
Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Evening Update: :zzz:

.01g of a nice citrussy (is that a word) strain

Triple-Torched VapCap till the click.

Then I tried a full closed-carb draw. Did it take a few seconds longer than throttling the carb? Yep. Was it worth it? Hell yeah!

A nice sized tasty cloud (for the amount of herb used) and a single hit extraction! I tried two more cycles, even the last going 1 second past the click and got nothing.

I like the Hit and Run vaping sessions. Working on something, take a maintenance hit. Back to working on something.... VapCap makes that so easy anywhere, anytime... :rockon:


Evening Update: :zzz:

.01g of a nice citrussy (is that a word) strain

Triple-Torched VapCap till the click.

Then I tried a full closed-carb draw. Did it take a few seconds longer than throttling the carb? Yep. Was it worth it? Hell yeah!

A nice sized tasty cloud (for the amount of herb used) and a single hit extraction! I tried two more cycles, even the last going 1 second past the click and got nothing.

I like the Hit and Run vaping sessions. Working on something, take a maintenance hit. Back to working on something.... VapCap makes that so easy anywhere, anytime... :rockon:
This thing microdoses so well!! I've been everywhere from a few flecks in the bottom to fully packed. Reliable strong performance. I only use a single torch Eagle lighter so I get a little more "heat accuracy" or whatever with it. Very fun to try the same herb with the torch higher up and then lower and comparing effects!

If you can't tell, I'm Capped :mental::nod::rofl:


Somewhere North of The Wall
To anyone struggling with O-ring placement:

Remove all the black O-rings (they're actually X-seals) from the condenser and lay them next to each other.
If you look closely there will (should) be one that's very slightly bigger than the other two (there are 3 seals on an XL woody with mouthpiece), lay the bigger one aside.

Take the condenser, identify the 'narrow' end, then slide one of the two smaller seals over the 'narrow' end, then right up the length of the condenser to the groove right at the 'flared' end of the condenser.
Next slide the mouthpiece on, making sure to orient it so that the recess machined into one end of it fits around/over the single O-ring you first fitted.

Next slide the 'large' O-ring on to the condenser, right up to the groove in the condenser that's right next to the mouthpiece, and locate the seal in that groove.

Finally, slide the remaining seal on to the condenser tube, and locate it into the groove that is found nearest the middle of the condenser.

Your condenser assembly is now ready to slide into your body (:o).
The small seal near the middle of the condenser should slide into the body without coming out of its groove, but may sometimes need a little bit of spit to act as a lubricant (:uhoh:).

Finally, use the mouthpiece to push the big seal into the end of the body (should be a tighter fit than the seal you've already slid into the body.

This arrangement should allow the tip to spin on the condenser with relative ease.

And that's it for the condenser and mouthpiece :tup:.

The O-rings on the tip (actual O-rings this time instead of X-seals, may be red, brown or black in colour) are even easier:
There should be 4 O-rings, one slightly larger than the others.
The 3 smaller ones locate into the grooves in the narrow end of the Titanium tip that fits into the body.
The larger O-ring also goes on to this part of the tip, but instead of locating in the grooves it simply sits between the body and the fins on the tip (to provide thermal insulation between the two), you can slide it over the 3 O-rings that you've already fitted, or fit it first, then fit the 3 smaller rings into the grooves, with the same resulting arrangement.
Either approach works.

I did an 'exploded view' drawing which shows (if you look closely!) which O-ring goes where, but can't re-post it ATM as I'm on my mobile.
I think someone re-posted it recently, so look back through the last few pages an you might find it.

Hope that helps :cheers:



Well-Known Member
WOW! That is some beautiful body you got there!

I got one right between the mouthpiece and body (which is where it should be I think), and one further down the condenser tube. Should that one be before the carb (closer to the mp) or after (closer to the cap)?

Here's my take.

The condenser x-rings serve to stabilize the condenser within the Vapcap body or stem and cradles both ends of the wood mouthpiece (if there is one).

The x-ring placement should be between the body/stem carb hole and the mouthpiece end to allow for unrestricted airflow. The XL Condenser has two that sit inside the stem and the other one sits inside the top of the mouthpiece. The standard Condenser only has one on either side of the mouthpiece. So, one sits inside the mouth of the body and the other holds the mp on the condenser.

