Fuck you !!!


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
For me it's not the heat or the cold. Sure, extremes suck...but, it's the humidity that I hated most of all. I grew up in 'Jersey and hated the hot, humid summers and the bone chilling cold of winter. Left the East Coast decades ago never to return (except to visit). :)

I love low humidity...in the summer you can sit out in the shade and actually be cool. Not like east coast where you still sweat like a pig. I worked outside in that shit for 6 years back then and only enjoyed the spring & fall.

Fuck HUMIDITY!!!!!:rant:


Trapped in the Astral Planes Back from the dead
Fuck you depression, who creeps up on me from behind. As you insert your knife in my side. Fuck you. You piece of shit that doesn't allow for me to fully enjoy the presence of the ones I love. Fuck you for the times when you make me feel that I am less worthy of my life than others. And to the soul shattering social anxiety that I feel, fuck you also. Fuck you when I can't sit through even one my childrens school events without being overcome. Keeping me in my house as if I am a prisoner I say, fuck you! Sorry to rant bad day :peace:


Herbal Alchemist
We don't get very many almost perfect days here, but this was one of them. :nod:



Jack of all trades, master of none.
FUCK YOU first class and passengers with status that INSIST on not checking ANY bags even when it's free. It's fucking stupid and you just delay everything. Also, FUCK THE WORTHLESS MONEY PIT AKA THE TSA!

P.S. I have status and fly first class often so I'm not just whining because I'm always in the back of the bus. I do have a carryon pelican case for my computer shit. I don't check it because the TSA and airline employees are thieves. End rant.


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Fuck you, stupid callers, that get angry at me and tell me I am rude, when YOU called the WRONG number.

and I could have given you the right number, if you hadn't have been yelling so loud, FU.
Enchantre, you are far too kind!

Here's what they get from me...(well, partly... I upgraded to a push button model! ) :tup:


Well-Known Member
F you you moronic NP who is screwing with me for kicks by cancelling all my RX's including one ive been on multiple daily doses of for many years. Screw you for thinking you know better than me after spending a total of 2 visits and 20 minutes most of which you spent lecturing me. Im sick not an idiot and you DONT get to give me orders!


Authorized Buyer
Big fuck you to rubber stoppers sold by EDIT. Must be made out of a space age material, impenetrable and highly resistant to corrosion. You'd think these would be good qualities of a stopper.

Until it gets stuck inside a piece.



Grim Chiclets

Well-Known Member
Fuck everyone that's human, you're all degenerate fleshbags with no moral standards or empathetic abilities! We might as well build a giant rocket powered rock that catapults us willingly into the sun
Grim Chiclets,
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well-worn member
Fuck the TPP, big pharma, and their proposed "evergreen" patents on prescription drugs!

The TPP will make our prescription medicines more expensive.
In fact, the TPP will make it easier than ever for Big Pharma to monopolize the drug market. The deal will allow drug companies to “evergreen” patents on drugs, or allow drug companies to extend medical patents past current restrictions from the World Trade Organization.
By extending these patents, other drug companies will be barred from making generics of those drugs. With no competition, drug companies can then charge high prices for life saving drugs, keeping thousands of patients from accessing the medicine they need.

https://www.google.com/search?q=“evergreen” patents on drugs&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=rcs


Baked & Fried
I was waiting in the center lane to turn on the the street I live on, and I almost got hit head-on by 5 big cars, because of one fucking idiot driving around w/ their headlights off in the fucking pouring rain, at night.. I guess I should just be happy I'm not dead, but I'm fucking livid.. and the adrenaline is still doing its thing.. fuck I need a drink.. good thing I just restocked the herb.
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