Smokey McVape

Well-Known Member
Anyone ever notice this blooper on the dynavap website? Looks like a good way to remove your fingerprints?

TBH the majority of the marketing pictures seem to be aimed at people under 30 which I find strange because there are plenty of DV regulars here on FC who are much older. The photos need to be more inclusive to ALL age groups. is the only one i know of so far. but it seems full price
Just had a look and there is no discount on that site.


Stuck under a 🪵
Hi all, long time lurker & first time poster here. I picked up a 2020 "m" when they had the support live music bundle available which came with both a regular and a captive cap. I quickly realized how much the captive cap sucked, it was so loose it wasn't funny. I finally just squeezed it pretty good on the sides without the indents and now it's tight and performs just like the regular cap. I'm really satisfied with it overall but it would be nice if it cooled off a little faster. Do you all think that upgrading to a titanium tip would be the best solution for the $$$?


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am interested to know

1. if the actual captive cap has changed in the 2021 edition. I have found captive caps 2020 at discount locally.

2. I have bought the omni xl starter pack 2020 couple of months ago as well as simrell vortex. Is the omni 2021 will be any improvement?
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Smokey McVape

Well-Known Member
If you guys haven's seen yet Simrell is running a combo sale $125- Stinger & M Combo
TBH I've had my Stinger for a couple of months now and I can't see what all the fuss is about. It's very well made but expensive considering the cooling effect is minimal and that's all it offers. If anybody wants it on the cheap send me a DM. I am in the UK and open to a reasonable offer.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, long time lurker & first time poster here. I picked up a 2020 "m" when they had the support live music bundle available which came with both a regular and a captive cap. I quickly realized how much the captive cap sucked, it was so loose it wasn't funny. I finally just squeezed it pretty good on the sides without the indents and now it's tight and performs just like the regular cap. I'm really satisfied with it overall but it would be nice if it cooled off a little faster. Do you all think that upgrading to a titanium tip would be the best solution for the $$$?
Yes, a ti tip will cool faster and is the cheapest solution.


Well-Known Member
TBH I've had my Stinger for a couple of months now and I can't see what all the fuss is about. It's very well made but expensive considering the cooling effect is minimal and that's all it offers.
Good to hear a review from someone who actually owns it rather then a bash just cause the name. I love mine think it changes the vapor flow some plus I really dig the taper of it on the mouth, plus for virtually $60 even if u remove the intercooler and just run the condensor and mouthpiece.

Back to topic of thread though.
Once again shows the beauty and versatility of this device we can stick the tip and cap on whatever we like and change the performance and experience. I am surprised noone has pointed out the fin stepping starting thin and getting thicker closer to the stem on the 2021m.


Hey guys, I have a quick question.
I noticed a straight hairline crack on the inside of my cap as shown below. Do I need to replace it?
I am not keen on cracked clickers as they seem to start shedding particles from the site every time they click. You might write DV at and tell Lori or George that you believe this crack is premature as the cap looks near-new. I would go by whatever Dynavap tells you in that correspondence rather than us forum rats. I only post this because this is George's wish during tea time on Instagram - to make sure everyone is happy with Dynavap products.


is (most likely) vaping
Vaposhop and Verdampftnochmal had otherwise always offered a pre-orders with 20% discount and the KarmaVap there was also in addition.
I can't speak for Verdampftnochmal as I have no experience with them, but yes you a right about Vaposhop.
Before it was sold, they used to run dynavap offers when launching new products. Not sure if it was for every new launch though, hence why I was skeptical anyway.
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sigma vape enjoyer
I am not keen on cracked clickers as they seem to start shedding particles from the site every time they click. You might write DV at and tell Lori or George that you believe this crack is premature as the cap looks near-new. I would go by whatever Dynavap tells you in that correspondence rather than us forum rats. I only post this because this is George's wish during tea time on Instagram - to make sure everyone is happy with Dynavap products.

Nah, the cap is just well cleaned lol. It's seen a couple of years almost daily use.
Thanks for the tip!
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Well-Known Member
just in the interest of science, DNA, if you are referring to the genetic code, wasn’t “invented” by someone, instead it’s the result of evolution.
clearly, i was just making a joke to illustrate how ridiculous i find the idea of patenting a twisted strip in a tube, since it wasn't invented by them either.
and i have to say, i'm not making those comments to bash Simrell, i really admire his work, but i can't agree with what happened in the DIY guide case.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5
As usual, a lot of good info in this thread about DV's in general and the new releases. Probably in a minority here, but like the new Vong and will be purchasing. Always liked the aesthetics of wood stems but felt that a thin wood sleeve would be too vulnerable to breakage and splitting in this application and never owned one.

The new Vong’s wood sleeve being buttressed on both ends with metal IMO would mitigate this in a major way. Of course it’s probably just the VAS speaking and it wouldn’t make any difference at all.


Not at all @endof3d - I use one-piece wooden stems exclusively. What I have noticed is that wooden stems are susceptible to o-rings rolling out of their grooves. Not that it was a huge monetary loss but I did loose 3-4 of my favorite home made stems to a crappy '20 tip that the o-rings were loose on. Turns out these came out of their groove and upon extraction of the tip, lodged itself out of the groove and split the stems. I am now a lot more watchful when it comes to how well the o-ring fits the tip.

The new Vong as a concept is great. I can say that the sleeve and end-caps will go a long was to making the Vong more robust. A welcome entry in the new lineup.


clearly, i was just making a joke to illustrate how ridiculous i find the idea of patenting a twisted strip in a tube, since it wasn't invented by them either.
and i have to say, i'm not making those comments to bash Simrell, i really admire his work, but i can't agree with what happened in the DIY guide case.

Unfortunately I didn’t realize that you meant it as a joke.

Due to the incredible amount of mistaken beliefs and mis-information regarding science in general and evolution in particular that is out in the wild, I took your statement at face value and wanted to correct the record in case anyone interpreted it as I had.

I meant no slight to you, but far too many people misunderstand evolution for me to ignore it.


IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
Unfortunately I didn’t realize that you meant it as a joke.

Due to the incredible amount of mistaken beliefs and mis-information regarding science in general and evolution in particular that is out in the wild, I took your statement at face value and wanted to correct the record in case anyone interpreted it as I had.

I meant no slight to you, but far too many people misunderstand evolution for me to ignore it.
Did you know that god created the vortex intercooler 5000 years ago?
It was when Jesus got high with the dinosaurs.
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