Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


Jack of all trades, master of none.
I agree that the TSA agents are a waste of resources. It's all so intrusive now. It's keeping the people in check with fear. Something our government seems to like to do. :2c:


Well-Known Member
IME security n the US is way worse as outside(worse as in waiting and hassle), went to the US once(just before you had to get an extra visum if you were from the european union, 5-6 years ago), and already at schiphol(main airport here in the netherlands) there were 3 checks or so between the waiting room and boarding the plane, while the waiting area already was in a secure area
and then upon arrival in the US it only got worse, long long lines(so long they even used the same system as in ammusement parks, those cords to make the line longer and not in a straight line)
and way to sensitive metaldetectors, and patting down for everyone even if you already passed the metaldetector

then this year I went to rome from the airport in hamburg
only one check between waiting area and boarding, much less lines, only patting down if the metal detector bleeped
and on the way back it bleeped, probably from some metal things that are atached to the pants I was wearing(it has a bit the illusion of a belt but it's actually pretty much non-functonal, and atached to the pants)
I was signaled to go to a security guy(or woman, don't remember) who was standing to the side, without even being patted down I was signalled to walk along
and a friend got caught with a pocketknife in her handbaggage, it was a bag she also used at home and she accidently left it in, apparently the security on hamburg hadn't noticed but on the way back the security in rome did notice it
wasn't a problem btw, she just handed it over

btw, when leaving the airport in hamburg I also spotted a paper on the wall with pics of arablooking guys(I think mostly with beards) with something along the lines of 'watch out for people like this, possible terrorist' printed above it
most openly form of racial stereotyping I ever saw :p


Apprentice Daydreamer
djonkoman said:
btw, when leaving the airport in hamburg I also spotted a paper on the wall with pics of arablooking guys(I think mostly with beards) with something along the lines of 'watch out for people like this, possible terrorist' printed above it
most openly form of racial stereotyping I ever saw :p
:lol:, reminds me this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42M-_GJvpGM


Well-Known Member
yes and I wouldn't even be surprised if that happened in real life, way too much hysteria about terrorists IMO...
if a terrorist really wants to blow up a plane he will succeed somehow, the number of planes crashed from piloterrors, maintenance-errors, engine malfunction and other 'usual' causes is probably much higher, and the whole reason terrorists do it is to gain attention wich they now have even without blowing planes up, I think our hysteria/panic about terrorists is like winning the lottery or getting rich asleep to them


Well-Known Member
I flew into Atlanta, then to Miami, back at the height of hijacks... a little before D.B. Cooper . . . Back when you walked down rolling stair platforms and soaked by the rain, into the terminal (a normal swinging glass door). No panic. It's changed a bit since then. Wow, way out of proportion. :rolleyes: Shocking, really, if each airline passenger were paying for all this security, prices would be sky high (haha!) ! ! !

BTW: had some Jamacian weed, one fat joint in my pocket, heading to Basic Training, strong stuff, smoked half, couldn't handle more, put it in the ashtray, in the left head of the Boeing 727 and told my brother patriot and seat mate, go back and have a go... Mile high club in another way... :cool:

That was funny Seek. :lol:


Go man go!



Well-Known Member
Hello FC!

I've been lurking here for a few months, but Pammy's email this morning telling me my Fiddleback Maple Gripper PD was just sent out this morning prompted me to finally make an account and start talking.

I ordered the PD on 27 July, so exactly 5 weeks. Not too shabby at all.

Tom was talking about sharing and it inspired me! I thought "What was the best way to accomplish this?". I'd invite you all to my breakfast table!

All the cooking supplies you need! Salt, pepper, purple da-

Oh, that's why this thing has six yolks.

We will try this again another day...wait, it's already 2:00pm?!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the P-D Family and the FC Forum, Todai.


Just found the best breakfast tool, a few weeks ago. The infra-red thermometer, set that pan temp at 375F, wow, perfect pancakes... :buzz:


hey guys i know this is a thread about the purple days and all... but to the previous discussion about airport security... blame al-qaeda... you moan and bitch about intrusive government security but if terrorists were blowing up planes everyday you'd be saying wtf. and i'm a total liberal hippy pothead... these security measures have zero effect on me... i accept that in order to stay alive -- perhaps some security agents might check to see if i don't have a bomb in my underwear.


Well-Known Member
Fman, "...but if terrorists were blowing up planes everyday you'd be saying ..." . . . they are not! Not one has been caught during passenger screening. Maybe I'm wrong... ?

