

OMG! Moms getting excited! Good deal! Older women(I do recall you are over 40 mom) ROCK! I know my lady sure does. Been 47 years with this old fart and she is the greatest.
Zap heat a room????????? No way Jose. Unless your room is only big enough for a mouse. They pull a bit over 7 watts. You will not get any 'room heat' from 7 watts. That was a first! I love those.
Keep that excitement going Zaperoos and Zaperas. 6 of you got shipping notices today, more tomorrow, more later in the week.
Rock on.
Having fun here in Zapville with one IP cam on the chicken coop watching the hens laying and clucking and zoning. I'll get a clip of a real quickie one of these days as we have 4 roosters and 30 or so hens.


Well-Known Member
Ok, it's been a few weeks since I got my CherryZap, so I'm due to update.


Before this, I had two VGs: the original and the bat. And they were good, don't get me wrong. In fact, once I got technique down, the bat and I had a love affair. I took it on a photo gig with me and used it in my hotel room. I even used it in the press bathroom at a large arena! Stealth: I'm doin' it right. Because of that little aluminum bat, I gave up combustion altogether after years and years of it...

But the occasional taste of butane started to get to me. That, and the constant search for and need to purchase more lighters. (Man, when you have to keep a flame lit for ten or more seconds, you'll burn through those little f@&$ers FAST!) And the periodical accidental combustion... they all irked me, just enough...

SO I took the plunge. The log vapes appealed to me, so a Zap seemed the way to go. After a REALLY long 8 days, it arrived. Of course I plugged it in right away, paced my house for an hour, and let 'er rip! At first, I was getting really mild little puffs, but it took me about two sessions to get things down.

Now I can get giant hits when I want 'em, or I can get small, measured "anxiety-reducer" doses. I've got it down. I love this little vape.

My zap is gorgeous--light reddish brown with pretty vertical striping. She's puuuuuurty.


Ok. Off for more "bonding time."


Vapor Dog
It may have just been that it was one of the hottest days yet this year, and i incorrectly assumed it was the zap heating my room. The rest of the house felt cool, but my room is small and sunny. I went home earlier today after leaving it on and it wasnt bad, but i left the fan on as well. Probably just the florida sun sneaking up on me.

gettin lifted

fiarrhea said:
It may have just been that it was one of the hottest days yet this year, and i incorrectly assumed it was the zap heating my room. The rest of the house felt cool, but my room is small and sunny. I went home earlier today after leaving it on and it wasnt bad, but i left the fan on as well. Probably just the florida sun sneaking up on me.

i think thats all it is. my room gets a bit hot towards the end of a hot florida day because my room and window is on the west side of my house. so its nice until about 3pm and then the sun really shines in there and heats things up. i guess its much hotter here in southwest florida then for you in north florida because its untolerable without the windows open.
gettin lifted,


Darth Vapor
I have had up to 5 log vapes in the same room running at the same time, believe me, they don't heat anything up but herb


Well-Known Member

Man I can't wait to get my hands on it. Love these things. I always leave mine on 24/7. Unless I go on a trip, then I'll turn it off. I love the fact I'll have 3 different type woods. Was wondering, I've notice both units I have do rattle a bit I guess cause of shrinkage or whatever. In this thread SOMEWHERE there was mention of a home fix. I remember hearing about tightening something but I wasn't paying much attention because (at the time) the problem didn't pertain to me. What do I need to get er done cuz I'm ready do keep my units running tip top :D Maybe somebody could supply the page number?


I have a feeling you have some competition creeping up on ya :p
Have you ever opened up one of your units? btw I'm getting an Ash nana lol

About the heat......Oh ya those hot days can make the unit get pretty darn hot alright.......Had mine in vegas.....Whoa.

One thing I'm surprised at on my end, is how well the glass tooty's have stayed good and strong....


Well-Known Member
lwien wrote:
EVERY site has their favorite vapes. This site, it's the PD.

I am a new user of FC who has never used, or seen a PD and I get the same impression as Iwen. It's nothing we should be getting defensive about, we make reviews, and in order to make them well we need exposure to as much of the market as possible.

On a similar note I think that this site can only really be positive publicity for any company that is involved with this site unless the product in question raises health concerns due to heavily contaminated vapors or something else really concerning.

