Seeking advice: LSV, Solo, or both?

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Hey FC!
I made a post on asking for some vape advice on Reddit, but then remembered I had an FC account still! I'm gonna copy and paste my post from Reddit because it applies here as well. I think I'd get better advice from here anyways. Before I start, I'd like to thank all the FC forum members who make this forum the defacto standard of a good vaping community. I come here for most of my vape research (mostly lurking) and end up wasting my nights reading countless informative threads. Some really helpful guys have included 'sticksnstones', that guy with the polar-bear avatar, and countless others. Thanks. I appreciate your advice and dedication.:tup:

Hey folks,
I just started my new full-time job today. Anyways, I've been on a T-break / break for almost 8 months now. I stopped smoking because I was low on funds, my purple days vape was breaking, and I wanted employment. Anyways, 40 applications later, I'm employed full-time in a great company for a career-field that I love! I'm looking to finally break my break and start smoking again. Did I say smoking? Because I meant Vaping!

Anyways, I bought the PurpleDays;pd; back in 2009 for around $160. It was a pretty good vape, it had some flaws in the long run, but it was very efficient and decent for the price. Near the end of its life (around 2012), I bought an Ehle 250mL straight bong to use with it. This really made a great combo. However, my PD is pretty much done for at this point. The middle cylinder keeps coming loose, the wood inside is charred, and I've had to redo the electronics and replace the resistor a few times (the cylinder turns and gets the wires tangled, stretched and snapped). Its really unreliable.

Anyways, I'm looking to get back into vaping and I've been doing my research on the FC forums. I really liked the Silver Surfer and Da Buddha. They seemed to have a great price vs. performance ratio. Eventually I found out 7th Floor came out with a newer vape that was basically the SSV in a different form factor and fairly priced ($190) and better for bongs and straight pulls (no more rubber tubes!).

However, I've been reading that the Arizer Solo is a great piece as well. On eBay, they go for around $150-$175 which is a pretty good price for a strong portable. Honestly, I think I might have to get the LSV and the Solo (over the next year or so). I've been wanting a good portable unit, and a good heavy hitter for home. So lets take a look at these.

Home / Heavy hitter:
The two home units I've been looking at are the LSV (Life Saber Vape) and the VapeXhale Cloud. I hear everyone rant about how great the Cloud is, and I'm sure it great, but the price is a bit too steep and it seems the risk of loss and breakage is pretty high. Units used to die out (which I think has been fixed now) and the hydrotube is pretty pricey to replace. I don't doubt that its a good unit. But its pretty damn expensive. I just don't feel like its for me. I like the versatility of the LSV. So, the LSV looks likes a good hitter. I eventually want to get another Ehle bong to use it with too. About a year ago, my dad previously went on a dickhead-rant and shattered my 250mL Ehle. It pissed me off, he's a dick, :chill: but shit happens. It was a great pipe, so I'm thinking of getting the 500mL Ehle straight to use with an LSV. Would this be a strong combo for home use? Would the 500mL be overkill for the LSV or would it be the sweet-spot? The 250mL is like $80, and the 500mL is $100. So its almost worth it to get bigger size.

On the portable side:
I had a friend who followed the hype of the MFLB:mflb: . He purchased it and we smoked it together. It seemed like a nice unit, but I could never get sufficient hits out of that little unit. I want something that hits harder than the MFLB. I hear the Solo is an excellent portable unit. It supposedly hits hard for a portable and is pretty tasty and efficient, it is said to have good battery life too. Think this is a good choice?

Finally, does the LSV hit harder than the Solo? I will most likely be using the LSV with the Ehle bong. If they don't hit too much differently, I might just get one of the two (Solo or LSV). I'd rather get the LSV first to get harder hits in order to celebrate getting my job, being able to smoke again, and getting an apartment (very soon). Would these two products be different enough to justify buying them both? Its almost worth it to have a portable unit alongside a desktop unit, but I mostly just like to smoke at home and chill. I can have social anxiety issues time to time, and vaping and being near strangers isn't usually too comfortable for me. But I do like to smoke with friends while out camping, or doing outdoor activities. I used to enjoy smoking and driving, but I think that's a bit too irresponsible for me anymore. I've zoned out a few times at red lights or been pulled over by cops for forgetting to turn on my headlights (luckily there wasn't much of a smell with the PurpleDays!) I think I'd want the LSV first and worry about a portable later. I'm just looking for some more feedback and opinions.

Thanks for any responses! I've found that the Vape community is really friendly and informative on these topics. We're on the bleeding edge of smoking technology and its cool to see everyone so interested in these awesome devices. Happy days to you folks!
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For a portable you could get a vaporgenie for example, its like a wood pipe and it's sturdy, and about 50$. then you get the Solo and keep the genie as backup when you go camping or the power is out.
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