Who is moaning and bitching, just said, they don't like being seen in a cluster.
This isn't racial, this isn't about safety, this isn't about security, it's about throwing money at a boogey-man.
You, may not dig that. Just reporting on a crazy life-span.

Now, back to P-D land. ;) :peace:

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Thanks for the reply, ill most likely be placing an order in the next couple weeks. those fiddleback units are GORGEOUS looking, where do those fit in to the wood density (running heat) chart?
SF Giant,


Well-Known Member
SFGiant, that is the nice part, American Cherry, Black Walnut and Western Fiddle-Back Maple are all about the same density. Same results, on average.


Well-Known Member
fbrinsley said:
hey guys i know this is a thread about the purple days and all... but to the previous discussion about airport security... blame al-qaeda... you moan and bitch about intrusive government security but if terrorists were blowing up planes everyday you'd be saying wtf. and i'm a total liberal hippy pothead... these security measures have zero effect on me... i accept that in order to stay alive -- perhaps some security agents might check to see if i don't have a bomb in my underwear.

funny how in the US liberal is synonym for left-wing..:p
here liberal is more synonym for rightwing, our biggest rightwingparty(well except the centerright party that used to be centre but is more centerright now) is the party that calls themselves liberals here, here the liberals are the rich upperclass
that party isn't really decided on it's stance towards weed(the current leader wants illegalisation but others in the party are for legalisation), but here liberal and hippy don't go together

(i think the explanation lies in politic history, here first the liberals wanted more rights, they were the progressive at the time, eventually they got their rights and established themselves as the upperclass(and so became conservative, once you have power you want to keep it), at that time you needed a ertain fortune to gain the right to vote, after that the socialists managed that everyone got voting rights, I don't know much about american politic history but I'm thinking maybe because of the rivalry with rusland the socialistgroup never really developed that much and instead the liberal remained the newest and so most progressive group? )

and for today's pic, another sunset:


huh? i just say liberal hippy to seperate myself from the tea party lunatics. whatever. as for airport security and money being thrown at a boogey man - that boogey man is a real threat to everyone's life everyday... sorry if you don't accept that radical islam wants to dominate the world with sharia. and if you scoff at that you're sorely misinformed... ok back to vaping ;)


Jack of all trades, master of none.
Pic of the Day

Another cell pic..... :D


Can't believe the contest ends next week.....


Chant Down Babylon
Nice pics everyone!
See, we can all post pics whenever we want, I love seeing pics as do we all I am sure.
I wish I had more time to create and post recently/now.
I will aim to get at least one more in....


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
Fman, "...but if terrorists were blowing up planes everyday you'd be saying ..." . . . they are not! Not one has been caught during passenger screening. Maybe I'm wrong... ?

Who is moaning and bitching, just said, they don't like being seen in a cluster.
This isn't racial, this isn't about safety, this isn't about security, it's about throwing money at a boogey-man.
You, may not dig that. Just reporting on a crazy life-span.

Now, back to P-D land. ;) :peace:

I couldn't agree with you more Tom, I think the hole terrorist threat is nowhere near as bad as is made out, I don't know if 911 was a government operation or not, I would probably lean towards not.
But, what I do think is that most threats that exist now are down to the actions of US foreign policy.
I also think it suits any government to have a boogey-man to scare the population with, as it makes it easier to keep control.

I mean look at the US for starters, they always seem to need threats in order to stay united.
Back when the states was first created, you had the war with the British for independence, then you had the civil war, after that you had the first world war, and prohibition, with all the issues that brought.
After that, the second world war, and then of course we get to communism and the cold war, that in particular was great for the government, it gave a common enemy for the people to fear and fight against.
Now of course communism is over, and we are in the terrorist age, this is a perfect threat for any world government, as terrorists are not from a particular nation, group or ideology they support a multitude of causes and ideas, and so the threat will never disappear.
I also think it gives the US a good excuse when resources such as water and oil start to run short, or when China becomes a bigger threat to go after them.
After all, if the US, and Britain were really concerned about justice and freedom, they would go into places like Zimbabwe as what is going on out there is terrible.
However, because there is nothing they are interested in there its not worth there attention, but somewhere like Libya is.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts which Toms post quoted above sparked, I hope I haven't offended anyone, and I love a good debate so feel free to respond either on the thread or by pm.


Jack of all trades, master of none.
I personally vote for no more political talk. It will just turn the thread into hate. :2c: :peace:

Then again I'm a dirty hippie. :lol:
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