Marijuana's Effects on me

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Well-Known Member
I am 18 years old and have been smoking pot for almost 2 years heavily. If you averaged it out it would probally be every other day, like 4-5 seshies a day. I have finally been able to cutback, and now I go like 3 weeks apart from blazing. I just want to ask my fellow stoner's if you too feel these symptoms after blazing alot and then stopping.

I get very depressed and get urges to smoke pot. I would say I am addicted and dependent on it

I understand that marijuana effects dopamine, which is like the "feel good" "happy" chemical in your brain. It is also has to do something with the "reward" part of your brain. Correct?

I would like to ask a veteran stoner if he feels like he has any sort of psycological disorder from smoking pot.

I also forgot to mention I use adderal as a crutch to help me stay away from pot. I dont abuse it, I usually take a 30mg dose three times a week max.

I am just concerned I have done harm to my brain and would like the opinion from a well experienced cannabis user

Thank you very much
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