When the carb is uncovered air travels from the carb hole down to the tip where it creates turbulence. There, it mixes with the vapor, makes a 180° turn and travels up the condenser to the mouthpiece.

If you want to block the carb action, either place an x-ring below the carb towards the tip for full air restriction or place the x-ring at the carb hole to partially restrict carb airflow.

I found @Copacetic 's beautifully detailed drawings of the Vapcap models/configurations. Not only is this a wonderful visual reference, it is frame worthy. I'm going to print this off, frame it and hang it on a wall. Anyway, this gives a clear picture of the x-ring placement.

I have made a slight modification on my Vapcaps in that I have added an extra x-ring to the condenser. Basically I have doubled up the middle x-ring that sits under the mp. I find that I get a tighter condenser fit and my mp spinning action is improved. The extra x-ring makes for a more robust Vapcap IMO.


Standard Condenser

XL Condenser

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Well-Known Member

This vaporizer is really some kind of "life changing" experience, at least to me. I still wonder if my first ever vape was a VapCap, would I go for electronic devices? Probably not...

But, VAS (or maybe VCAS) is hitting me strong and I would like to get a titanium OmniVap and calm my "what if my OG ever breaks?" fears.

So, I have some doubts on how to accomplish a Ti Omni and a Ti Woody, spending as less as possible and not necessarily having to buy both the Omni and Ti woody separately.

Does anyone know if the Ti woody body would fit/match the Omni condenser? I can't find the woody body for sale in the website, do you think it is possible to buy it as a spare part?

I would probably have to get in touch with George himself, but ar first some opinion and tips from FC community would be quite helpful.

Keep calm, heat it 'till you hear the click, and enjoy :)



Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if the Ti woody body would fit/match the Omni condenser? I can't find the woody body for sale in the website, do you think it is possible to buy it as a spare part?

Any 45mm body or VonG will fit the Omni.

Bodies are not yet listed on the website. You would have to contact George and Matt to request a short body, determine what wood species or other materials they have available and to confirm a special order for an exotic wood or a Copper Stoned or even a Damascus body.


Well-Known Member
@Alexis yes the barley twist sleeve from @phatpiggie is easier to twirl while heating, partly because of the twist in the wood, and partly because it is slight wider than a regular Dynavap sleeve. That being said, I've never found it difficult to twirl any of my Vapcaps, but I don't struggle with dexterity problems.

I hope you enjoy finally being able to hit your new vapes, I actually think I'm looking forward to you trying them more than you are :clap:. I think you're really gunna like them. And in regards to your question on essential oils, have you thought of putting a few drops of essential oil on a piece of tissue, inside of a small glass jar, and add some hemp fibre/cotton to the jar and leave for a few days? Then you could try vaping some of the hemp fibre in the Vapcap?

Or even soak a little bit of hemp fibre/cotton in a water/essential oil dilution and trying to vape that. Just a couple ways I thought you could try.


Thank you for those warm sentiments and suggestions. I have to say, I am totally real and genuine and not superficial in any way. We live in world whee it seems that nobody gives a shit, except our nearest and dearest, most of the time.

But I get the overwhelming feeling that so many like minded genuine people on this forum genuinely care about others, and everyone seems so open minded and accepting and very intelligent.

I think that is what makes this forum such a great place, not the subject but the people.

Right, I cracked last night and tried my omnivap the first time. It was gone 10 pm, I had potatoes baking in the oven to go woth some organic mince and peas (my dinner is always very late due to allergy demands and food issues).

I was already very stoned from too much abv coconut oil and I needed a rest. I just couldnt resist trying the omnivap though. Aftr all the speculation and anticipation, it was a very rushed affair. I a,ways need time after vapor to manage the allergy respiratory symptoms before I eat, so I wanted to vape very quickly so I could eat as soon as.

First I washed and dried the omnivap. I put anout 0.1 gr of the auto durban poison in my new unused santa cruz shredder. I loaded about half of it in comfortably, still quite a coarse grind.

Now, my brain and senses are not working close to optimum due to extreme exhaustion and long term sleep deprivation. I also had a mishap in February which caused an injury to my optic nerve which damaged my vision, but also heavily affected my brain function, thinking, confidence and memory, imlairing my ability to use my senses and intuition to do basic tasks, loke cooking etc.
A really horrible experience. A viral infection in my nervous system jumped on the emotiomal trauma of it and stopped it healing, until my homeopath tested me in June and explained how the virus was preventing the optic nerve from healing.

