Done waiting for the _____!


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Yea, I don't know... That VHW looks dangerous. I mean they tell you to place it on something fireproof, etc. As for using a LSV in the bedroom, I have a separate area for vaping. It's not like I keep everything on a nightstand right near my bed. Is it more setup or prep than a Q? It didn't seem like it to me. I mean, turn it on, load the glass adapter...
What I don't want is to be standing around for 10 minutes medicating. I want something powerful and fast. Fast heat up, fast, big rips, watch some TV, fall asleep.


Well-Known Member
The LSV would def be a better choice in that case then the VHW. I have never used a Q. Its close to what a DBV requires.

If you are looking for large, fast hits the LSV can definitely provide that. If you have a spot for all the glass then i would say you are good to go. The LSV can get kinda hot, but you would just need to turn it off before falling asleep, which should be no problem.

You would be using this with a glass water pipe yes? With the LSV and the WPA you can actually aim the heat at different parts of the 'bowl' with the Spherical Ground Glass connection. It helps to give those types of hits youa re looking for.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Yea, for use with glass only. I probably will never use the wand. In my bedroom I have used a Hotbox, PD, LB with adapter, and now the HA. I have a drawer to keep everything in. None of these gave me what I want, and none come close to what the Q can do, as far as big clouds. I found myself standing there for a long time to get where I needed to be.

I thought that "other" vape would be perfect, but who knows when it will be available...


Out to lunch
Tstat said:
I thought that "other" vape would be perfect, but who knows when it will be available...
I'm sure you're talking about the Cloud. There's no rule against naming it. They still have to make sure the new manufacturing outfit is putting out the necessary quality and consistency. It shouldn't be long, although time is relative and I don't know where you are on the list. Meanwhile, good luck with your search.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Oh, I know. I mentioned the name in an earlier post (but don't want to upset the fanboyz). I have been following that thread for some time, but ran out of patience. I am on the list, and got on early, but I don't know what number I am. I'll probably still buy the Cloud too, but I really need a vape right now. If SM was to say "shipping in 6 weeks" or something, then maybe I could hold off. But I just don't see that happening.

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Well when you guys and gals finally get your Clouds i'll let one of you sell me your LSV for a bargain price ;)
SF Giant,


Active Member
BTW Tstat- you can also use the LSV as a whip vape. I know this is not your intent, but a SSV/DBV hands-free whip works great with the LSV. I use it sometimes when I'm feeling super lazy. Just lay the LSV down on its side and it becomes a DBV. I sold my other 7th Floor products once I got the LSV (but kept all the accessories/adaptors/whips/etc). Seemed redundant.

And NYCs point about the "angle" with the spherical GG WPA is right on. It's great for hash in this way because you can "aim" your LSV at specific locations.

I don't think you can go wrong with the LSV. So many options in one vape.


I have recently ordered a Underdog, and a Thermovape/with revolution adapter as well.

maybe consider those?


Active Member
Charlie just sold his LSV. Maybe he can give you an alternate opinion...besides wait :)

With your signature Charlie, I could wait too ;)


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Well, I am waiting until Monday anyway. I'll know then if I need to get a vape right away. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I think the LSV is the way to go here, but I'd still entertain more suggestions.

Or maybe the Cumulonimbus will all of a sudden appear!
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