BOOST ULTRA Vapor System

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I was hoping to have the price remain competitive with the digital volcano which retails for around $650 and a few of my suppliers for certain components have upped their price, but I can still keep the retail price for the Boost Ultra at $490.

I have built a functional prototype for the automatic stirring outside of the actual unit. However to have it built in to the unit requires 1 to 2 more input/output pins on the microcontroller and I am already using them all, and have used every trick in the book to reduce the amount of pins to use. So I would need to use a larger microcontroller chip which would require a complete redesign of the circuit board. Nevertheless, I would like to add it in in the future, maybe for a "deluxe" version.

Also no website yet, just the contact email and this forum for now, though I hope to have a friend make me one soon ;)
Keep it up man, looks very interesting. It would fit in next to the little lady's subs perfectly. I like the concept. Have you filled any orders yet?
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