She gave me remedies for everything and the optic nerve immediately started healing aftr 4 months no improvement. I started being able to read again and feel bettr all round. However, there have been several setbacks since reinjuring the delicate nerves. It is better than before but not fully healed at all, yet, it takes time after each re-injury.

This is relevant to my use of the vapcap. I also anticipated difficulty spinning the vapcap to heat it, due to very delicate hands and wrists etc, and structural weakness that where I have to be very careful how I use my hands, consciously and subconsciously.

This report will be foggy and in no order my head is a blur today. I used George's triple lighter. I did have enormous difficulty actually rotating the vapcap, and keeping it level and the flame aimed at a specific area, but I did my best, always stopping on the click, aiming for the tip intially.

What I didnt anticipate was an equally big problem actually using the torch. I can twirl betyer with my right hand, so torched mostly with my left, but my hands cant cope with that triple torch, the design of it puts enormous strain on my hands and thumbs. I would need 2 hands for it and very special attention. The quad seems a much better design for me, easier to click down and hold, so I so glad I picked it up, I will try that next time.

I was in a hurry to vape the load quite quick. I did struggle with the draw resistance. I dont like high drag tools or vapes. Despite having read the first 95 pages of the forum, I think my brain was bamboozled by so many different variatios of techique so I just kind of jumped in blind with foggy recollections and guidelines.

Results varied throuhout the bowl. I did get very good clouds several times. Tried with airflow right open slow draw, fast draw, aiflow closed right off (mouthpiece screwed right in) as well as covering and feathering carb, intermittently etc.

It was not a controlled experiment with data recorded and assimilated right. I also have the optic nerve issue and extreme tiredness retarding my brain function and memory.

The hand issue with the spinning, and even more so the lighter was a big problem and affected my hands a lot. I also struggled with the restricted airflow. Dea,ing with my al.ergies takes all my energy and when I vape I like it to be little effort, so I really need to k ow exactly what and how to use the omnivap to extract safely and efficiently with the least effort and inhalations possible.

I wasnt expecting to master this right away, but obviously this will change.
I definitely charred my loads. I couldnt see properly in the dim light and I wanted to make sure I had a proper dose, and with the effort it was taking, vreathing wise, and hand wise, in the end I just threw caution to the wind to finish the bowls.

I always stopped at the click, but was heating nearer the digger outer afyr some hits seemed not worth the effort it was taking (for me personally I mean).

So I got some hih temp hits. The load was very dark, as dark I think as I have seen images of, but Im pretty sure I didnt combust.
Here is a befre and after, the first load next to the second one unvaped:

So I took it way too far, the darkest abv I have seen for many years, but it used to get like this in my original "master blaster" vaporizer, which is pure conduction. Not my convection vapes in recent years though.

As a result, my chest was pretty bothered by the high temp hits and charring, but notning like smoking would be. I did the second load, tried to take it less far but went almost as far:

As you see, very dark. I start of at the top end and adjust down though, naturally. They used to say "an underdose is worse than an overdose". Notice though that it is very even, no stirring on first load on left, and second one I did crumble down eventually.

The effecy, was really good. I really liked it, a great satisfying and strong high from only 0.1 gr durban. And more full than some otner vaporizers where it can feel like a little something is absent, due to the vapcaps complete extraction.

By then it was late and I had to rush to deal with symptoms to eat, which took several hours. Finished food by 3 am (it takes me hours just to eat sometimes due to inflammation and mucus in my throat, lungs and mouth, chewing and swallowing very difficult).

I did my steam after dinner, and by 4 am was ready for more vapor, but I didnt want to go back to the vapcap until I am in better shape to figure it out and configure it better.
I have just had a 32 day break from vapor. I really wanted to try out my new D-2020 bubbler from Dhgate, so I decided to try it with the herborizer which is tried and tested and more straightforward.

I also wanted to give my new santa cruz shredder a proper try with a decent amount of weed. So I put about a 3rd gram of the auto white widow in it and into the herborizer bowl. The weed has been curing for 6 weeks now. It smelled strong, and this white widow is very very strong stuff! Heavy indica, powerful physical effect.

With the herborizer, the vapor is always invisble in dim light, so you dont know what you are taking in until you shine a light on the exhale. I probably didnt need any more weed agyr the edibles and the vapcap trial, bit had to stay up to digest my late dinner.

