Resale Values


Annoying Libertarian
Hey all, I was just wondering what resale of these machines seems to be. Being new to this, I am astounded by the plethora of options available, and am literally stunned at the dollar amount some of these things cost, albeit worth it!

I was wondering what the experience has been in the resale venue. Is there any normal threshold of devaluation or is it brand specific?


Well-Known Member
Definitely a lot that goes into resale value, but most important to me is used condition. I would stick with well weathered companies that have large threads for a good reference of possible resale.

Naturally people will be hunting for a deal, but I believe if you purchase a product to find out its not right for you, half the retail value is a good starting point.

Like cars some hold value some plummet after driving off the lot.

Definitely do some quality research on the site and u will end up with a unit u will never want to sell!!

Best of luck and use the resources at hand.

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Annoying Libertarian
I am looking to expand from my portable to a desktop, and since in my state there's not even medical licensure, there's no way for me to write off the expense, which makes it VERY difficult to justify another vape to my wife when she still smokes from bowls, lol.


Well-Known Member
anything u buy new, once you open and use it, it is considered used, already 10-20% gone from the value, you're better off hunting for a good used unit from the classified or wait for big holidays for good deals
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