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  1. L

    Discontinued The Stealthvape

    yea its pretty disappointing......the feedback from management has completely tapered off to zero as well. Hopes are still high for me though. Giving the benefit of the doubt to start-up companies is necessary for early-adopters. Though I imagine that may start wearing thin here pretty soon. I...
  2. L

    Discontinued The Stealthvape

    For some reason people continue to ignore the fact that the substance he is using to demo is noted as having a higher vape temp than "other", more popular materials. Not only that, but he leaves the top off which I imagine slows the process even more by letting heat escape. See how long it takes...
  3. L

    Discontinued The Stealthvape

    True. Though you have to admit it would be better, in this case, to simply prioritize and save responses for when there is more time. Or in this case, I wouldn't have even dignified the questions with a response. Deleting comments aggravates the user, who is then more likely to spread that...
  4. L

    Discontinued The Stealthvape

    While I totally agree with you that his comments seem irrelevant and inappropriate, the way a company handles such situations is indicative of their willingness to work with customers. And deleting comments and ignoring even the most abrasive of customers is unprofessional. There are ways to...
  5. L

    Discontinued The Stealthvape

    I think its a little early to throw the baby out with the bath water. That video, and I follow the consensus, was the biggest step they've made toward turning people off to the product. The deleting of comments is also exceptionally aggravating because terrible customer service separates a...
  6. L

    Portable Vape Thoughts

    The more I look at products I'm starting to think there should be 3 categories of vaporizers: stationary, portable, and steathy. A lot of the portable units that have features I like are usually bigger, and the steathy ones i like give smaller hits and lose charge faster. Seems like to have...
  7. L

    Portable Vape Thoughts

    Id have to say that in my mind the real competition has been between the TV and the VB. though i see that the arizer solo is only like 170$ on ebay, which is enticing. I have read recently that people are having problems with theirs. At this point im just too lazy to go and read up on those...
  8. L

    Portable Vape Thoughts

    I like the design of the MFLB and its size, but I really don't like is that it is made of wood, a porous substance that, from older-unit pics ive seen, absorbs a lot of the soot and smell and dirt and so on over its life span. so eventually will be very unclean.
  9. L

    Portable Vape Thoughts

    Thanks for the welcome technique! Didnt want me first post to be a TLDR so admittedly I omitted some key aspects of vape rationale. I've got the party thing covered with my Extreme Q. And my public use is usually 2-4 people, (car or backpacking is usually the where). Stealth is key. I tend to...
  10. L

    Portable Vape Thoughts

    just curious as to your reasoning.
  11. L

    Portable Vape Thoughts

    Sorry if this is a repost, but the search function is giving me 505 errors. Anyway, long time lurker, first time poster. just wanted to say hi and mention a few of my thoughts on portable vaportizers and get others' opinions as well. From the research i've done and the reviews i've read there...
  12. L

    Portable Vape Thoughts

    Sorry if this is a repost, but the search function is giving me 505 errors. Anyway, long time lurker, first time poster. just wanted to say hi and mention a few of my thoughts on portable vaportizers and get others' opinions as well. From the research i've done and the reviews i've read there...
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