Plasma wrote:
I like turtles!

-right on, that made my day!


Well-Known Member
salamanderfish said:
lwien wrote:
EVERY site has their favorite vapes. This site, it's the PD.
I am a new user of FC who has never used, or seen a PD and I get the same impression as Iwen.

When the hell did I say that? That was ages ago.

For the record, when I first joined up, the PD did seem like the site favorite at the time, but we've grown up quite a bit since then and there are just as many fans of many other vapes here, including the PD.

salamanderfish said:
On a similar note I think that this site can only really be positive publicity for any company that is involved with this site unless the product in question raises health concerns due to heavily contaminated vapors or something else really concerning.

This is NOT true. While there are some vapes that this site helped gave birth to, there are also many other vapes on the market whose manufacturers are not very much involved with this site, but yet are viewed VERY positively here.

Salamander, I don't have a problem being quoted, but if you're going to quote me to support an argument, please make sure that the argument is valid.

btw, rutibegga, NICE lookin' Zap. :o


Cutty, Rick says he will throw a tite kit in with your latest order. Going to go hit that Ashzap in a few minutes.....................
lwein, I was wondering if you would pop up on that quote. Thanks for keeping us on track.


Well-Known Member
momofthegoons said:
rutibegga, congrats on your new Zap! It's a real nice. :D

Okay Cutty, now you've got me going! :lol: Ash huh? You are planning on posting a pic, right? The fix you are looking for is the tite kit. Rick sells it through the accessory page on his shopping cart.

Haha Can't wait to get it and yes I really need to get some pics up.

Momo I'm thinking about getting a MFLB for when I'm on the move. Do you recommend?


vapor accessory addict
Yes, Cutty, I do. I really like mine. But, I will say that it really rocks with the PA, which makes it less mobile.


Well-Known Member
That is the power adapter, which I believe is still in beta mode. anyway plenty of people are enjoying theirs already. But that is if you want to just make it easier if you are inside or with a group, or even if you just want to make it easier to fiddle with the temperature setting(which the PA does have).

if you just want a portable then get the MFLB and some better aftermarket batteries. :) I hear the Powerex 2700s are very good.


Well-Known Member
suffice? most likely. but the batteries, as the Boxes power source, really makes a big difference. They originally came with Sanyo Eneloops way back, and its what I use but I know I need new batts(mine are nearly dead). The charger you use makes a difference in your batts' life too. For example: if you ALWAYS use a quick charger, it will decrease the overall life of your batteries, and you will need to replace them sooner or later.
I heard that once they release their new kit it will include Powerex batteries as well as some other upgraded accesories

but this is the Zap thread... dont want to go too off topic in here :cool:


Well-Known Member
don't get sanyo enloops. they changed the diameter of their batteries [believe the company changed ownerships] and they are very loose. even more so in new LB models. go for the powerex 2700's. they have a great fit and will improve your LB performance.


Charles Urbane
SmokingElectricity said:
don't get sanyo enloops. they changed the diameter of their batteries [believe the company changed ownerships] and they are very loose. even more so in new LB models. go for the powerex 2700's. they have a great fit and will improve your LB performance.

And if you need lsd batteries 2400 mah Imedions are the way to go.


War Criminal
^^^^ agreed

edit: oops...didn't realize i was even in the zap page! maybe i can underail.

I just enjoyed my first stem of the day on a well deserved day off of the grind. I added about a .01 of shatter bho(a normal sized dab for me)to some green crack in a freshly iso'ed stem. I like to load my stem as i normally would, and just top it off with a sliver of bho. super tasty, and i only took 2 or 3 rips,and i am blazed. and the stems not even done.

i always use my sheldon black bub when i add bho because the stem sits straight up and down. I am afraid that if i load the stem right side up the oil will just melt and get into my zap.

i have to say i enjoy this method of bho consumption just as much as my kut curve or glass nail/dome.


Well-Known Member
YEs. Just got an email saying my Zap has been shipped. Christmas once again. :D Western Ash come to PAPah.....

Also picked up a Magic Flight LAunch Box. Perfect for my 'Off Grid' Needs. Eneloops work great guys thanks
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