Log vape wood question

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Hi All,

I've noticed the PD and MZ let you choose between Myrtlewood, Walnut and Cherry. I've also read that Cherry and Walnut are about the same density, and both denser than Myrtlewood.

Does someone know about the durability of these woods? Is one more "elastic" than another? Will one "ding" easier than another? Is one more likely to split or crack due to temperature/humidity changes?

Thanks in advance,


Naruto Fan
i can't answer directly, however all woods will check and split I believe, but I've never seen anyone report checking on a log vape...maybe they're all good about applying the butter...?

anyway, I bought an Eterra which was over ten years old, and had minimal splitting, so am guessing whatever you get will last...but some are known for getting to higher temps because of the density (it's posted here someplace)


Woods are just like any other material. Softer woods will "ding" easier and harder woods will be more brittle or prone to splitting. Woods are not "elastic" however. When they hit something it will be a permanent dent and not spring back.


Vapor concierge
I would ask this question in the thread of the vape you choose. Those guys know more about wood than I thought possible. I have a Cherry and a Walnut PD and have not noticed a difference with respect to the qualities you are asking about.


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Thank you guys for your replies. I ended up doing a bit more research and found a website with a wood comparison chart (here). More research followed and I came to the conclusion that these particular north american hardwoods are more similar than they are different, and that for longevity and durability the more important factors are proper selection, processing, and care.

In the end I chose the myrtlewood... because that shit is money!
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