I hit the bubbler pretty hard to give it a good try, and I got carried away without realising. It hits surprisingly hard for a small piece, the D-2020. I properly stiched myself up.
I had way too much of the powerful white widow without realising in the dim light.
After I unplugged it I knew right away I had gone too far. I felt a whitie coming on. But it was much more than that, I had a very extreme reaction to the excess weed. My nervous system is very sensitive and my tolerance is low. My mind can handle any amount of weed, but my body cant.

(Out of space, will need to double post below to finish very sorry mods not often this happens.)
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Well-Known Member
Anyway I had probably the most intense and uncomfortable reaction to cannabis of my life. A similar thing happened earlier this year when I vaped some chemically grown Skunk no.1 and had a bit too much.

This time was far worse though. I believe my nervous system went into shock. I was absolutely freezing and had to put extra layers on and get undr duvet and blankets. My whole body was violently spasming, muscles all over, and shaking, as well as shiverring from cold. It was also very hard to breathe. I couldnt stand up or even sit up. I wasny able to begin managing the ususl respiratory allergy as soon as stop vaping, by taking oil of oregano, aloe vera juice, vitamin c and using an inhaler.

I could only lay down, my whole body shaking madly and spasming, sort of hyperventilating with some serious nervous system shit going on.
I managed to keep panic attack at bay, but I was very afraid. I eventually managed to use my inhaler, and gradually after an hour things calmed down and I was able to address the allergy at last.

It was the combination of edibled to begin with. You often can underestimate how much effect is still going on from them. Then the vapcap trial, which was no major contributor to the bad reaction, but a bit though.

Just far too much white widow testing the new bubbler.

My heart seems to be okay today no harm done there thankfully. I couldnt even tell how it was beating last night, not too bad though I dont think. I got to sleep after 6am and slept about 6 hours.
Today I am very weak from the reaction and the profound tension in my body last night. The white widow indica buzz is also very heavy and debibltating at all times aftr a heavy dose.

I just learnt myself properly, I wont be making that mistake again. It would not have happened with the herborizer sphere bubbler I am used to, I would have more easily obsrved and motitored my dose. My nervous system is still very shaken with tension and slight trembling still.. I have a new perspective on things where less will be more.

Back to vapcap- i will try the quad torch next time I am up to it, I havent recoverd yet today is a write off. I am looking forward to trying the omnivap in the D 2020 bubbler with the short 18mm VonG from George. That may be easier for me to rotate than the narrower stem. And the quad torch will be quicker. I think I wont worry about spinning it to much, just turn it around a bit and see if it can actually extract evenly still to make it easier.

I will also try the OG with carb open to see if it is easier for me with less resistance, and I will report back soon.

A massive thank you to everybody for your support and advice!
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Collector of Functional Art

This vaporizer is really some kind of "life changing" experience, at least to me. I still wonder if my first ever vape was a VapCap, would I go for electronic devices? Probably not...

.....Keep calm, heat it 'till you hear the click, and enjoy :)


Keep calm.... I just had to do this...


@VapCap I couldn't resist!


Authorized Buyer
hey guys, someone ever tried to heat the vapcap with a plasma lighter like this one?

Interesting. Judging from the pictures and reviews, it doesn't look like the gap is wide enough to get a 'cap in there? This one looks a little more reliable. Check out the top question: "will this light my meth pipe?" :puke:

I like the idea of ditching the hissing butane lighter. Hopefully someone else has tried one of these. They look awesome for lighting candles.
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Somewhere North of The Wall

Thanks for the kind words @Squiby, and for finding that pic!

I can't find the finished drawing, but the pencil above is an unfinished version of an exploded view that I did for George.
Sorry, I cant find the finished version, but it's latgely the same.
The X-rings are shown on the far right, and the grooves in the condenser can be seen in the middle view.
The middle view also shows the three O-rings for the Ti tip (the 4th, larger O-ring hasn't been added to the drawing yet).


Well-Known Member
I dont know about most people but I always try and hold my vapor in for a bit, I aim for 5 seconds or more. I dont care what anybody says, it definitely increases the effect. There are huge debates anout this relating to some claim that when smoking weed, maximum absorption has occured within 2 seconds.

