Pot Lung and Vaping


Wish vapes were around when I was a kid. I smoked reefer day in/day out for 45 years and have vaped for about a month. I got Da Buddha. It's milder, and doesn't produce the coughing fits combusting does, but so far my "pot lung" -- chronic bronchitis -- persists.

Though cleaner, vaping with DBV at least, is not particle free. One look at an active wand or whip reveals that. What goes in the lungs must come out and is my case it's marijuana residue. I'm sure my "pot lung" is more chronic than most but I'm wondering how others deal with the issue? I just broke one wand trying to clean it. The unintended consequence of doing the right thing! :p


Well-Known Member
but if that isn't your thing, you could try vaping through water defusers. Or maybe just add a few sharp bending connections to your whip, i notice most of the build up is in the 90 bends.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Try vaping thru a bong filled with hot water. In my experience, this way of vaping has proved to be the easiest on my lungs.


Well-Known Member
oh ya, the hot water add moisture to the vapor. i was doing that for a while. (there is a thread about it)


You has smoked for 45 years, and vaping only for one month. You can't see great differences, it's too early. Continue vaping and be patient, and surely you will notice some benefits.
(Vapor is mainly water... does it wash our lungs from tar or other nasty substances??:/)


Serial vapist
Yeah, i had a lot of what you're describing, pretty much symptoms similar to acute bronchitis, back when i smoked. I switched to vaping-only on a DBV also about half a year ago, and i feel heaps better now, but it did take a couple months for things to really clear up. And I was only smoking for about 6-7 years, a couple J's a day or so, so you might need even longer. Give it some more time.

As others have said, look into water filtration it GREATLY reduces the already reduced harshness of whip hits, as well as the fact that any bits that get sucked through the screen will get filtered out by the water. If i take a medium to large hit straight from the whip I almost always cough afterwards. I can take huge rip through water though and not cough at all most of the time though, so much smoother and moister and cooler (esp if you have ice in there too).

Here's where you can find the water adapters, which replace the mouthpiece on your hose (4th item down):


If you don't already have a glass piece with a ground glass connection of those sizes, I can suggest a few very reasonably priced ones (I realize that ppl who are into thick and custom glass will shiver at some of the suggestions, but i'm trying to keep it reasonably priced and functional here, not top-of-the-line):

(new version of a bubbler from Weedstar, which will take one of thoer 18.8mm (aka 19mm) water adapters perfectly. It has a removable showerhead diffuser, which looks really sweet (search youtube milkshots of it)... these have been selling like mad on grasscity because every time they get some in stock they're out of stock again within days.)

(A glass blower in the US with some nice looking and nicely priced bubblers, most seem to take 14.5mm adapters. Send him a message and see if he has any special deals. A bit pricier than the other options, but thats expected when you buy hand blown american glass, should have better durability, which could be a real + if youre a clumsy person)

(just a cheap bong with a perc and some sort of diffusion on the downstem as well as ice fingers. I have a diff model black leaf bong currently, and while i have some issues with the massive size of it, it is of acceptable quality construction)

(a nice small-ish bong from a well respected german glass company, with ice fingers but no diffusion on the downstem, but you could replace it with a diffused one as long as the size is right)

Those are just a couple suggestions to get ya started! I would definitely look for something small, not much more than a foot or so tall. I have a 2ft tube and its sometimes hard to get it filled and cleared in one breath because of how much sheer volume there is between it and the hose running into it.


and when you're cleaning your wand out i hope youre saving the stuff you get out, because this "debris" is called wandhash and its very potent usually! Try smooshing some on top of a bowl next time you vape :brow:


I thank you all for your illuminating responses. Will definitely look into water filtration. In for a dollar in for a pound... Takes on a new meaning when vaping. ;)


Well-Known Member
Not to be contrary. I believe in the condition your describing. In the movie "The Union." They quote a Government report that claims MJ does not cause bronchitis. Do you smoke cigarettes to? I do, so I can not tell which smoke is doing what. And, if you haven't seen it and your on this forum. Go to Google video and type in "The Union". It will give you some new knowledge.


Well-Known Member
8 heard that once you got chronic bronchitis it was for life , is that statement wrong ?

