Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member

Elon Musk secretly ordered his engineers to turn off his company’s Starlink satellite communications network near the Crimean coast last year to disrupt a Ukrainian sneak attack on the Russian naval fleet, according to an excerpt adapted from Walter Isaacson’s new biography of the eccentric billionaire titled “Elon Musk.”

As Ukrainian submarine drones strapped with explosives approached the Russian fleet, they “lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly,” Isaacson writes.

This has since been debunked.



Well-Known Member

This does nothing to alleviate my concern though. There's still one unelected asshole with zero accountability deciding US foreign policy.

And even if someone doesn't care about the Ukraine war, there's good reason not to leave a uniquely massive satellite network in one private individual's hands. Especially an individual who has a history of making idiotic decisions.

The profit motive is already destroying this planet. Left unchecked it could also cut off space from humanity for a generation or longer. I don't have a problem with Starlink. But it needs to be run as a public service, not a money making scheme.



they say im crazy but i have a good time
... military relying on "the internet" to fly drones :tup: and a non domestic one at that :lol: .... probably belongs in fake news...


Well-Known Member
... military relying on "the internet" to fly drones :tup: and a non domestic one at that :lol: .... probably belongs in fake news...
They weren’t flying drones, they were drone submarines.

How do you think the US flies drones sitting at a military base in California while the drone is 3000 miles away?…..satellites

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
This does nothing to alleviate my concern though. There's still one unelected asshole with zero accountability deciding US foreign policy.

Yeah same, that was the most shocking part in the news article for me as well. Even one nation's foreign policy having such power is imo concerning, let alone one guy... and that's not even touching the subject of the character of that guy and how he got that power.


Well-Known Member
This does nothing to alleviate my concern though. There's still one unelected asshole with zero accountability deciding US foreign policy.

As opposed to every single elected asshole in washington not being held accountable?

Our country has an asshole problem. that problem is they are everywhere, and they are in charge.

Musk may be an asshole. He may be unelected, but he was trying to do right by the Ukraine PEOPLE by positioning starlink satellites to provide internet in a time of war when their infrastructure was in shambles due to said war. It was the ukraine government that wanted to use those satellites militarily, when that was never the intended purpose.

It would be like musk giving the Ukraine government $1b for humanitarian relief/efforts, then the government using the money to buy weapons.

Musk may be an asshole, but i do not believe he was trying to “decide foreign policy”. I believe he was trying to help the people of Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
As opposed to every single elected asshole in washington not being held accountable?

But they are elected. You can vote them out if you don't like their decisions. Far from a perfect system. But it's better than one guy getting to make life and death decisions simply because he owns the most resources. That's some middle ages shit.

Some accountability is better than zero.

I'm not even saying Musk made the wrong decision here. I just don't think it should be his decision to make. Especially because his personal satellite network was only made possible due to billions of dollars in taxpayer money.


Well-Known Member
can we or is voting just the proverbial carrot in front of the donkey to keep him moving?

You are assuming our vote actually matters.

Oh I got plenty of problems with the way we run elections in this country. But it's better than nothin. Incumbents do lose from time to time.

But I'll never have an opportunity to vote out Bill Gates. Even if he fucked up education in America and vaccine distribution in poor countries.



Active Member
can we or is voting just the proverbial carrot in front of the donkey to keep him moving?

You are assuming our vote actually matters.
This is actually a "funny" paradox you came up with.
It`s called the Paradox of Voting because: "the costs of voting will normally exceed the expected benefits" but think what would happen if nobody would vote in a liberal democracy :hmm:
So yes, on the one hand our votes really won`t matter but on the other hand they matter a lot :)


Well-Known Member
This is actually a "funny" paradox you came up with.
It`s called the Paradox of Voting because: "the costs of voting will normally exceed the expected benefits" but think what would happen if nobody would vote in a liberal democracy :hmm:
So yes, on the one hand our votes really won`t matter but on the other hand they matter a lot :)
There is another portion of that paradox as well.

“but think what would happen if nobody would vote in a liberal democracy”

If no one voted, would we even know that no one voted? If the vote is “fixed” as some people believe, how would we know no one voted?

Its the “if the tree falls in the woods” argument. Yes, you would know that you didn’t vote, but how would you know the other 150 million people did not?

Honestly, i am starting to believe that we arent as democratic as we have been led to believe. And if that is truth (we will never know) we may as well just shut up and color.

But it's better than nothin.
Is it?


Active Member
If no one voted, would we even know that no one voted? If the vote is “fixed” as some people believe, how would we know no one voted?
That`s why I talked about liberal democracies. This is an important part of liberal democracies. I don`t know where you live but where I live the people yelling something about rigged elections or fixed votes are mostly just citizens lacking knowledge of the political process and education in general.
Honestly, i am starting to believe that we arent as democratic as we have been led to believe. And if that is truth (we will never know) we may as well just shut up and color.
This is question of what you perceive as democratic? And if looked at from a broader perspective what science and society agreed upon to be considered as democratic. Most of the time there are indices to calculate a certain degree or level of democracy for a given country although scholars and others constantly debate about the niceties of such indexes.
The V-Dem is a good example for such an index :)
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Well-Known Member
That`s why I talked about liberal democracies. This is an important part of liberal democracies. I don`t know where you live but where I live the people yelling something about rigged elections or fixed votes are mostly just citizens lacking knowledge of the political process and education in general.