Im not even sure I would agree with that, but there are certainly more downsides to holding smoke in for longer.
Regardless, vapor is a different thing entirely and the same priciples do not apply. I know 100% that I get much stronger effects by holding the vapor in for a bit.
If you are budgetting, or stretching weed rations it makes a lot of sense. And that stuff (cannabinoids) are good for you, you want them in your bloodstream not the environment.

However, it is a more enjoyable and comfortable experience vaporizing when you dont make an effort to hold it in for more than a brief second so I would never blame anybody for their preferences. You could argue that more hits not held in will equate to the same as less hits held longer, but I would suggest that you will also be inhaling a lot more hot air with more hits, which is an irritating factor lung wise for some.

Anyway my point: i was subconsciously aware of this before I tried the omnivap last night, but I confirmed that if you wish to hold in your first hit, it is at the expense of an equally sized second hit, and sometimes the click can come before you even get to the second hit.

I almost intuitvely felt that I needed to just exhale the first hit and go straight to number 2 on each cycle, but I feel kind of guilty blowing a ton of unabsorbed vapor out of my lungs right away.

Just the initial thoughts of a vapcap novice. I may in time see if I can tailor my ritual to get one long, large inhalation per heat cycle and hold it in for a bit.

Ps. I heard today that the bastard UK government are restricting cbd oil from November and it will no longer be available in the UK. They no doubt have been working tirelessly around the clock since it became available here to take it away from us. They are now classing it as a medicine so that only they can provide it.
Years of trials to come and then a cbd only medicine to be offered, no other cannabinoids. They dont want people to be able to help themselves and actually get better. I thought it was too god to be true that you could get it so freely.

God I just hate the f-ck-rs!


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
I dont know about most people but I always try and hold my vapor in for a bit, I aim for 5 seconds or more. I dont care what anybody says, it definitely increases the effect. There are huge debates anout this relating to some claim that when smoking weed, maximum absorption has occured within 2 seconds.
Not sure what you're feeling isn't placebo or lack of oxygen buzz?

There are a ton of postings and articles stating that 95% THC is absorbed in first seconds of inhalation. (Don't know how many of these are speculation or conjecture?)


This article has a good point about the vapor actually having to get into your lungs to be processed. Explaining that at the end of a draw, the vapor in your trachea and mouth/throat is 100% wasted.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you're feeling isn't placebo or lack of oxygen buzz?

There are a ton of postings and articles stating that 95% THC is absorbed in first seconds of inhalation. (Don't know how many of these are speculation or conjecture?)

Well Im very in tune with my body Dave and how things affect me, and going by years of experience I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I get much more stoned by holding in for a bit. Something like this must be quite tricky to measure scientifically.

But it may be true, as thc is only one compound and there are many other psychoactive ones which may require more time for absorption.
I think this factor is partly why others can vape so much more in a day than myself, and my low tolerance, but only partly a factor.

It is definitely not a lack of oxygen or placebo which has brought me to this standpoint I promise you, but I will actually change my stance, and cut my losses and exhlae sooner for a while, seeing as I dont need to ration now that I have an adequate annual supply for the first time in 11 years, and following last nights bad experience.

Less will be more for me I think for a while now!

Edit: thanks for the links Dave. I just read the bottom one, it is primarily speaking of smoking and only refers briefly to vapor, but makes the point that it is of little concern holding in toxic compounds needlessly in the case of vaporizing weed..

The main argument seems to be that any smoke not in the actual lungs is wasted. He recommends the same draw technique I instinctively employ actually, where I inhale deep into my lungs, but then continue to inhale air afterwards to take all the vapor down into the lungs, where I try and keep it for a bit.
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Some random pictures...

After one hit with the carb closed through water:


A spectrum of possibilities!


PS: did you know if you take one of those silicone ecig drip tip covers and trim the end down a bit, you can fit it inside the VapCap tube? They have a ridge on the inside and when you put it on the ridge pushes and keeps the condenser tube in place! It fits in some of my 14mm stuff but not all of it. Fitting a piece of 1/2" silicone tubing into the 14mm allows it to fit snugly in place with enough room to use the carb.



Well-Known Member
Not sure what you're feeling isn't placebo or lack of oxygen buzz?

There are a ton of postings and articles stating that 95% THC is absorbed in first seconds of inhalation. (Don't know how many of these are speculation or conjecture?)


