morning FC!

I'm trying to find a decent "all-in-one" solution to use as a vapor kit. What does everyone here use to store their vapes, accessories, abv, etc? Right now I have my items scattered around my home, but it's starting to get a little messy. I'd like to have something that I can keep everything in, and just move to where I plan on settling for the night.

I thought it might be fun to post pictures of current setups (with me posting as soon as I figure one out!). :D
a desk or on the top of a tall chest of drawers typically works for me. I work with my biomass on a glass fixture however. . .


Naruto Fan
The Filling Station

conveniently located near the dumping station

I look damn silly playin' this trombone (i do this little swirly thing to avoid burning any one spot)
maybe i should call it the Swirly Station, hehe


Wow VW! Impressive set up!

Right now I'm using the bottom half of a cardboard box. My biggest problem before was spilling little bits of abv all over the house. It was getting to be a pain to clean! At least now, all the little crumbs stay in one place.


Well-Known Member
get a small mason jar to store your AVB in.

keep your buds in jars as well.

find a small tight container to hold all of your small tools.


Senior Marijuanist
Here is my custom PAMFLB carrying case. I really like it! It contains a Humidor cylinder with herbs, a Glass Pipe, a Sharpstone 4pc grinder, a Kief press, the MFLB, PA, Battery Charger, 2x 2400Mah batteries, 2 glass stems, cleaning brush, battery caps, rolling papers, ez-filters. The last pic is with the PAMFLB in use

If I go to a friend's place, I just drop the case on the coffee table, pop it open, plugin the PAMFLB and we're ready to go! :D

Cost: 30$





That is a thing of beauty, Vaporisateur! Pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. Would you mind telling us from where it was purchased?


Senior Marijuanist
@mase85 Hey, thanks! I'm pretty happy with the results. I will not tell you where I purchased it, because I don't think they deserve the publicity. However, I can tell you that it is a 'Sportlock Aluminum Double Pistol Case' model '00002'. I paid around 30$USD if I recall correctly, plus shipping of course.

Since I took the pictures a couple weeks ago, I added a car plug adapter and a little tin box to collect the ABV. I also like to leave the PA in its place when vaping so it does not move around.

Simply look for pistol cases, they are easy to find either online or in hunting sport shops.

Good luck and don't forget to post pics ;)


Senior Marijuanist
That's the exact case sold with the Glass VG as an optional extra. It's a nice unit, well made, good padding with a good amount of storage space. 10 inches might be a little snug though.


mase85 said:
Good morning FC!

I'm trying to find a decent "all-in-one" solution to use as a vapor kit. What does everyone here use to store their vapes, accessories, abv, etc? Right now I have my items scattered around my home, but it's starting to get a little messy. I'd like to have something that I can keep everything in, and just move to where I plan on settling for the night.

I thought it might be fun to post pictures of current setups (with me posting as soon as I figure one out!). :D

A two drawer locked file cabinet holds it all; ultimately what I most often use is always out - a PD, bong, ABV mason jar, Billy Bowl for stash and space case grinder, and a bamboo skewer for pesky still-in-the-stem ABV. The rest of the arsenal is safe and sound in the file cabinet and when I need to put everything away there's room without overcrowding.


i use a few things.

in the computer room, the top drawr is wehre i keep all my svery day use items. grinder, stash containers, mflb brush etc...

then i have a box that i keep the rest of my stash in. nothing fancy
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