
Oil Painter
I spent the past two days in bed, sick. I'm not much better today (I cannot actually talk much), but you know, my Nano kept me company.

It was fabulous to just drop a bit of fresh concentrate on the top (cover) screen of my little sandwich, and then just sip away, all day, while waiting for my body to deal with getting better. I read a lot, daydreamed a little, and stayed very quiet.


Well-Known Member
I am sick myself today enchantre !
Will get the enano going in a few hours and hopefully medicating on a lower temp will help me out some.
A week after having it and it still blows my mind. All other vapes except my cloud are collecting dust as we speak. Yes even the solo !


@poonman @ataxian



Active Member
Wooooooooo Hooooooooo.

I got my E-Nano a bit ago,

First thing when I got it, I plugged it in and cranked it up as high as it would go. I let it sit for 10 or 15 minutes, Then dialed it down to 7. After a couple of minutes, I put a tiny amount in the glass straw and inhaled.

And holy smokes!!! That was amazing. For the next one, I'm going to reduce the heat some because I nicely browned the whole thing in one hit. And what a hit it was. I blew so much vapor that I had to check it to make sure it didn't combust. But I knew it didn't because it was so smooth and tasty.

This is an enormous step up from anything I've used before.

I don't know what all the glass is yet that Andy sent me, but it's packaged incredibly nicely and it made a very long trip indeed to where I am, all in one piece.

Andy made me a special one that is a little bit bigger because of some numbness I have in my hands. If this one is bigger, then the regular ones must really be small. Even the one I have is able to fit nicely in my hand and is extremely easy-to-use.

Thanks Andy @ACE OF VAPE. I am sold.
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Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
Random question. Is there an essential oil bowl (for things like lavender oil) available for the nano? I know the solo comes with one it'd be great if there was one for the nano. Would give a legitimate (term used loosley) excuse for what it is.


Well-Known Member
Hey Vito, does it WORK well though? I know the nano pumps some temps, so i'm guessing it aromatizes essential oils ok? Regardless, i'm guessing Andy is creating these upcoming as he did mention "new glass" is coming...just a guess though.

If you guys haven't noticed yet, the new basket type screens are now on EV's website! $5 for 5 screens....BOOM!


Its all good Andy! Being busy IRL is completely different from a server issue causing missed emails and is 100% understandable (not that a server issue isnt, but at least we know you are getting the messages).

I don't know about it being all good. Andy operates a small business selling his goods for a profit. That's real life right there and needs to be tended to just like his other job.

I ordered my nano over 2 weeks ago and I still don't have it. He told me last Tuesday that it was shipped but I don't even have a tracking number on it and it's been over a week later. It doesn't exactly give me that warm fuzzy feeling if you know what I mean.

I can tolerate slow processing, shipping and communication but I don't want to be outright lied to. I hope that's not the case here but I've already received other merchandise from cali that was shipped days after my nano was supposedly shipped so I'm getting a little ticked off.

I'll probably come home tonight to see it there and my little rant will be silly. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I have recently discovered much greater enjoyment of my Nano by shredding the flowers. I have been so enticed by the taste and simplicity of whole nugs, but feel that the vapor quality/density (even after breaking it down) just doesn't compare to a nice medium grind consistency, and then breaking that down with the Epic some more. The clouds just billow and yes, i'm a cloud chaser (sorry, it's a psychological illness lol).

I've also noticed that I probably haven't been pulling as hard as I should. Now, the airflow can get a bit restricted (with the grind) and I can only use the open bore glass tubes with the screen as the honeycomb just cuts down the airflow too much IMO. The combination of grinding and pulling harder has completely changed my experience with this vaporizer, and i'm enjoying it ALOT more.

My only concerns have been hot and cold customer service, but I understand Andy is a super busy dude and my requests were a bit out of the ordinary. Regardless, timely responses to inquiries could have helped avoid some grief. I have a feeling that he is so busy that maybe reads an email, but then forgets to respond. So IMO don't be too patient, if some days go by hit him up with another email and you'll get a fast reply.

Osn Dosn

Well-Known Member
Looks like I really found one awfully nice FC member who's helping me out in getting an E-Nano to my CE worried part of 'Fuck the EU'.
What a wonderful, soft and cuddly community this is. And wow I am baked. Need to get used to that these toilet hits take some time to ring the bell. So sorry for blabla. Yes. There was another reason for this post actually:

what specifically should I order regarding stems and screens and shit and it seems that you can ask him to swap out parts as I do when ordering Pizza so to get a complete price right? Have I asked that before? Maybe. Thanks.


Dabs are vapor too!
@Osn Dosn - couldn't hurt to get an extra stem, just in case, and a gong if you want to use the 'nano with glass. Don't forget our coupon code FCLOVE, that gets you a discount. It's 5% off, plus you get an all glass stem, instead of the pinch one.

There's 2 kinds of stems offered, the ones with glass screens, or the no screen "pinch" stems.
I'm not sure if the domed screens are standard with the pinch stems or not, but if you ask, Andy will include them. The make the bowl quite a bit smaller, maybe 25%? That might help you decide......
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Well-Known Member
What discount does FCLOVE give? I threw a few accessories in the basket and it came to I think $38 and the discount wasn't even $2?

Osn Dosn

Well-Known Member
Ok but for both, the stems and gong adapters, there are glass screen versions as well, and would be good to know which have turned out to work better.. especially as there are those basket screens people are talking about

@biohacker math says 5%


Dabs are vapor too!
@Osn Dosn - I think you're gonna have to search the thread and read a bit, there doesn't seem to be a consensus on what is best. Again, the basket reduces bowl size, so that could be a plus or minus for you - I think it's great. The all glass has it's fans too, but may let some material thru. On the all glass gong, there's been posts about using a special screen at the very end to keep the material from getting into a water pipe.
@Caligula coined the term "stem hash" as it can then be reclaimed.

Osn Dosn

Well-Known Member
So the basket is for the standard stems only, that's one thing I wanted to know, thx
Osn Dosn,


Well-Known Member
thanks, math was never my forte. lol

You can use the basket for both standard or honeycomb. Don't forget, there is a significant difference IMO in airflow between the two. I much prefer the standard due to airflow and cost.
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