This article has a good point about the vapor actually having to get into your lungs to be processed. Explaining that at the end of a draw, the vapor in your trachea and mouth/throat is 100% wasted.
I also just hold for a quick count of 3 maximum. I know what my glass looks like from vaping and really don't want all that condensate in my lungs.

But, the only scholarly article I was able to find is below and that's just the abstract with no findings or conclusions....and its $28 for the full report.

Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1989 Jun;33(2):481-4.
Breathhold duration and response to marijuana smoke.
Zacny JP1, Chait LD.
Author information

Marijuana smokers are frequently observed to hold the smoke in their lungs for prolonged periods (10-15 sec) apparently in the belief that prolonged breathholding intensifies the effects of the drug. The actual influence of breathhold duration on response to marijuana smoke has not been studied. The present study examined the effects of systematic manipulation of breathhold duration on the physiological, cognitive and subjective response to marijuana smoke in a group of eight regular marijuana smokers. Subjects were exposed to each of three breathhold duration conditions (0, 10 and 20 sec) on three occasions, scheduled according to a randomized block design. A controlled smoking procedure was used in which the number of puffs, puff volume and postpuff inhalation volume were held constant. Expired air carbon monoxide levels were measured before and after smoking to monitor smoke intake. Typical marijuana effects (increased heart rate, increased ratings of "high" and impaired memory performance) were observed under each of the breathhold conditions, but there was little evidence that response to marijuana was a function of breathhold duration.​

However, this link summarizes the findings in another publication: http://cannabisasmedicine.com/story/holding-“hit”-there-additional-medical-benefit
The earlier paper entitled Breathhold Duration and Response to Marijuana Smoke was published in 1989 in Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior. Zacny and Chait. These researchers used varying durations of the breath hold being: 0, 10, and 20 seconds during nine different sessions. Each time limit was used in three sessions (totaling 9) and were chosen randomly; not done in a sequence but varying. They measured heart rate, mood and carbon monoxide.

Results of the study were; the sensitivity of the response to breath holding when smoking cannabis is small. The effect of time after smoking had effect on the variables measured but breath hold itself had scant evidence that cannabis effects were responding to the breath hold maneuver.

he study entitled Response to marijuana as a function of potency and breath hold duration by James P. Zacny and L.D. Chait was published in Psychopharmacology in 1991. This study by the same authors of the previous study looks at breath holds of 0 and 20 seconds using cannabis and a placebo....(sic) Potentiating of the intoxication from cannabis (and presumably medical benefits) is not increased by holding ones breath for long periods of time.

The last study in this review is Marijuana Smoking: Effects of varying Puff Volume and Breathhold Duration by Julian L. Azorlosa et al in 1995 published by The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics...(sic) The breath hold data shows an enhanced absorption at about 10 seconds whereas a 20 second breath hold does little to enhance THC levels.

So, I'm good with my 3 seconds or so. :-)​


Well-Known Member
What up all you Vapcap freaks & Vapcap-aholics. So...I ended up breaking my OG the other day. Pulled a little to hard taking the cap off & whamo. It breaky :lol:. Oh well, a replacement body's only $15 + shipping, so I ain't sweatin' it. Wanted to quickly compare the OG & Vapolution Pocket Vape I got, as they're both affordable inexpensive vape options. 1st, the VPV is all glass w/ no carb. It's almost twice the length of the OG! The only thing I can say for the VPV is that the taste is a tad bit better all the way through than the OG. The OG has a better build quality to it, takes less green for the same amount of hits, extracts better, is smaller & has the click for feedback vs just eyeing it w/ the VPV. A big win for the Vapcap. The only thing that bothers me about the OG is the fat mp. I can taste the silicone ? :shrug: of the mp on the back end of the hit. Is this just me ? I had a bad experience w/ the hot mp of a zeppelin :puke: back in my early twenties & wonder if that has something to do w/ it. Lastly, saw George is making new caps w/ the laser. :whoa: Might just have to get a new one w/ lasered cap & a backup body for, you know, a backup. Woot woot! :rockon:


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
The only thing that bothers me about the OG is the fat mp. I can taste the silicone ?
For a bit more than the OG, I picked up the VapCap S. Comes with the glass condenser and silicone mouthpiece you reference, but also comes with a wooden mouthpiece and XL (metal) condenser.

When it arrived, it came with the wooden mouthpiece and metal condenser pre-installed. I've not switched to the other setup, as this one suites me.
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