Also, imHo i won t believe anything about combusted MJ or any herb not causing bronchitis.


vapor accessory addict
Speaking for myself, after 44 years of combusting, I also had a terrible, productive cough, much like bronchitis. Basically a smoker's cough. Nasty. People were always asking me if I was sick or commenting on my cough. I couldn't laugh without coughing and my voice had gotten a raspy quality to it. When I changed over to vaping, there was a noticeable improvement almost immediately (within a week). I am a daily consumer, usually all day. While I still might cough occasionally, the quality of the cough has changed. It is a dry cough now and not hacking and repetitive.

If you are also smoking cigs, the cough might not go away. And allergies can be a potential cough inducer. Pappy, if after a few more weeks your cough doesn't go away and you don't smoke cigs or have additional allergies, you might want to think about getting a chest x-ray. Better safe than sorry. After all, you did smoke for a long time. This could be an indicator of something more serious.


@ 8 > Based on firsthand experience, as well as validating posts here, I conclude smoking herb can produce bronchitis. I haven't smoked a cigarette since 1985 so we can rule that out. I vape only top shelf herb that produces a lot of tar and resin. As I said yesterday "what goes in must come out". Not to be graphic, but in my case it's sputum mixed with tar particles. That's what I refer to as "pot lung". In one sense I'm happy I spit it up. Otherwise, it would stay in my lungs.

I do hope, however, that vaping will cut down on the tar and resin and that my "pot lung" will become less acute and eventually diminish.


Serial vapist
Found this on a website, its about quitting cigs, but there should be some similarities. Smoke is smoke really. I think i read somewhere that you may actually cough up more stuff in the months after quitting smoking due to the fact that your lungs are able to expel it better.


The human body has an amazing ability to heal itself. This is clearly seen in ex-smokers. As soon as an individual stops smoking, his lungs begin to heal. Stopping smoking reduces a person's risk of lung cancer and other lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Three Months
Within three months of stopping smoking, the lung function (the amount and speed of air that can be inhaled and exhaled) begins to improve.

One year
During the first smoking-free year, the small hair-like cilia in the lungs improve their ability to move mucus and clean the lungs. Problems such as shortness of breath and coughing become less frequent.

Ten Years
After 10 years of not smoking, a U.S. Surgeon General's report shows that the risk of lung cancer drops to less than half that of an individual who smokes.

A Lung Health Study sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) showed that women's lung function improved twice as much as men's during the first year after stopping smoking."


Thanks Steiner666... I feel vaping has produced positive benefits already. On the other hand vaping is an irritant. Your brand of vape, sanitation of equipment, and type of herb all add to the equation. Don't you think? However, I do look forward to long term improvement.


New Member
Pappy, Welcome to FC, I hope you enjoy it here. I am glad you are switching to vaping, you will find a difference between the 2 soon. As for "Wand hash" and stuff of that matter. I know that Wand Hash is basically kief that has falling through and usually sticks to the sides. If I look at my tubing I can see it build up. THC will stick to these particles, but I am pretty sure most stays in the stem/tubing. If you notice it will try to cling to what it can, but on my tubing there are clean areas, it's just wherever it hits first. I cannot say 100% if you do not get anything on your lungs, but is this "residue" even bad? Your lungs can clean itself, even smoker lungs can be repaired somewhat. Any form of inhalation will produce it, but if yhou are really worried go with a bong/bub. The water will filter anything bad out, so no need to worry. If you have anymore questions you can stop by our Chatroom, at the top right on this page, and there are many knowledgeable vaporists there who can give you real time answers.

Have a good one,



GreenLeaf said:
Do you have COPD?
I had to Google it. :) No, I don't have COPD. As a Ninja trained by the CIA I regularly climb stairs as opposed to using elevators to avoid elimination. Sorry, but I just vaped some weird sativa. :lol:


New Member
Pappy I saw you come in to chat last night, sorry I was baked out of my mind and doing a TinyChat session with the rest of the guys. Come back in sometime today and I'll hopefully catch you on :).

Cappella Sistina

Well-Known Member
Konrad_Zuse said:
Pappy I saw you come in to chat last night, sorry I was baked out of my mind and doing a TinyChat session with the rest of the guys. Come back in sometime today and I'll hopefully catch you on :).
You? Baked?

nooooooo I dont believe you.

Cappella Sistina,


Well-Known Member
@ Pappy

be sure it should diminished, I used to spat out oisters every morning (not the biggest or dirtiest around but still some greenish yellow ), after one year of vaping my mucus has cleared, no more oister and apart from something that I feel is stuck in me throat (waiting for the jock here ) i breath better, and when I spit it's clear, no more blackish dots or anything.

