Shaving and hi-fi


I like to shave right after I get out of the shower. My beard is softer then, and the Gillette Sensor glides right through it. I bought that razor back when the Sensor was new on the market. I just looked it up. That was 1990. Same year I got my bathrobe. Great razor (great bathrobe, too, but that's on another thread).

I hear some folks shave before getting in the shower. I think that's a mistake. Some like to shave in the shower. I get that, but it seems a bit energy-intensive, not very planet-friendly.

Anyone use an electric? Are they any better now than the last time I tried one, maybe 15 years ago?


Well-Known Member
Yep, I use an electric. Dog clipper by Wahl... a good shave, but I want to chase cars afterward. ;)


Well-Known Member
I shave after a shower also. I sharpen my blades using the inside of a pair of jeans, I rub the top of the blades on the jeans going the non-cutting direction. 40 strokes and you can tell your blades are noticeably sharper. After I'm done I rinse the blades off then I lightly coat them with ISO using a q-tip, this prevents that white film from building up. Using this method I can get a month out of each Quatro blade cartridge. I read about the sharpening sometime last year on lifehackers blog, has saved me TONS of money.


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
I have a really strong beard. I have used blades once only since i was about 18. Never been able to get 2 shaves off same blade without causing horrific rash. The jean sharpener sounds interesting, but i am pretty sure i would get a shaving rash :/

I prefer to shave before shower, however, I soften my beard with hot water/face pack before. The reason is even though I don't actually cut myself, I still end up with blood running down my face. Having a shower after helps stem the bleeding..... I don't know anyone else who bleeds quite like i do.


Well-Known Member
Happycamper are you one of those wolf brothers from the tabloid magazines???

What type of lube would you use for your face?


you need to see a doctor!!!!


to reiterate, I shave IN the shower - to clarify, I have a beard and I shave my neck in the shower and I scrape above the beard. I'm pretty good at it to the extent that I don't need a shower mirror.
I would not trim my beard after a shower because I know I'll end up with bits of hair inside my shirt and i hate that feeling.
About once a week I do a good trimming before the shower, always.


Well-Known Member
I use an electric, but don't have much in the way of facial hair. It gets the job done, but usually leaves me feeling itchy afterward. I only shave for job interviews, but thats about every week for the past 2 months... (and probably next 2 months too)

I would only shave before a shower, because wet hair doesn't work so well with it. I've only needed to recharge the battery once (a 2 hour process) over the course of the 2 years of having this shaver.


Sour, how does that jeans trick work with the lube-strip on the blade cartridge. Sounds like a good idea, honing the blade like that, but does it destroy the lube strip or gunk up your jeans?


Well-Known Member
I shave before. The cream leaves a strange residue on my face so its easier to just hop in after and shower.

i dont have enough hair though, i shave like once every week.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
i shave about every 3 days, when the stubble starts to annoy me, because on the internet, nobody knows if you shave. always before the shower, using Dr. Bronner's peppermint castile soap, which i use for everything except teeth.
Hippie Dickie,


Dr. Bonner's soap is great - that's my favorite as well, spearmint is nice also.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I like to do it old school... Straight Razor, Boar Bristle brush n shaving soap... after I shower of course.
I'm native american so my facial hair isn't that full. Just enough to look patchy and annoy me.


Well-Known Member
Ash said:
Sour, how does that jeans trick work with the lube-strip on the blade cartridge. Sounds like a good idea, honing the blade like that, but does it destroy the lube strip or gunk up your jeans?
as long as you hone the blade when it's dry (as it should be before you've used it that day) the lube strip should be just fine, It's never gunked up or gotten gummy on me so far. I've only tried this with the Schick Quatro blade.

Dr. Bronner's soap is also good in the Almond scent, very gentle to shave with!


Serial vapist
my g/f got me this... i'm not sure if it's really intended to be an electric shaver so much as beard trimmer, for xmas last year. I just use it w/o any attachments on the shortest settings when i "shave". It has a little vacuum or whatever built into it so i dont make as much of a mess as i used to (main reason she got it for me i think ;) phillips norelco, thats what its called. I shower after i use it to rinse the little hairs off.

It's by no means a close shave because its has the regular clipper teeth on it (like for haircuts or whatever), but it gets me down to a nice sandpaper stubble which i call "good enough". I always look like i shaved yesterday, so some ppl are confused as to when exactly i DO shave lol. But, in this sausage-party of a phone tech support office i work in, i could care less about looking all spiffy and smooth.

if i actually shave with a razor my skin burns like mad and is red for a long time and then i'm itchy for that whole day. i've tried different razors, blades, gels and creams, as well as using just water and the end result is usually the same. But, when i do shave with a razor, I wash my face at the sink first and then shave and then shower. I can't stand not showering after i shave because i like to make sure everything got rinsed off good and so that i can get the feel/smell of the shaving gel/cream out of my skin.


Escape Artist
I just shave in the shower with a mirror in one hand and the razor in the other. No shaving cream needed , just a blade and flowing water on my skin. Works like a charm.


That's weird. I find that late at night if I lie down I tend to fall asleep. I have to go to the doctor about this.


Well-Known Member
Got a hint if you use a regular razor like a Gillette like a Mach3 or Fusion or whatever. After shaving, dry the blades by patting them down with a dry towel. The blades will last twice as long that way. At least they did for me. Give it a try.


Serial vapist
lwien said:
Got a hint if you use a regular razor like a Gillette like a Mach3 or Fusion or whatever. After shaving, dry the blades by patting them down with a dry towel. The blades will last twice as long that way. At least they did for me. Give it a try.
yeah i stopped leaving my mach3 in the shower because i figured the moisture would be causing it to rust and get cruddy faster, sure enough i was right. My g/f is still convinced i took it out so she cant use it to shave her legs. I told "Wtf, why would i want you to not be able to shave your legs? It's in the cabinet next to the shower, use it, just dont leave it in there!"

but yeah if i use it to shave with i pat it off with a towel and then blow really hard to clear between the blades.

I just saw something a month or so ago about a girl who died after accidentally cutting herself with a razor while shaving her legs in the bath. Ends up the blade(s) had some sort of bacteria or other nasties on it that got in her bloodstream when she cut herself. It was on tv but i'm not sure if it was real, but my g/f saw that and stopped complaining about the razor not being in the shower, so mission accomplished.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
You can get a Staph infection from sharing blades. You may have some kind of immunity to the staph living on your own skin, but not so much the staph living on other peoples skin.


Well-Known Member
steiner666 said:
yeah i stopped leaving my mach3 in the shower because i figured the moisture would be causing it to rust and get cruddy faster, sure enough i was right. My g/f is still convinced i took it out so she cant use it to shave her legs. I told "Wtf, why would i want you to not be able to shave your legs?
LOL. :D:D That made me laugh.


Well-Known Member
wipe the blades with alcohol, clears the crude and kills bacteria. It also keeps them sharper since the residue doesn't build it.


In the 70's there were books that recommended putting razor blades inside little pyramids; that magic pyramid power would keep them sharp.

Just look at this dweeb with his pocket pyramid:

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