Do you like where you live?


Well-Known Member
Big fan of upstate ny. We ski in the dacks. One of the most sublime and mystical places I’ve had the pleasure to spend time in. I mean make you cry beautiful.

Lots of full time outdoorsy folks, big-time hikers up there. I’m always amazed at how many people hike through the winter. The frozen 46ers or something like that.

And ice climbers. Lots of ice climbers. Brave souls.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I'm stuck in one of the southern states in the USA.

I spent several years in northern states when I was younger, and will escape in that direction again one of these days.
Been stuck in the south for the better part of 20-years now though. That's too long.

The drug-laws down here are downright disgusting and unethical to cannabis users as well, which doesn't help.
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