Global Warming a Myth?

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hahah we not being the problem hahahah :lol:

i laugh at that....dude can u even grasp your mind around the number 6.5 billion? each person has a small seems so small that no change could even be possible...very wrong my friend...we are a virus and the earth is trying to "sweat" us the fuck out

like a virus in the body remember ;)



vapor junkie
Staff member
marvel said:
The thing that boggles my mind is the complete dismissal of the scientific community at large by so many on this extremely scientific and pressing issue.
Uhhh, right... here's the thing, man... there are a lot of climate scientists who disagree with the notion that we could have anything to do with climate change. Look, the science proves that the climate is changing, but what is entirely still up for debate is whether we are causing the "problem" or not, or whether we could even do anything to fix it even if we put 100% of our resources into it, or for that matter whether it's really a problem in the first place.
Thanks for responding to that post instead of the numerous others that explain, in detail, the reasoning behind it. A+

stickstones said:
Frickr said:
it will be intresting to see the outcome of this confrence
Did you read post #20? This is a think tank with an agenda. They say tobacco isn't harmful. Some of their top members don't believe in evolution for fuck's sake. Are you kidding me? These people would deny the Holocaust if it suited them.

That conference is a farce in every sense of the word. Some blogger made a parody video about it and the heartland institute actually put it up on their own website in earnest until they realized they were the laughingstock of the scientific community. Not that they weren't already.

But this shit ain't funny. Think about what is at stake here! I'd love it if this was all some big conspiracy (it would be the biggest in the history of mankind), but when all of the best scientific organizations we have are telling us otherwise, I'm sorry, you have to be naive, gullible or stupid (sorry again) to side with these dwindling fringe groups that have near zero credibility in the first place. It's basic risk management.


^ so your saying we are not the problem? I said we were the problem...backwards? please elaborate ;)



vapor junkie
Staff member
Sorry, I thought this was serious discussion. Should have known better. :p


Vapor concierge were saying the planet is gonna sweat us out because we are fucking things up. Carlin was saying the planet will shake us off like fleas once it is done with us.

I'll be worried about global warming when it starts to fuck up cannabis grows!
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