(for the record, that s after 15 years of cigs, and mj j mixed w. tobacco on a daily basis at leats 4 j per day when not way more thx to friends.)


hippie hausfrau
I switched to vaping just short of 3 weeks ago. I was smoking bong hits for 15 years, the last 10 of those years were serious all-day heavy smoking years. I coughed all the time, especially when I laughed hard, and in the mornings I spat up awful black stuff. Sometimes coughed so hard in the mornings that it made me sick.

Switched to vaping, with similar usage - all day, heavy vaping - and already I feel better, already I can laugh hard without doubling over with hacking coughs...

I do some professional voice work (sorry I don't dare get too specific about it) and I always had to do it before any smoking could commence that day, and also I had to stop to cough rather often. Like, 4 or 5 times in an hour. Now (as I discovered last week) I can do the work VAKED and I sound fine. No raspiness, no cough breaks, just breathing and talking normally.

I would guess that the more damage from time smoking, the more time it might take to recover from it. Filtering out the particles with water (as so many have already mentioned above) is probably the best way you can help things along as you vape. You may not be able to feel the recovery as fast or as dramatically right yet, but it's got to be happening. Your lungs are surely thanking you, just quietly at first as they continue shoveling out the buildup of all those years.


Allow me to add my testimonial to this procession of respiratory miracles. One month ago today I purchased my first vaporizer -- Da Buddha. After using it 3 weeks and 3 days I can honestly state my airwaves feels clearer and less irritated. I still suffer from the effects of "pot lung" -- only markedly less so. I also suffer from post nasal drip which complicates my malady. So, after 3 short weeks I note an improvement!

I've toyed with the notion that the syncopated inhalation required to vape efficiently might strengthen the lungs. Breathing-wise, I find a direct correlation between vaping and harmonica playing -- something I've done for years. Those long deep steady controlled inhales may be good for your lungs!

NEWSFLASH!!! > Having combusted 45 years without owning a vape I now own two! :p Some of you may be aware Arizer was blowing out Extreme Qs for $149 on eBay a few weeks ago. Well, I emailed steve@arizer.com and glutton that I am cut myself in on the deal. Don't ask me what I'm gonna do with 2 vapes! Call me Pappy Overkill. :cool:


New Member
Pappy said:
Allow me to add my testimonial to this procession of respiratory miracles. One month ago today I purchased my first vaporizer -- Da Buddha. After using it 3 weeks and 3 days I can honestly state my airwaves feels clearer and less irritated. I still suffer from the effects of "pot lung" -- only markedly less so. I also suffer from post nasal drip which complicates my malady. So, after 3 short weeks I note an improvement!

I've toyed with the notion that the syncopated inhalation required to vape efficiently might strengthen the lungs. Breathing-wise, I find a direct correlation between vaping and harmonica playing -- something I've done for years. Those long deep steady controlled inhales may be good for your lungs!

NEWSFLASH!!! > Having combusted 45 years without owning a vape I now own two! :p Some of you may be aware Arizer was blowing out Extreme Qs for $149 on eBay a few weeks ago. Well, I emailed steve@arizer.com and glutton that I am cut myself in on the deal. Don't ask me what I'm gonna do with 2 vapes! Call me Pappy Overkill. :cool:
Nice I'm glad it's all working out for you Pappy. I hope your trip down Vape Lane continues to improve.


Konrad_Zuse said:
Nice I'm glad it's all working out for you Pappy. I hope your trip down Vape Lane continues to improve.
Thanks, Konrad. The inhabitants of this forum, including you, make the transition to Vape Lane a pleasant adjustment.


New Member
Pappy said:
Konrad_Zuse said:
Nice I'm glad it's all working out for you Pappy. I hope your trip down Vape Lane continues to improve.
Thanks, Konrad. The inhabitants of this forum, including you, make the transition to Vape Lane a pleasant adjustment.
Yeah, no problem, anytime. Stop by chat when you can!


6 weeks after switching from combusting to exclusively vaping I'm happy to report that my lung capacity has vastly improved. :D I'm not coughing or expectorating as much and my lungs don't feel as irritated.

I'm happy I could help answer my own question and thanks to all.
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