Is it far fetched to believe that our votes do not matter and the outcome has been already decided? I am not for one side or the other. I am speaking in a general sense.

I stated above that if it is “fixed” (i hate that word), would we even ever know?

People can scream all they want, it doesnt make it truth, but what i am saying is that whatever the truth is…we would probably never know. Think about the shit storm that would happen if it ever was proven that elections were fake for the last 100 years or so. Our country would collapse literally over night.

I am not saying i believe this, merely that there is a chance that it is true. Of course that depends on said individual and if they completely trust our government….i for one don’t trust anyone that much let alone our government.

Faith in our government is at an all time low depending who you listen to and what polls you choose to believe.

I am 50 years old. I have been voting since i was 18. In that time i have voted for both sides of the aisle, but as of late it is becoming more and more clear that our vote truly does not matter. I, for one, am fucking sick and tired of voting for the lesser of evils every single god damn election. When are we gonna get someone running that isn’t a complete and total crook and actually treats the position as “service” to the people?

That is why i said “shut up and color”, because if our vote doesnt matter, then that is the only thing we have left to do and the american people have lost their country.

Meh…i am getting over politics because the only winners are the people in charge and the losers are we the people.

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
Is it far fetched to believe that our votes do not matter and the outcome has been already decided? I am not for one side or the other. I am speaking in a general sense.

I stated above that if it is “fixed” (i hate that word), would we even ever know?

People can scream all they want, it doesnt make it truth, but what i am saying is that whatever the truth is…we would probably never know. Think about the shit storm that would happen if it ever was proven that elections were fake for the last 100 years or so. Our country would collapse literally over night.

I am not saying i believe this, merely that there is a chance that it is true. Of course that depends on said individual and if they completely trust our government….i for one don’t trust anyone that much let alone our government.

Faith in our government is at an all time low depending who you listen to and what polls you choose to believe.

I am 50 years old. I have been voting since i was 18. In that time i have voted for both sides of the aisle, but as of late it is becoming more and more clear that our vote truly does not matter. I, for one, am fucking sick and tired of voting for the lesser of evils every single god damn election. When are we gonna get someone running that isn’t a complete and total crook and actually treats the position as “service” to the people?

That is why i said “shut up and color”, because if our vote doesnt matter, then that is the only thing we have left to do and the american people have lost their country.

Meh…i am getting over politics because the only winners are the people in charge and the losers are we the people.
This belongs in the Fake News thread which I’ve linked. Alternatively you can look at the Random Thoughts thread here

This thread is for actual interesting news articles not conspiracy theories.


Well-Known Member
People forget, America did 9/11 long before the more famous 9/11. 50 years ago today.

That fucking demon Kissinger had his fingerprints all over this atrocity, fresh off of destroying Cambodia.

Here are the final words of Salvador Allende, the democratically elected President of Chile, just before US backed forces stormed the Presidential residence. You can hear explosions in the background.

After Allende's death, the US installed a brutal fascist dictator, Pinochet. He murdered thousands of Chileans and brutally imprisoned tens of thousands.
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Well-Known Member
This CEO of a "luxury property group" explicitly lays out what Central Banks, governments, and major companies around the world are doing.

He's saying the quiet part out loud. The Federal Reserve has said similar things, though with more tact. Interest rate hikes are about "disciplining Labor". They WANT to tank the economy and increase unemployment so working people know their place in this world.

There are peasants. There are nobles. And the peasantry has become too uppity over the past few years.

I also like when he says workers are getting paid too much to do very little. Bitch, you are a leech. You do literally nothing productive. And yes. You need employees more than they need you.


Well-Known Member
no one EARNS a billion $

Right. It's possible to become a millionaire from the sweat of your own brow. Surgeons, lawyers, athletes, entertainers etc. But the only way to become a billionaire is to leech off the labor of thousands of humans.

Which I wouldn't even have a problem with. IF every single person who works a full time job could afford a decent apartment reasonably close to their job. But that isn't happening, so billionaires shouldn't exist.


Old & In the Way
I have waited so long for this day!
That huge fucking earthen Trump sign that is visible to everyone crossing the Whitestone Bridge (northbound) will finally come down! Photo at end of the article.

Congratulations to the Bronx!

Trump's Name To Be Stripped From New York City Golf Course After Sale To Bally’s


Microbe minion

It's interesting to see scientists describing feelings of intoxication as waves... I haven't had an hallucinogen in as long time but I remember feeling waves of feelings rub up and down my spine on my most enjoyable trips. The last paragraph or two is scary though!
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