Just got a Da Buddha and it got me thinking...


Well-Known Member
So I just recently picked up a Da Buddha. It's my first desktop vape (although I've had plenty of portables in the past) and, I must admit, it's completely blown me away. So I had a couple of friends over to try it out the first day I got it. While everything went great and we all got completely blitzed, I couldn't help but think about the modding possibilities, specifically for group usage.

So, FC, here's my big question: Is there any kind of adapter out there that could maybe allow me to use 2 whips with the da buddha at the same time? What I'm picturing in my head is having 2 packed wands somehow connected to the Da Buddha using some kind of adapter (obviously use higher heat as well). Anybody think this would work? Has anyone tried this before?


Vapor concierge
The 7th floor website has somethin like this. I'll look...

I just sent you a private message

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